Chuyên trang Quản lý môi trường trân trọng giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 43-2023.
Về quản lý môi trường
– Viễn thám khí quyển đối với phát thải khí metan do con người tạo ra: Ứng dụng và cơ hội nghiên cứu.
– Dự đoán cường độ phát thải carbon liên quan đến năng lượng ở Trung Quốc, Mỹ, Ấn Độ, Nga và Nhật Bản bằng mô hình Verhulst tổng quát màu xám tự thích ứng mới.
– Điều tra tác động của quản trị môi trường, đổi mới xanh và năng lượng tái tạo đến dấu chân vật chất được điều chỉnh theo thương mại ở các nước G20.
– Phản đối nền kinh tế chia sẻ: Tại sao một số người tiêu dùng và nhà cung cấp không tham gia chia sẻ P2P.
– Tài nguyên thiên nhiên, chính sách môi trường và nguồn năng lượng tái tạo để phát thải dựa trên sản xuất: Bằng chứng của các nền kinh tế OECD.
– Vi nhựa trong môi trường: Nhu cầu cấp thiết về các chính sách và chiến lược quản lý chất thải phối hợp.
– Con đường dẫn đến sự bền vững của nước? Một nghiên cứu toàn cầu đánh giá lợi ích của quản lý tổng hợp tài nguyên nước.
– Sự quan tâm của Chính phủ về bảo vệ môi trường và hành động giảm lượng carbon của doanh nghiệp: Bằng chứng từ phân tích văn bản của các doanh nghiệp sản xuất.
– Xu hướng toàn cầu về chất thải: Phân tích thư mục.
– Hướng tới nền kinh tế tuần hoàn: Nghiên cứu hiệu quả của các chiến lược quản lý rác thải nhựa khác nhau: Đánh giá toàn diện.
Về môi trường đô thị
– Chiết xuất thực vật As bằng Pteris vittata L. được hỗ trợ bằng phân trộn bùn thải đô thị và cơ chế liên quan.
– Một mũi tên hai con chim: Vai trò đa dạng của xử lý thủy nhiệt trong việc khử nước bùn đô thị và sản xuất các sản phẩm có giá trị gia tăng.
– Ảnh hưởng của các tải trọng khác nhau đến khả năng loại bỏ PCDD/F bằng SCR trong quá trình đốt chất thải rắn đô thị.
– Xử lý xúc tác quang điện đối với nước thải đô thị có chứa các chất gây ô nhiễm mới nổi bằng mod.
– Ảnh hưởng của axit humic đến quá trình lọc kim loại (loid) trong nước rỉ rác bãi rác nhằm nâng cao hiệu quả khai thác bãi rác.
– Mạng lưới sông đô thị bị ô nhiễm do axit perfluoroalkyl (PFAA) được đưa vào trong các quy định về sông.
– Lập hồ sơ Metagenomics và proteomics của các chất polyme ngoại bào từ bùn thải đô thị và ứng dụng của chúng trong xử lý sinh học đất và nước.
– Đánh giá sự đóng góp độ ẩm từ lượng mưa, chất thải và nước rỉ rác đối với các bãi chôn lấp chất thải rắn đô thị đang hoạt động.
– Khám phá quỹ đạo và nguồn vận chuyển PM2.5 tại các quận trong phạm vi thành phố.
Về môi trường khu công nghiệp
– Tái tạo bụi đường ở khu đô thị liên đô thị ven biển Đại Tây Dương với các cơ sở công nghiệp: Hệ số phát thải, thành phần hóa học và độc tính sinh thái.
– Zeolite tổng hợp từ chất thải rắn công nghiệp, nông nghiệp và ứng dụng của chúng: Tổng quan.
– Tích hợp mạng lưới cấp nước cho khu công nghiệp dựa trên các chỉ số số.
– Đo lường tiềm năng chuyển đổi nền kinh tế tuần hoàn đối với chất thải công nghiệp.
– Chiến lược xanh để cải thiện chất lượng không khí và vi khí hậu đô thị: Nghiên cứu điển hình về một khu công nghiệp và cơ sở của Ý.
– Mô phỏng và tối ưu hóa thu hồi CO2 bằng dung môi Water-Lean từ khí thải công nghiệp.
– Cơ chế ảnh hưởng và tác động tách rời của lượng khí thải carbon sinh ra: Một phân tích dựa trên ngành công nghiệp của Trung Quốc.
– Vật liệu hấp phụ dựa trên cellulose để xử lý nước: Khai thác tiềm năng của chúng trong việc loại bỏ kim loại nặng và thuốc nhuộm.
Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam
Xin trân trọng giới thiệu!
Pleased to present to our valued readers the International Environmental Bulletin No. 43-2023, featuring the following key topics:
1. Atmospheric remote sensing for anthropogenic methane emissions: Applications and research opportunities
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 893, 1 October 2023, 164701
Methane is the second most significant greenhouse gas (GHG) only after carbon dioxide. Human activities substantially increase the atmospheric methane concentration globally, but little is known about the distribution and characteristics of anthropogenic methane emissions. Remote sensing approaches can identify, geolocate, and quantify near-surface methane emissions. This literature review summarizes the devices, methods, implementations, and potential research opportunities for atmospheric remote sensing of anthropogenic methane emissions. Specifically, this literature review has identified that methane emissions are primarily generated from three key sectors and one key area: the energy sector, the waste sector, the agriculture sector, and the general urban area. Regional and point source emission quantifications are two major study challenges. This review concludes that different sectors have different emission patterns, and therefore, proper remote sensing instruments and platforms might be chosen according to different study tasks. Among the paper reviewed, the energy sector is the most well-studied, while the emissions in the waste sector, the agriculture sector, and the urban areas are less clear. In the future, new methane observation satellites and portable remote sensing instruments provide opportunities to improve understanding of methane emissions. Moreover, the synergistic applications among several different remote sensing instruments and cooperation between top-down and bottom-up measurements can mitigate the limitation of each individual instrument and can achieve better monitoring performance.
2. Prediction of energy-related carbon emission intensity in China, America, India, Russia, and Japan using a novel self-adaptive grey generalized Verhulst model
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 423, 15 October 2023, 138656
Excessive energy-related carbon emission intensity will lead to deterioration of environmental quality and hinder green economic growth. This paper proposes a novel self-adaptive fractional order grey generalized Verhulst model (SAFGGVM) to predict energy-related carbon emission intensity in China, America, India, Russia, and Japan with nonlinear and complex characteristics effectively. Firstly, self-adaptive fractional order and dynamic background value coefficient are introduced to capture the nonlinear evolutionary trends. Subsequently, the optimal nonlinear parameters are determined using Grey Wolf Optimization algorithm through comprehensive comparison. Furthermore, the flexibility of SAFGGVM is verified by presenting its relevance to existing models. Finally, the validity, applicability, and robustness of SAFGGVM are confirmed by comparing with two machine learning models and four grey prediction models. The empirical results exhibit that the overall precision of SAFGGVM model significantly prevails over the others in five cases, with MAPE values less than 6% in both the simulation and prediction intervals. The out-of-sample forecast results indicate that the energy-related carbon emission intensity of five countries will fall into 5.7024, 1.6030, 7.3668, 8.1633, 2.0399 tons/10,000 USD by 2025, and the decreasing rate of developing countries tends to catch up with, or even exceed, developed countries. Projection results can serve as a reference point for countries to achieve green and sustainable development.
3. Investigating the impact of environmental governance, green innovation, and renewable energy on trade-adjusted material footprint in G20 countries
Resources Policy, Volume 86, Part A, October 2023, 104212
The primary objective of the recent “Conference of the Parties,” such as decarbonization, cannot be attained without considering sustainable resource management. The high consumption of natural resources in exportable goods amplifies natural resource conservation challenges and accelerates negative environmental externalities. The existing literature barely addressed the factors affecting natural resource management. This study has taken the initiative to evaluate the impact of environmental governance, green innovation, and renewable energy transition on the trade-adjusted resources management (through material footprint) in G-20 countries from 1990 to 2020. The study applied the method of the moments quantile regression to address non-linearity and heterogeneous parameters. The outcomes explored that environmental governance significantly reduces material footprint across all quantiles, while reduction effects are heterogeneous from lower to higher quantiles. Besides, green innovation and renewable energy transition profoundly mitigate the resource footprint at all innovative quantiles (0.1-0.9) with different magnitude and significance levels. The results also affirm the resource-based Environmental Kuznets Curve. Similar findings are also endorsed using alternative panel estimators. Overall the study offers valuable policy implications to improve resource management by enhancing ecological governance, green technologies, and energy transition in G-20 economies.
4. Resistance to the sharing economy: Why some consumers and providers do not participate in P2P sharing
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 422, 10 October 2023, 138628
This study examines the barriers that hinder individuals form participating in the sharing economy. It analyzes whether non-users’ unfavorable perceptions of peer-to-peer (P2P) sharing (active resistance barriers), or their aversion to change and satisfaction with the status quo (passive resistance barriers) cause them to reject P2P sharing. By conducting separate structural equation modeling (SEM) analyses on a sample of 233 non-consumers and 240 non-providers, the study differentiates between resistance to P2P consuming and P2P providing. The findings reveal that non-users’ resistance to P2P sharing is primarily driven by active resistance barriers. Non-consumers reject P2P consuming as a result of the usage barrier, value barrier, trust barrier and economic risks, whereas non-providers reject P2P providing due to the usage barrier and functional risks. This research contributes to the sharing economy literature by shedding light on the underexplored topic of resistance to P2P sharing, particularly emphasizing the overlooked role of P2P providing. It shows that P2P sharing possesses distinct characteristics resulting in unique resistance patterns that differ from those observed in B2C sharing. Furthermore, the study extends the innovation resistance literature by applying both active and passive resistance frameworks in the context of a service innovation, broadening the scope beyond the commonly studied active resistance to product innovations.
5. Natural resources, environmental policies and renewable energy resources for production-based emissions: OECD economies evidence
Resources Policy, Volume 86, Part A, October 2023, 104096
Economic growth and environmental degradation are consistently increasing in developed economies due to expansion in the industrial sector and excessive use of natural resources. As a result, production-based carbon emissions increased during the last three decades, for which scholars have recommended several remedial measures. This study investigates the importance of natural resources and environmental regulations in attaining environmental sustainability via reducing production-based emissions in 21 OECD economies. Besides, the role of renewable electricity output and economic growth is also considered. This study uses several cointegration tests and concludes that the long-run association between the variables existed between 1990 and 2020. Due to the non-linearity issue, this study uses the method of moment quantile regression, which indicates natural resources and economic growth as the primary factor of production-based emission. However, stringent environmental policies increased environmental tax, and improved renewable electricity significantly reduced production-based emissions, leading to environmental sustainability. This study uses parametric estimation techniques to authenticate the empirical results and bidirectional causal connections between the variables. This study suggests further strengthening environmental management via stringent environmental policy, imposing an enhanced environmental tax on extensive carbon sectors, and investing in renewable electricity generation.
6. Microplastics in the environment: An urgent need for coordinated waste management policies and strategies
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 344, 15 October 2023, 118713
Microplastics (MPs) have become a prevalent environmental concern, exerting detrimental effects on marine and terrestrial ecosystems, as well as human health. Addressing this urgent issue necessitates the implementation of coordinated waste management policies and strategies. In this study, we present a comprehensive review focusing on key results and the underlying mechanisms associated with microplastics. We examine their sources and pathways, elucidate their ecological and human health impacts, and evaluate the current state of waste management policies. By drawing upon recent research and pertinent case studies, we propose a range of practical solutions, encompassing enhanced recycling and waste reduction measures, product redesign, and innovative technological interventions. Moreover, we emphasize the imperative for collaboration and cooperation across sectors and jurisdictions to effectively tackle this pressing environmental challenge. The findings of this study contribute to the broader understanding of microplastics and provide valuable insights for policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders alike.
7. Environmental efficiency, climate innovation, and resource rent in Chinaʼs SDGs: Insights from quantile regressions
Resources Policy, Volume 86, Part A, October 2023, 104021
To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in China, this research examines the dynamic roles that environmental system efficiency, climate technology innovation, and natural resource rent play. We analyze data from 1996 to 2018 using a unique quantile regression technique to examine the empirical insights and patterns associated with these parameters. Our results highlight the complex interplay between China’s SDG achievement across various quantiles and environmental system efficiency, climate technology innovation, natural resource rent, and rent. By investigating this connection, we help to advance knowledge of the many facets of sustainable development in China and provide insightful information to stakeholders and policymakers. The findings of this research have significant ramifications for developing strategies and policies that effectively advance sustainable development while considering the intricate interaction between environmental effectiveness, technological innovation, and natural resource management.
8. Pathways to water sustainability? A global study assessing the benefits of integrated water resources management
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 343, 1 October 2023, 118179
Integrated water resources management (IWRM) has been central to water governance and management worldwide since the 1990s. Recognizing the significance of an integrated approach to water management as a way to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), IWRM was formally incorporated as part of the SDG global indicator framework, thus committing the UN and its Member States to achieving high IWRM implementation by 2030 and measuring progress through SDG indicator 6.5.1. This paper examines the extent to which the implementation of IWRM improves the sustainable management of water and the health of water-related ecosystems-a first-of-its-kind in terms of quantitative analysis on a global scale. To achieve this objective, we conducted regression analyses between SDG 6.5.1 (both IWRM (total score) and the dimensions of SDG 6.5.1) and key water-related environmental sustainability indicators: SDG 6.2.1a (access to basic sanitation), 6.3.1 (treated wastewater), 6.4.1 (water-use efficiency), 6.4.2 (water stress), 6.6.1 (freshwater ecosystems, although here the trophic state and turbidity variables were used) and 6.3.2 (ambient water quality). Our analysis covers 124 countries for all these SDGs, with the exception of SDG 6.3.1 and SDG 6.3.2, which cover 112 and 85 countries, respectively. Results show that IWRM-to different degrees-is mainly associated with the good status of water-related sustainability indicators, with the exception of water stress, water quality, and turbidity. We observe a strong impact of control variables such as governance arrangements, economic situation and environmental and geographical conditions. Lagged effects and the scope of the framework may also explain some observed variations in the degree of association. Our study highlights the importance of further uncovering the interlinkages between IWRM implementation and the achievement of water-related environmental sustainability. Overall, the results suggest that although IWRM implementation is primarily linked to sustainable water management and the health of water systems, context-specific factors should be taken into account when evaluating its effectiveness, to enable policy- and decision-makers to make the necessary adjustments to optimize its outcomes.
9. Government attention on environmental protection and firms’ carbon reduction actions: Evidence from text analysis of manufacturing enterprises
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 423, 15 October 2023, 138703
The government’s attention on environmental protection (GAEP) can signal work priorities and resource allocations to firms, promoting them to implement more carbon reduction actions. Based on the data of listed manufacturing firms in China from 2012 to 2021, this paper measures the GAEP and firms’ carbon reduction actions through textual analysis, and then examines the relationship between GAEP and firms’ carbon reduction actions. We find that the GAEP could improve firms’ carbon reduction actions. This study further indicates that the increase in GAEP leads to the better allocation of environmental subsidies, thereby further positively impacting on firms’ carbon reduction actions, and we also demonstrate the positive moderating effect of government-firm relationship. In addition, GAEP could be a stronger effect for state-owned enterprises and the firms located in the eastern and central China.
10. Global trends in waste materials: A bibliometric analysis
Materials Today: Proceedings, Available online 17 October 2023
This study conducts a comprehensive analysis of international waste management trends through bibliometric and scientific investigation, with the goal of identifying the most significant and productive authors, works, sources, and countries. The analysis utilized tools such as Biblioshiny with R Studio and VoSviewer software. A carefully designed methodology, involving keyword search, exclusion and inclusion criteria, and relevance and validity tests, was employed to select and analyse 162 articles using content analysis method.
The most relevant authors, articles, journals and countries impacting waste management studies are identified. The intellectual structure of the research emphasizes the significance of efficient waste management techniques, circular economy ideas, environmental laws, and sustainable development, particularly in underdeveloped nations. Research on certain topics like “Biodiversity,” “Air Pollution,” and “Drinking Water” were consistently popular over time, while others like “Plutonium” and “Acidification” had intermittent spikes in interest. Thematic mapping analysis reveals three distinct themes: motor theme focuses on human-environment interactions for sustainable development, niche theme centres on monitoring plastic pollution’s impact on non-human environments, and basic theme highlights recycling and waste management for a circular economy. A theoretical framework of waste management which encompasses environmental studies, the circular economy, environmental regulations, and sustainable development is developed based on the themes identified from the study. Conclusions are drawn and Future research directions are proposed.
11. Toward a circular economy: Investigating the effectiveness of different plastic waste management strategies: A comprehensive review
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 11, Issue 5, October 2023, 110993
Plastic waste has emerged as one of the most pressing environmental challenges of our time. It is estimated that over 8 million tons of plastic end up in our oceans each year, threatening marine life and habitats. Additionally, plastic waste has been linked to adverse health effects in humans, making it a problem that requires urgent attention. This review article provides a comprehensive overview of the plastic waste problem, including its spread and impact on the environment. The latest research on plastic waste management strategies, covering mechanical, physical, chemical, and biological approaches was investigated. Moreover, the advantages and limitations of each technique, emphasizing the need for a multi-faceted approach to the problem, were highlighted. As an alternative to traditional plastics, the potential of bioplastics, which are derived from renewable resources and can be biodegradable, compostable, or recyclable was reviewed. The availability of bioplastics in the market, their physical properties, and their potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and waste generation were monitored. Overall, this article underscores the urgent need for effective plastic waste management strategies that integrate multiple approaches. It emphasizes the importance of adopting a circular economy model that prioritizes waste reduction, reuse, and recycling, while also exploring alternative materials such as bioplastics. The article concludes with a discussion of the challenges and opportunities for addressing the plastic waste problem and a call for collective action toward a more sustainable future.
12. Impact of institutional quality on ecological footprint: New insights from G20 countries
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 423, 15 October 2023, 138670
The complex relationship between institutional quality and ecological footprint (ECF) has been verified in prior literature; however, the subject is still inadequately explored and often disregarded to highlight areas where specific policy tensions exist. Therefore, this study aims to delve into the significance of institutional quality on ECF through a limited information maximum likelihood (LIML) panel analysis in the G20 countries from 2000 to 2022. For a precise evaluation, the study innovatively constructs a composite institutional quality index (IQI) and three indices under the accountability, transparency, and participation dimensions. Additionally, the study develops an economic uncertainty predictor to capture the effects of external economic shocks on the subject. The results obtained from the LIML estimation demonstrate that IQI is substantive in reducing ECF in the recipient panel. Further, the findings highlight that all three dimensions of IQI are significant in abating ECF, while the transparency index yields a higher influence on abating ECF. It is also observed that IQI plays an effective role in modulating the relationships between ECF, financial development, human development, growth, and energy consumption, while it is found to be insignificant in reducing the negative effects of globalization on ECF. Finally, the results indicate that IQI is highly influential in eliminating the adverse impact of external shocks on ECF. The results are robust and have specific policy implications.
13. The pollution control effect of the atmospheric environmental policy in autumn and winter: Evidence from the daily data of Chinese cities
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 343, 1 October 2023, 118164
The pollution control effect of seasonal environmental regulation policies in developing countries still lacks empirical evidence. In 2017, China implemented its first Atmospheric Environmental Policy in Autumn and Winter (AEPAW) to coordinate efforts among cities in reducing air pollutant emissions. Taking the daily panel data of 174 cities in northern China from July 2017 to July 2020 as samples, this paper empirically examines the pollution control effect of the AEPAW using a difference-in-differences model, a difference-in-difference-in-differences model, and a regression discontinuity design. The results show that the AEPAW significantly improves air quality in autumn and winter, with the air quality index decreasing by 5.6% on average by reducing PM2.5, PM10, SO2, and O3 emissions. However, the AEPAW only creates a short-term “policy-induced blue sky”, and there exists a phenomenon of “retaliatory pollution” after the AEPAW ends. Besides, the pollution control effect of the AEPAW is moderated by the heterogeneity of the national “Two Sessions” and the Central Environmental Protection Inspection. The implementation of the AEPAW also has a significant spillover effect on air pollution control in surrounding areas. The net benefit from the AEPAW is estimated to be approximately US$ 670 million per year. These findings not only have practical significance for strengthening the comprehensive control of air pollution in China, but also give some important references for other developing countries.
14. Advances and applications of machine learning and deep learning in environmental ecology and health
Environmental Pollution, Volume 335, 15 October 2023, 122358
Machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) possess excellent advantages in data analysis (e.g., feature extraction, clustering, classification, regression, image recognition and prediction) and risk assessment and management in environmental ecology and health (EEH). Considering the rapid growth and increasing complexity of data in EEH, it is of significance to summarize recent advances and applications of ML and DL in EEH. This review summarized the basic processes and fundamental algorithms of the ML and DL modeling, and indicated the urgent needs of ML and DL in EEH. Recent research hotspots such as environmental ecology and restoration, environmental fate of new pollutants, chemical exposures and risks, chemical hazard identification and control were highlighted. Various applications of ML and DL in EEH demonstrate their versatility and technological revolution, and present some challenges. The perspective of ML and DL in EEH were further outlined to promote the innovative analysis and cultivation of the ML-driven research paradigm.
15. The health and economic impacts of emergency measures to combat heavy air pollution
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 423, 15 October 2023, 138655
Emergency measures are effective measures that can be quickly taken in response to heavy air pollution. They not only have an obvious impact on slowing down the accumulation of particulate matter but also have a significant impact on public health and socio-economic development. Therefore, to analyze the effectiveness of emergency measures, one must assess their environmental, health and economic impacts. In this paper, we use exposure-response functions and a city-level computable general equilibrium (CGE) model to do so for China’s Jing-Jin-Ji region. We find that the emergency measures implemented in 2019 significantly improve the region’s air quality and enhance public health by reducing risk associated with acute bronchitis. Moreover, those emergency measures notably benefit the Jing-Jin-Ji region economically by expanding labor supply, most notably in Beijing and Tianjin. It seems Beijing and Tianjin should compensate industrial cities in Hebei, which enabled the Jing-Jin-Ji region’s better air quality but encountered far fewer economic benefits. Handan, Baoding, and Cangzhou are among the cities in Hebei that are expanding employment in manufacturing and service sectors. These results can provide scientific guidance and policy suggestions for government while using emergency measures to combat regional heavy air pollution considering its health and economic benefits.
16. Charting the path toward a greener world: A review of facilitating and inhibiting factors for carbon neutrality
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 423, 15 October 2023, 138423
The carbon neutrality (CN) literature has witnessed a mushrooming growth but also limited attempts to systematize the mass of evidence running in multiple directions. The consequent accumulation of fragmented insights can confuse concerned stakeholders, causing them to neglect or miss crucial discussions. Our study addresses this concern by undertaking a systematic literature review (SLR) of congruent studies to delineate the facilitating and inhibiting factors that support or impede the efficacious achievement of CN targets. Given the vastness of the extant literature, we limited our review to five sectors: manufacturing, energy, transportation, agriculture, and construction (METAC), since these are known to be among the highest contributors to emissions. Using a rigorous search and filtration protocol, we shortlisted 149 studies for inclusion in the review. Going beyond the curation of insights and identifying research gaps to suggest potential research questions for future investigations, our SLR contributes significantly by synthesizing facilitators and inhibitors from the reported evidence. At the same time, identifying stimulating forces and impeding hurdles helped us highlight areas requiring policy attention and managerial action to support the achievement of CN targets.
1. Phytoextraction of As by Pteris vittata L. assisted with municipal sewage sludge compost and associated mechanism
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 893, 1 October 2023, 164705
Pteris vittata L. (PV), an arsenic (As) hyperaccumulator, has a potential to extract As from As-polluted soils. Since available As in soils can be taken up by PV, As fraction variation associated rhizosphere environmental characteristics caused by municipal sewage sludge compost (MSSC) could provide possible to strengthen As phytoextraction by PV. In this study, the mechanism of phytoextraction of PV aided by MSSC was revealed from aspect of environmental characteristics of rhizosphere soils and physiological properties of PV. The effect of MSSC on available As in soils was investigated by soil incubation experiment. Furthermore, the influences of MSSC on enzymes activities, communities of soil bacteria and fungi, As concentrations, and As fraction in rhizosphere soils of PV were explored, and then the biomass and As accumulation of PV were examined by greenhouse pot experiments. After 90 days, available As in soil incubation experiment significantly increased by 32.63 %, 43.05 %, and 36.84 % under 2 %, 5 %, and 10 % treatment, respectively, compared with control treatment. Moreover, As concentrations in rhizosphere soils of PV under 2 %, 5 %, and 10 % treatment decreased by 4.62 %, 8.68 %, and 7.47 %, respectively, compared with control treatment. The available nutrients and enzyme activities in rhizosphere soils of PVs were improved under the MSSC treatment. Affected by MSSC, the dominant phylum and genus for both bacterial and fungal communities didn’t change, but their relative abundance increased. Additionally, MSSC significantly increased biomass of PV with corresponding mean ranging from 2.82 to 3.42 g in shoot and 1.82 to 1.89 g in root, respectively. And the concentrations of As in shoot and root of PV treated by MSSC increased by 29.04 %–144.7 % and 26.34 %–81.78 %, respectively, in relative to control. The results of this study provided a basis for MSSC-strengthened phytoremediation for As-polluted soils.
2. Two birds with one stone: The multiple roles of hydrothermal treatment in dewatering municipal sludge and producing value-added products
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 896, 20 October 2023, 165072
Sludge dewatering and resource recovery are key steps in the sustainable treatment of municipal sludge (MS) owing to the high levels of moisture and nutrients. Among the treatment options available, hydrothermal treatment (HT) is promising to efficiently improve dewaterability and recover biofuels, nutrients, and materials from MS. However, hydrothermal conversion at different HT conditions generates multiple products. Integrating the characteristics of dewaterability and value-added products under different HT conditions facilitates the application of HT for the sustainable management of MS. Therefore, a comprehensive review of HT for its multiple roles in MS dewatering and value-added resource recovery is conducted. First, the impact of HT temperature on sludge dewaterability and key mechanisms are summarized. Then, this study elucidates the characteristics of biofuels produced (combustible gases, hydrochars, biocrudes, and H2-rich gases), nutrient recovery (proteins and phosphorus), and value-added materials under a wide range of HT conditions. Importantly, along with the integration and evaluation of HT product characteristics under different HT temperatures, this work proposes a conceptual sludge treatment system that integrates the different value-added products in different HT stages. Furthermore, a critical evaluation of the knowledge gaps in the HT for sludge deep dewatering, biofuels, nutrients, and materials recovery is provided along with recommendations for further research.
3. Influence of different loads on PCDD/F removal by SCR during municipal solid waste incineration
Chemosphere, Volume 338, October 2023, 139516
This study was conducted on a full-scale (500 t/d) municipal solid waste incinerator (MSWI), investigating the influence of different loads on the emission of polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and their removal by selective catalytic reduction (SCR) system. The total concentration of PCDD/Fs at the SCR inlet under 100% load was higher than that under 80% load. The changing loads caused different distribution characteristics of PCDD/Fs at the SCR inlet, and the dominant congeners changed from high-chlorinated PCDDs (80% load) to low-chlorinated PCDFs (100% load). Moreover, the increased load enhanced the removal efficiency of PCDD/Fs by SCR from 17.3% to 64.2%, which was influenced by the inlet PCDD/F distribution and the moisture content. The high-chlorinated PCDD/Fs with the more stable structure were more difficult to be deteriorated and the high moisture content can weaken the catalytic activity of SCR catalysts. Correlation analysis was used to study the relationship between major air pollutants and PCDD/F emissions. The results showed that HCl positively correlated with PCDD/F emission concentrations, while NOx and SO2 negatively correlated. The results of this study can provide a reference for MSWI to operate properly under variable loads.
4. Photoelectrocatalytic treatment of municipal wastewater with emerging concern pollutants using mod
Chemosphere, Volume 339, October 2023, 139575
Municipal wastewater contains emergent chemical and biological pollutants that are resistant to conventional wastewater treatments. Therefore, the focus of the current study was to address the challenge of removing emergent chemical and biological pollutants present in municipal wastewater. To achieve this, a photo electro-catalytic (PEC) treatment approach was employed, focusing on the removal of both micro and biological pollutants that are of emergent concern, as well as the reduction of Chemical Oxidation Demand (COD) and Total Organic Carbon (TOC). The treatment involved the use of a modified multi-layer catalytic anode photo-electroactive anode as an effective anode for PEC treatment of municipal wastewater. In the continuous mode of operation, %COD removal was optimized for the treatment of municipal wastewater under Ultra-Violet C (UVc), 280 nm, and Visible (Vis) radiation, 400 nm. Therefore, a comparative study was performed to investigate the effect of Vis radiation on %COD removal, micropollutants removal, and disinfection of municipal wastewater. Micropollutants present in municipal wastewater were effectively oxidized/degraded with the highest reduction rate between 100% and 80% under the influence of UVc and Vis radiation respectively by the PEC treatment process. Disinfection of various microorganisms present in the wastewater with the effect of UVc and Vis assisted PEC treatment was also monitored. Overall, 75–80% of the disinfection of municipal wastewater was contributed by the modified multi-layer catalytic anode. The UVc in the PEC system, contributes approximately 20–25% to the overall disinfection of municipal wastewater.
5. The influence of humic acid on metal(loid)s leaching in landfill leachate for enhancing landfill mining
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 896, 20 October 2023, 165250
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of different concentrations of humic acid on the recovery rate of metal(loid)s in landfill leachate. The study focused on the release of 12 selected metal(loid)s, including critical raw materials (CRM) in landfills that were less than five years old and those that were more than ten years old. The experimental setup involved using different concentrations of humic acid (w/v) (0 %, 0.1 %, and 0.5 %) at pH 4 and 6. The results of the study showed that humic acid was effective in releasing Al, Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, and Pb. On the other hand, an increase in humic acid concentration led to a decrease in the release of Li, Mn, and Hg. The immobilization of Li, Mn, and Hg was due to the coordination and adsorption of humic acid. The presence of humic acid accelerated the release of metal(loid)s by carboxylic acidity compared to the recovery rate of metal(loid)s in landfill leachate without humic acid. However, a higher concentration of humic acid did not always result in a stronger recovery rate. The recovery rate of metal(loid)s was related to the solubility and concentration of humic acid. These findings can inform the development of more efficient and environmentally-friendly methods of recovering metal(loid)s using humic acid as a leaching agent.
6. Occurrence and removal rate of typical pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) in an urban wastewater treatment plant in Beijing, China
Chemosphere, Volume 339, October 2023, 139644
The occurrence and removal rate of 52 typical pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs) were investigated in a wastewater treatment plant in Beijing, China. Thirty-three PPCPs were found in the influent, with caffeine (CF, 11387.0 ng L−1) being the most abundant, followed by N,N-diethyl-meta-toluamide (DEET, 9568.4 ng L−1), metoprolol (MTP, 930.2 ng L−1), and diclofenac (DF, 710.3 ng L−1). After treatment processes, the cumulative concentration of PPCPs decreased from 2.54 × 104 ng L−1 to 1.44 × 103 ng L−1, with the overall removal efficiency (RE) of 94.3%. Different treatment processes showed varying contributions in removing PPCPs. PPCPs were efficiently removed in sedimentation, anoxic, and ultraviolet units. For individual compounds, a great variation in RE (52.1–100%) was observed. Twenty-two PPCPs were removed by more than 90%. The highly detected PPCPs in the influent were almost completely removed. Aerated grit chamber removed nearly 50% of fluoroquinolone (FQs) and more than 60% of sulfonamides. Most PPCPs showed low or negative removals during anaerobic treatment, except for CF which was eliminated by 64.9%. Anoxic treatment demonstrated positive removals for most PPCPs, with the exceptions of DF, MTP, bisoprolol, carbamazepine (CBZ), and sibutramine. DEET and bezafibrate were efficiently removed during the secondary sedimentation. Denitrification biological filter and membrane filtration also showed positive effect on most PPCPs removals. The remaining compounds were oxidized by 16–100% in ozonation. DF, sulpiride, ofloxacin (OFL), trimethoprim, and phenolphthalein were not amenable to ultraviolet. After the treatment, the residue OFL, CBZ, and CF in receiving water were identified to pose high risk to aquatic organisms. Considering the complex mixtures emitted into the environment, therapeutic groups psychotropics, stimulant, and FQs were classified as high risk. These findings provide valuable insights into adopting appropriate measures for more efficient PPCPs removals, and emphasize the importance of continued monitoring specific PPCPs and mixtures thereof to safeguard the ecosystem.
7. Contamination of the urban river network with perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) introduced during river regulations
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 893, 1 October 2023, 164775
River regulation has a key role in water resource management, but the introduced pollutants cannot be underestimated. This study reported spatiotemporal variations of perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) significantly affected by river regulations in a standard example of urban river network with bidirectional flow in China. Perfluoroalkyl sulfonic acids (PFSAs), mostly of domestic origin, dominated during discharge, and perfluoroalkyl carboxylic acids (PFCAs), industrial pollutants, during diversion. The estimated PFAA flux into the Yangtze River during discharge was 1.22 × 102 kg with 62.5 % from Taihu Lake and 37.5 % from the river network. And that from the Yangtze River during diversion was 90.2 kg with 72.2 % into Taihu Lake and 27.8 % into the river network. Our findings show that PFAAs can exert pressure on regional water security that most of the urban river network was at medium risk. This study improves understandings of the role of river regulations in urban water networks and provides solid reference for risk assessment.
8. Metagenomics and proteomics profiling of extracellular polymeric substances from municipal waste sludge and their application for soil and water bioremediation
Chemosphere, Volume 339, October 2023, 139767
This study assessed the components of anaerobically digested sludge, activated sludge, and microbial and extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) enzymes to identify the mechanisms underlying nitrogen removal and soil regeneration. 16S rRNA gene amplicon-based sequencing was used to determine the microbial community composition and the related National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) protein database was used to construct a conventional library from the observed community. EPS components were identified using gel-free proteomic (Liquid Chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry-LC/MS/MS) methods. Alginate-like EPS from aerobically activated sludge have strong potential for soil aggregation and water-holding capacity, whereas total EPS from anaerobic sludge have significant potential for ammonia removal under salt stress. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) revealed that both EPS may contain proteins, carbohydrates, humic compounds, uronic acid, and DNA and determined the presence of O–H, N–H, C–N, Cdouble bondO, and C–H functional groups. These results demonstrate that the overall enzyme activity may be inactivated at 30 g L-1 of salinity. An annotation found in Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG)- KEGG Automatic Annotation Server (KAAS) revealed that the top two metabolic activities in the EPS generated from the anaerobic sludge were methane and nitrogen metabolism. Therefore, we focused on the nitrogen metabolism reference map 00910. EPS from the anaerobically digested sludge exhibited nitrate reductase, nitrite reductase, and dehydrogenase activities. Assimilatory nitrate reduction, denitrification, nitrification, and anammox removed ammonia biochemically. The influence of microbial extracellular metabolites on water-holding capacity and soil aggregation was also investigated. The KAAS-KEGG annotation server was used to identify the main enzymes in the activated sludge-derived alginate-like extracellular EPS (ALE-EPS) samples. These include hydrolases, oxidoreductases, lyases, ligases, and transporters, which contribute to soil fertility and stability. This study improves our understanding of the overall microbial community structure and the associated biochemical processes, which are related to distinct functional genes or enzymes involved in nitrogen removal and soil aggregation. In contrast to conventional methods, microbial association with proteomics can be used to investigate ecological relationships, establishments, key player species, and microbial responses to environmental changes. Linking the metagenome to off-gel proteomics and bioinformatics solves the problem of analyzing metabolic pathways in complex environmental samples in a cost-effective manner.
9. Assessing moisture contributions from precipitation, waste, and leachate for active municipal solid waste landfills
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 344, 15 October 2023, 118443
Precipitation, evapotranspiration (ET), waste tonnage, landfill gas (LFG), and leachate data were aggregated from public sources to perform a 5–10 year water balance and estimate the contributions of three water sources (precipitation, incoming waste, and leachate recycling) for 36 active municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills in Ohio, USA. Uniquely, the water balance incorporated waste decomposition, using gas collection data to inform mass loss from biodegradation. Moisture contents of 20–30% for incoming waste indicate that entrained water is the largest source of landfill moisture. Infiltration of precipitation into the landfill after ET was the second largest source. Even at facilities where a majority of the leachate generated was recirculated, it did not significantly affect the moisture content in that year. Using the water balance approach, it appears leachate recirculation is unlikely to increase moisture content above 40% by mass, a regulatory threshold in the US, which would impose stricter air pollution control requirements. However, poor stormwater management could easily allow for “bioreactor” conditions to develop. The calculated landfill moisture content was significantly affected by the assumed runoff coefficient (CRO) parameter. CRO values below 20% and above 50% produced unrealistically high or low moisture contents, respectively. This approach can assist operators and regulators in understanding the contribution of different sources to a landfill’s moisture profile and avoid future operational problems.
10. The effect of social economy-water resources-water environment coupling system on water consumption and pollution emission based on input-output analysis in Changchun city, China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 423, 15 October 2023, 138719
With the rapid development of social economy, water resources consumed excessively and water pollution emissions increased. However, few studies have considered the feedback of water resources and water environment on social economy. In this study, a social economy-water resources-water environment coupling system was constructed by multiple regression model and system dynamic model. Five scenarios were set to investigate the relationship among industrial restructuring, pollution treatment and water conservation in Changchun city, China. Based on input-output model, this study analyzed the effect of the coupling system on the economic efficiency of sectoral water consumption and pollution emission. The driving factors were identified and the contributions were quantified using structural decomposition analysis model. The results showed that pollution treatment and water conservation promoted economic development and increased Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 36.76%. The comprehensive effect of industrial restructuring, pollution treatment and water conservation was better than single measures, which made the GDP increment (44.39%), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) reduction (34.11%), Ammonia Nitrogen (NH3–N) reduction (52.50%) and total water consumption increment (7.56%) largest. Meanwhile, the comprehensive effect improved the water consumption efficiency of agriculture and service industries, reduced indirect water consumption in industrial sectors, and improved the economic benefits of pollution emissions in all sectors. The industrial restructuring further increased the contribution of population to COD emissions and the contribution of emission intensity to NH3–N emissions. Under the condition of comprehensive effect, the final demand level was the main factor for the increase of COD and NH3–N, contributing 36998.80 t and 821.07 t, respectively. Therefore, the government should pay attention to saving water resources and protecting water environment while developing social economy. The study quantified the coupling relationship between social economy, water resources and water environment, and provided guidance for water resources management in sectors.
11. Characteristics in dissolved organic matter and disinfection by-product formation during advanced treatment processes of municipal secondary effluent with Orbitrap mass spectrometry
Chemosphere, Volume 339, October 2023, 139725
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is reported to be a precursor to disinfection by-products (DBPs), which have adverse effects on human health. Therefore, it is crucial to effectively remove DOM before water disinfection. Characteristics of DOM and DBPs formation during advanced treatment processes including coagulation, adsorption, ultraviolet (UV) irradiation, and ozone (O3) oxidation in municipal secondary effluent were investigated in this research. DOM was characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), excitation-emission matrix fluorescence spectroscopy (EEM), and Orbitrap mass spectrometry (Orbitrap MS). Moreover, DBPs formation potential under different advanced treatment processes was also discussed. FTIR results indicated that various functional groups existing in DOM may react with the disinfectant to form toxic DBPs. EEM analysis indicated that DOM in all water samples was dominated by soluble microbial product-like (SMPs) and humic acid-like (HA) substances. The municipal secondary effluent was abundant with DOM and rich in carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen atoms, contained a certain dosage of phosphorus and sulfur atoms, and the highest proportion is lignin. Most of the precursors (CHO features) had positive double bond equivalent subtracted oxygen per carbon [(DBE-O)/C] and negative carbon oxidation state (Cos) in all four different advanced treatment processes. DBPs formation potential (DBPFP) of coagulation, adsorption, UV irradiation, and O3 oxidation advanced treatment processes were 487 μg L−1, 586 μg L−1, 597 μg L−1, and 308 μg L−1, respectively. And the DBPs precursors removal efficiency of coagulation, adsorption, UV irradiation, and O3 oxidation advanced treatment processes were 50.8%, 40.8%, 39.8%, and 69.0%, respectively. This study provides in-depth insights into the changes of DOM in municipal secondary effluent at the molecular level and the removal efficiency of DBPs precursors during coagulation, adsorption, UV irradiation, and O3 oxidation advanced treatment processes.
12. Spatio-temporal evolution of resources and environmental carrying capacity and its influencing factors: A case study of Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration
Environmental Research, Volume 234, 1 October 2023, 116469
Promoting ecological conservation and high-quality development in the Yellow River basin is an important objective in China’s 14th Five-Year Plan. Understanding the spatio-temporal evolution of and factors affecting the resources and environmental carrying capacity (RECC) of the urban agglomerations is critical for boosting high-quality green-oriented development. We first combined the Driver-Pressure-State-Impact-Response (DPSIR) framework and the improved Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) model to evaluate the RECC of Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration in 2000, 2010 and 2020; we then used trend analysis and spatial autocorrelation analysis to understand the spatio-temporal evolution and distribution pattern of RECC. Furthermore, we employed Geodetector to detect the influencing factors and classified the urban agglomeration into six zones based on the weighted Voronoi diagram of RECC as well as specific conditions of the study area. The results show that the RECC of Shandong Peninsula urban agglomeration increased consistently over time, from 0.3887 in 2000 to 0.4952 in 2010 and 0.6097 in 2020, respectively. Geographically, RECC decreased gradually from the northeast coast to the southwest inland. Globally, only in 2010 the RECC presented a significant spatial positive correlation, and that in the other years were not significant. The high-high cluster was mainly located in Weifang, while the low-low cluster in Jining. Furthermore, our study reveals three key factors—advancement of industrial structure, resident consumption level, and water consumption per ten thousand yuan of industrial added value—that affected the distribution of RECC. Other factors, including the interactions between residents’ consumption level and environmental regulation, residents’ consumption level and advancement of industrial structure, as well as between the proportion of R&D expenditure in GDP and resident consumption level also played important roles resulting in the variation of RECC among different cities within the urban agglomeration. Accordingly, we proposed suggestions for achieving high-quality development for different zones.
13. Uncovering PM2.5 transport trajectories and sources at district within city scale
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 423, 15 October 2023, 138608
To continuously improve air quality, it is necessary to carry out fine management of air pollution prevention and control. However, research into regional transport of PM2.5 at a smaller spatial scale such as district is limited. In this study, a novel combined method was constructed to simulate and identify the regional transport trajectories and potential sources of PM2.5 concentrations at district scale, based on a hybrid model that integrates the Bayesian maximum entropy (BME) model, Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) and backward trajectory model. Take Tianjin as an example, an analysis of the transport trajectories showed that the air masses from northwest and southwest were the dominant atmospheric transport pathway in all seasons except summer. The number of transport trajectories from northwest and southwest accounted for 42.41% and 40.75% of the total number of transport trajectories. Despite the dominant wind direction in winter was northwest, it can be beneficial to atmospheric transport. This was because northwest trajectories were the long-range pathways, corresponding to fast-moving air masses that facilitate the dispersion of pollutants. On contrast, it is noteworthy that the southwest trajectories were the short-range pathways, resulting in limited diffusion and unfavorable conditions. The major potential cities that were likely contributors of PM2.5 (Weighted Concentration-Weighted Trajectory (WCWT) values greater than 40 μg m−3) were situated in the southwest. Furthermore, the inter-district transport results indicated that the primary direction of PM2.5 transport in Tianjin was also from south to north. It is critical that the current layout of Tianjin is adjusted in a timely manner through relocating or phasing out, as the majority of industrial enterprises with severe air pollution in Tianjin are located in the southern districts. This method of combining BME, WRF and backward trajectory can be used for atmospheric environment planning in other similar city and district-scale around the world. It also provides useful insights to policy makers when they formulate pollutants prevention control policies.
14. Circular economy and waste management to empower a climate-neutral urban future
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 421, 1 October 2023, 138454
To mitigate climate change while catering to the needs of a growing population, cities need to find smarter ways to manage their resources, while reducing their greenhouse gas emissions. Since waste management and circular economy will be instrumental in this endeavour, the current level of circularity in cities, the environmental impact of related activities and sharable best practices need to be explored. This paper examines the roadmap to zero emissions of the 362 cities that expressed interest in the Horizon Europe 100 Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities Mission. Based on an unprecedented suite of city inputs, this study answers a set of research questions so far unaddressed due to the lack of a suitable dataset. The analysis focusses on a) current actions undertaken by cities in achieving a circular economy and reducing/optimising waste streams, b) envisioned circular actions in supporting climate neutrality by 2030, and c) urban sectors and metabolic flows for which circularity has a particularly high potential to mitigate climate change. Best practices are captured to create an informative set of actions aimed at policy-makers and at encouraging peer-to-peer learning. Finally, the barriers to incrementing circular approaches that emerge from the cities’ self-assessments are compared to those identified in existing scientific literature to provide input for a more comprehensive conceptual framework. Overall, this study distils how circular economy imaginaries are translated into local governance and policy-making by focussing on a large group of cities. This is key to truly understand why some initiatives fail and others succeed and can inform all relevant stakeholders on the next steps to take.
15. Application of magnetic-nanoparticle functionalized whole-cell biosensor array for bioavailability and ecotoxicity estimation at urban contaminated sites
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 896, 20 October 2023, 165292
The bioavailability and ecotoxicity of pollutants are important for urban ecological systems and human health, particularly at contaminated urban sites. Therefore, whole-cell bioreporters are used in many studies to assess the risks of priority chemicals; however, their application is restricted by low throughput for specific compounds and complicated operations for field tests. In this study, an assembly technology for manufacturing Acinetobacter-based biosensor arrays using magnetic nanoparticle functionalization was developed to solve this problem. The bioreporter cells maintained high viability, sensitivity, and specificity in sensing 28 priority chemicals, seven heavy metals, and seven inorganic compounds in a high-throughput manner, and their performance remained acceptable for at least 20 d. We also tested the performance by assessing 22 real environmental soil samples from urban areas in China, and our results showed positive correlations between the biosensor estimation and chemical analysis. Our findings prove the feasibility of the magnetic nanoparticle-functionalized biosensor array to recognize the types and toxicities of multiple contaminants for online environmental monitoring at contaminated sites.
16. Coupling effect of vehicle wake and jet flow on the dispersion characteristics and dilution efficiency of pollutants in urban highway tunnels
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 893, 1 October 2023, 164926
The pollutants emitted by traveling vehicles are prone to accumulation inside urban highway tunnels, which poses a serious threat to the driving safety and health of passengers. This study employed the dynamic mesh method to simulate a traveling vehicle and investigated the coupling effect of vehicle wake and jet flow on the dispersion characteristics of pollutants in urban highway tunnels. To ensure the accuracy of the numerical simulation results, the turbulence model (realizable k–ε model) and dynamic mesh model were validated through field tests. The results revealed that jet flow can disrupt the large-scale longitudinal vortices pattern in the wake region, whereas vehicle wake can simultaneously weaken the entrainment strength of jet flow. The jet flow was found to be decisive in the space with a height greater than 4 m, whereas the vehicle wake intensity was considerably stronger at the bottom space of the tunnel, leading to the accumulation of pollutants in the passenger breathing zone. To evaluate the effect of jet fans on pollutants in the breathing zone, an innovative dilution efficiency was proposed. The dilution efficiency can be significantly affected by the intensity of vehicle wake and turbulence. Moreover, the dilution efficiency of alternative jet fans was better than that of traditional jet fans.
1. The driving force of carbon emissions reduction in China: Does green finance work
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 421, 1 October 2023, 138502
Under the goal of “carbon peaking” and “carbon neutrality” in China, it is significant to explore whether green finance contributes to carbon emission reduction. Therefore, based on the panel data of 30 provinces in China from 2005 to 2020, this paper empirically examines the impact of green finance on carbon emissions and its mechanism using the FE model, GMM model, DID, and the mediating effect model. Results find that green finance can significantly promote carbon emissions reduction, and this promotion remains still after robustness tests. The heterogeneity analysis shows that green finance’s carbon emission reduction effect is more significant in developed and western regions. Moreover, the results of policy intervention effects confirm that green finance reform and innovation pilot zones (GFRIs) for carbon emission reduction are more pronounced than in other regions. Finally, the mediating effects reveal that industrial structure and green innovation are the core transmission channels through which green finance influences carbon emission reduction. These findings offer meaningful implications for formulating reasonable carbon emission reduction plans and determining the future development direction of green finance.
2. Road dust resuspension in a coastal Atlantic intermunicipal urban area with industrial facilities: Emission factors, chemical composition and ecotoxicity
Atmospheric Research, Volume 294, October 2023, 106977
Road dust resuspension in urban environments can be both a means of transport of pollutants across the various environmental compartments and a source of pollutants itself, becoming a potential threat to human health. With the aim of obtaining emission factors and achieving a detailed chemical characterisation of road dust (RD) in typical Portuguese cities, a sampling campaign was performed in the region of Aveiro. Locations were chosen for intercomparison in various urban environments with different land uses, from the busier city centre and university campus to residential neighbourhoods and harbour-commercial areas with industrial activities. PM10 samples were analysed for organic and elemental carbon (OC and EC) by a thermal-optical technique, elemental composition by PIXE, organic speciation by GC–MS, and ecotoxicology by a luminescence inhibition bioassay with Aliivibrio fischeri. A health risk assessment for elements and PAHs was carried out. Dust loadings of 1.9 ± 1.8 mg PM10 m−2 were registered overall, whereas in the most trafficked areas of city centre they reached more than three times the average. OC accounted for 6.5–15.5% of total PM10, but element oxides represented the largest mass fraction (61.4 ± 8.6%). A strong enrichment was detected mostly for typical traffic-related elements such as Cu, Zn, As, Br, Cr, Ni and Mo and interestingly, Rb and Se. The analysed organic compounds accounted for 3.66–11.0 mg g−1 PM10, including PAHs and aliphatics, with a clear dominance of plasticisers. Some other compounds attributed to non-vehicle sources, such as fatty acid alkyl esters, were also detected. As concerns the 16 priority PAHs, their total mass concentration ranged from 5.58 to 36.3 μg g−1 PM10, with clear variability between sampling spots. All samples caused an ecotoxicological reaction in the bioassay, but samples from harbour and commercial areas proved to be most toxic.
3. Zeolites synthesized from industrial and agricultural solid waste and their applications: A review
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Volume 11, Issue 5, October 2023, 110898
With the rapid development of industrialization and urbanization, coal-based solid waste, agricultural and forestry wastes, urban solid waste, and other by-products are inevitably produced. The management and utilization of these solid wastes have become a considerable challenge. Given that the main components of these industrial and agricultural solid wastes are similar to zeolites, they are ideal silicon and aluminum sources for zeolite synthesis, which has attracted extensive attention from researchers. Therefore, this review first summarizes the basic properties of industrial and agricultural solid wastes. Then the typical synthetic strategies for synthesizing zeolites from solid wastes and the mechanism of zeolite formation are elaborated. In addition, the recent applications of various types of zeolite materials in wastewater, waste gas, agriculture, etc., are also reviewed more comprehensively. Finally, the perspectives for future research on solid waste zeolite synthesis are presented to provide some references for researchers in this field.
4. Industrial Policy and Resident Health: Historical Evidence from China’s Third Front Construction
Journal of Asian Economics, Available online 20 October 2023, 101668
Understanding the impact of industrial policies on residents’ health is of great significance. This study uses the large-scale national defense industry policy entitled the Third Front construction, which was implemented before China’s reform and opening up, as a quasi-natural experiment to empirically examine its long-term impact on residents’ health. The relevant findings are fourfold. (1) The policy significantly improves local residents’ health in the long term. (2) This improvement effect primarily operated through two channels of increasing residents’ income and improving medical security. (3) The effect is obviously heterogeneous for different genders and hukou, with a greater effect on men than women and significant health improvement effects for residents with agricultural hukou. (4) The findings demonstrate that local residents’ lifestyles and mental health were significantly improved due to Third Front construction.
5. Multi-scenario prediction and path optimization of industrial carbon unlocking in China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 421, 1 October 2023, 138534
China’s industry is facing a carbon lock-in (CLI) dilemma. Based on the complexity and dynamics of CLI, exploring diversified unlocking paths is an important way to achieve emission reduction goals. This paper innovatively applies system dynamics (SD) to the study of CLI prediction and unlocking path, and systematically constructs an industrial CLI SD model, trying to break the positive feedback mechanism of CLI through multiple causality and feedback chains. This paper simulates and predicts the changing trend of the CLI level of China’s industry and 8 major subsectors from 2020 to 2050. At the same time, the random forest algorithm is used to select the regulatory variables of policy analysis. Compared with the previous research methods, the accuracy and objectivity of the selection of regulatory variables are improved, so as to test the effectiveness of the unlocking path under each scenario. The results show that (1) the whole industry faces a serious CLI problem and is still in a deep lock-in state. From the perspective of subsectors, the light, electromechanical, and textile industries have achieved unlocking; the oil and extractive industries are in a moderately lock-in state; the chemical, steel, and power industries are in a deep lock-in state; and the CLI situation is serious. (2) The results of the random forest algorithm show that R&D investment, the proportion of fixed asset investments in the energy industry, car sales, energy structure, and carbon emission industry structure are the most significant factors affecting CLI in each subsystem. (3) Compared with the existing economic development model, the technological, institutional, social, and comprehensive unlocking scenarios can all enable industry to achieve carbon peak and carbon unlocking in advance. However, the effect of each scenario is as follows: comprehensive unlocking scenario > technological unlocking scenario > institutional unlocking scenario > social unlocking scenario. (4) The unlocking times of the oil, chemical, steel, and power industries are relatively late in each scenario. To realize carbon unlocking in industry, these four areas should be focused on in the future. This study helps policymakers formulate reasonable policies to accelerate industrial carbon unlocking and promote the implementation of the “dual carbon” strategy.
6. High-precision spatio-temporal variations and future perspectives of multiple air pollutant emissions from Chinese biomass-fired industrial boilers
Science of The Total Environment, Available online 20 October 2023, 167982
Biomass-fired industrial boilers (BFIBs) are one of the neglected and important anthropogenic sources of air pollutants. A comprehensive boiler-based emission inventory of multiple air pollutants from BFIBs in China in 2020 was first developed based on the activity level database and updated emission factors. Results showed that national emissions of air pollutants from BFIBs in 2020 were estimated to be 11.5 kt of PM, 10.8 kt of PM10, 7.4 kt of PM2.5, 40.5 kt of SO2, 79.8 kt of NOx, 4.2 kt of organic carbon (OC), 1.0 kt of elemental carbon (EC), 31.7 kt of nonmethane volatile organic compounds (NMVOCs), 15.9 kt of NH3, and 116.5 t of five trace metals (Hg, Cr, Cd, Pb, and As), respectively. Air pollutant emissions exhibited significant spatio-temporal heterogeneity. Monthly air pollutant emissions varied by geographical division due to the combined effects of industrial production and winter heating demand. These emissions were mainly concentrated in the eastern coastal region, with Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang being the five provinces having the highest emissions. In addition, scenario predictions indicate that as the pollution and carbon reduction strategy is implemented, air pollutant emissions from BFIBs in China could become well controlled, with PM, NOx, SO2, and Hg emissions in 2050 projected to be 3.0–8.3 kt, 36.5–75.7 kt, 16.2–32.8 kt, and 0.52–0.87 t, respectively. Our results can provide a highly spatio-temporal resolution inventory of multiple air pollutant emissions from BFIBs for air quality modelling and support the formulation of air pollution control policies for biomass fuel utilization in the context of the pollution and carbon reduction strategy.
7. Water network integration for industrial park based on numerical indicators
Journal of Cleaner Production, Available online 16 October 2023, 139321
This paper presents a numerical approach for water network integration of industrial park. A new numerical indicator General Treatment Potential (GTP) is proposed to reflect the general potential of the source streams to be treated by the treatment unit. To design the public distributed treatment system, the source streams are arranged in descending order of their GTP values, and treated in turn. To design the reused network in each plant, the treated streams are added into the plant as source streams, and reused by the demand streams. The final integrated water network can be obtained in several iterations. Three examples with two cases, network retrofitting and network design, are investigated to show the proposed approach. The results show that the proposed design procedure can reduce the freshwater consumption, cut down the annualized cost, or simplify the structure of the water network in industrial park.
8. Carbon emission reduction potential and reduction strategy of China’s manufacturing industry
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 423, 15 October 2023, 138718
China’s carbon reduction targets have been hampered primarily by excessive CO2 emissions from manufacturing. Considering technology heterogeneity, this study first employs the directional distance function (DDF) meta-frontier approach to evaluate the manufacturing carbon emission efficiency and carbon reduction potential in 29 Chinese provinces from 2011 to 2019. We also discuss the influencing factors affecting carbon emission efficiency using the spatial econometric model. The results indicate that: (1) China’s manufacturing industry is not very efficient in terms of carbon emissions. The Eastern region exhibits a significantly higher level of performance than the Central and Western regions in carbon emission efficiency and production technology, although the gap is gradually narrowing. (2) The potential for reducing carbon emissions in China’s manufacturing sector is considerable, with the greatest potential found in the Western region. Specifically, in the Eastern region, the carbon reduction potential is largely associated with management inefficiency. However, in the Central and Western regions, excessive carbon emissions are mainly due to technology gap inefficiency. (3) Through spatial econometric analysis, we find that carbon emission efficiency can be derived by adjusting the industrial structure, scaling up enterprises, accelerating urbanization, and reducing coal use. But it will be hindered by increased marketization and strict environmental regulations. Besides, China is not enough to improve carbon emission efficiency through technology introduction and technological innovation at present. Some manufacturing carbon emission reduction strategies are proposed based on the results of this study.
9. Measuring circular economy transition potential for industrial wastes
Sustainable Production and Consumption, Volume 40, September 2023, Pages 376-388
The circular economy (CE) represents a paradigm shift in global production system, promoting a transition away from the linear model towards maximizing resource intensity and value addition. For industrial waste management, the transition has led to a shift from quantitative-based concept of “expansion of recycling industry” to the pursue of optimum resource recovery quality through “waste as resource”. Studies have found that relying on the traditional indicator of “recycling rate” to evaluate WM performance can be “inaccurate, misleading and contributes to wrong policy decision”. This limitation arises from the inadequacy of the quantity-based matric to assess the intricate interdisciplinary nature of CE transition. Despite substantial efforts to develop alternative assessment indices, there is currently no commonly recognized assessment index to replace “recycling rate” for evaluating industrial waste management performance, which is partly due to the lack of comprehensive WM statistics required for effective performance evaluation. To address this issue, this paper proposes the “circularity performance index (CPI), as a swift and pragmatic method for evaluating WM performance. The CPI overcomes the limitations of the recycling rate by measuring the relative efficiencies of resource recovery, taking into account environmental, social, and economic perspectives. By utilizing readily available general industrial waste statistics, the CPI provides an integrated assessment that incorporates both quantity and quality considerations. Furthermore, the CPI is applicable at various levels, from micro to macro, enabling comparisons across different sectors and regions. To demonstrate the practicality of CPI, a case study involving 27 manufacturing sectors is conducted to exemplify its applicability at national and sectoral levels. The findings reveals a weak correlation between the quantity and quality of resource recovery, providing empirical support for the limitation of “recycling rate” and highlighting the advantages of CPI in evaluating resource recovery efficiency. The outcome underscores the significance of measuring resource recovery efficiency in assessing CE transition and draws attention to external factors that influence waste recovery decision, such as availability of recycling infrastructure and the cost of recycling.
10. How efficient coal mine methane control can benefit carbon-neutral target: Evidence from China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 424, 20 October 2023, 138895
Coal is expected to remain the primary energy source in China for the foreseeable future. Utilizing the methane released during the mining process through effective coal mine methane (CMM) control technologies can provide triple benefits in terms of safety, energy, and the environment, thus contributing to carbon neutrality goals. However, few studies evaluated the status and benefits of CMM control. In this study, we quantify emissions, statistical extraction, and utilization of CMM to evaluate the current status of CMM control in China. Gas accidents, avoided coal consumption, greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions, and carbon trading revenues were used as indicators to assess the contribution of CMM controls to China’s carbon neutrality goals. The results show that a total amount of 22.86 Tg methane was generated in 2020, of which 7.26 Tg was extracted, and out of that extracted amount, 5.46 Tg of methane was effectively utilized. Since 2005, CMM control has effectively ensured the safe production of coal mines, and the CMM utilized can replace 53.21 million tons of standard coal consumption and reduce GHG emissions by 958.55 TgCO2e. Furthermore, if methane were strategically included in carbon trading markets, it could generate 52.26 billion CNY in revenue. This research provides valuable scientific guidance for CMM control, CBM development project benefit assessment, and policymaking in China.
11. Integrated network analysis on industrial symbiosis: Case study of Qinghai salt lake industrial park
Journal of Cleaner Production, Available online 19 October 2023, 139235
Implementing industrial symbiosis has emerged as a pivotal strategy for establishing eco-industrial parks worldwide to promote sustainable development and optimize resource utilization within industrial parks. However, the present evaluation framework for industrial symbiosis is nascent, which may hinder the ecological development of industrial parks. Therefore, to gauge industrial symbiosis efficacy and infrastructure soundness, we propose a revolutionary evaluation system that amalgamates social network analysis and ecological network analysis methodologies. Our evaluation system is meticulously customized to cater to the distinctive features and analytical requirements of eco-industrial parks and encompasses three primary facets: impact dissemination, sustainability, and resource optimization. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed evaluation system, we conducted a case study of Qinghai Salt Lake industrial park. The findings reveal that the industrial symbiosis level in Qinghai Salt Lake industrial park (QSLIP) improved during 2014–2018. Nevertheless, conventional indicators are unable to pinpoint certain issues, such as deterioration in waste reutilization quality, underscoring the significance and necessity of the indicator system proposed in this study.
12. Green strategies for improving urban microclimate and air quality: A case study of an Italian industrial district and facility
Building and Environment, Volume 244, 1 October 2023, 110762
Densely built areas are affected by higher air-pollutant concentrations, representing a significant risk to public health. At the same time, urban settlements have a remarkable environmental impact: cities are responsible for 70% of annual carbon emissions while buildings account for 37% of global energy and process emissions. Moreover, people living in urban areas are frequently exposed to extreme micro-climate conditions caused by the urban heat island effect, related to increased external air temperature and peculiarities of the built environment. Given this framework and considering the Sustainable Development Goals, it is necessary to point out some effective and strategical mitigation measures to ameliorate micro-climate conditions, reduce pollutants concentration and enhance building performance. This paper investigates the potential advantages of green roofs as retrofitting solutions and tree planting on several micro-climate parameters and particulate matter concentration, considering an industrial district located in Italy and using ENVI-met software. The influence of the extensive green roof on energy performance is further investigated at the building level recurring to Design Builder energy models. Results showed that an extensive green roof could reduce external air temperature by up to 1.5 °C, outer surface temperature by up to 15 °C and wind speed by 50% at roof level compared to current state conditions. The application of the green roof let also to achieve energy savings of 15% for both the summer and winter seasons. Focusing on the effect on particulate matter, intensive green roof solutions proved to be more efficient in capturing air pollutants.
13. Decomposition of industrial SO2 emission in China with firm entry and exit
Journal of Cleaner Production, Available online 18 October 2023, 139406
The difficulty of the sulfur dioxide (SO2) pollution control task has deepened step by step in recent years, while the marginal cost of environmental protection in China has also been higher. Therefore, it is necessary to study the main impact factors of China’s industrial SO2 pollution. Based on China’s Industrial Environmental Statistics Database from 2004 to 2013, this paper extends the Index Decomposition Analysis (IDA) with firm entry and exit to conduct a micro-level decomposition study. The industrial SO2 emission in China is decomposed into scale effect, composition effect, firm growth effect, and firm selection effect. Also, we use the Dagum Gini coefficient to analyze the spatial differences of firm growth effect and selection effect between the eastern, central, and western regions in China. This paper finds that the main contribution of industrial SO2 emission control in China is the firm growth effect, which was −103% between 2004 and 2013. And the second largest contribution term is the firm selection effect, which is −18%, while the composition effect is −15%. In terms of temporal patterns, the size of the firm growth effect shrinks as time grows, and the composition effect changes from negative to positive after 2009. For spatial difference analysis, the Dagum Gini coefficient of technique effect and firm growth effect between different regions have become smaller and smaller over time, while the spatial differences of firm selection effect between regions remain unchanged.
14. Simulation and optimization of carbon dioxide capture using Water-Lean solvent from industrial flue gas
Chemical Engineering Journal, Volume 474, 15 October 2023, 145773
Amine-based chemisorption technology with water-lean solvent is a promising route towards low-cost CO2 capture. Optimized water-lean amine-based solvent, composed of blend amines and physical solvent, is adopted to verify the performance of split-flow heat exchange strategy for CO2-rich solvent regeneration. A rigorously validated process simulation method is proposed for operational optimization and comprehensive economic, exergy, environment, energy (4E) analysis of the capture process on an industrial scale. The experimental and simulation results indicated that the optimal ratio of split-flow was 0.55–0.70, with this ratio resulting in the reflux temperature increasing from 90 to 112 °C. The proportion of total energy duty that went to reaction heat was increased to 71% from 52% in the benchmark case; this increase was ascribed to the synergistic promotion of physical solvent and split-flow heat exchange configuration. The water-lean solvent could operate at a regeneration duty of 2.07 GJ/t CO2 with a total capture cost of US $50.40/t CO2 (27% lower than the benchmark value) from coal-fired flue gas. In summary, the net CO2 reduction can be increased by 28%, taking the utility heat-cold consumption into account. This research indicates a feasible method of taking full advantage of water-lean solvent to achieve efficient CO2 capture.
15. Influencing mechanisms and decoupling effects of embodied carbon emissions: An analysis based on China’s industrial sector
Sustainable Production and Consumption, Volume 41, October 2023, Pages 320-333
Carbon emission reduction in industrial sectors is an important link to achieve green sustainability development. In this paper, non-competitive input-output model and structural decomposition model are constructed for measuring embodied carbon emissions of 28 industrial sectors and their decomposition factor effects in China. Additionally, the decoupling state between embodied carbon and economic growth is explored using the decoupling model. On this basis, key industrial sectors’ decoupling influencing factors are analyzed. The results show that the embodied carbon emissions from the industrial sector grow at an average annual rate of 7.743 % during 2005–2020. Investment demand and urban consumption are the primary sources of embodied carbon emissions, and demand size can also significantly drive carbon emissions. However, energy efficiency is crucial to reducing carbon emissions. According to embodied carbon flows and network centrality size, six key industry sectors were identified. The number of industrial sectors achieving strong decoupling increased significantly in 2005–2020, but the key industrial sectors were dominated by expansionary negative decoupling. Further analysis showed that energy efficiency contributed to the strong decoupling, whereas demand scale would inhibit decoupling more significantly. These findings are valuable for proposing targeted strategies to reduce emissions, improve industrial efficiency and resilience for sustainable development.
16. Cellulose-based adsorbent materials for water remediation: Harnessing their potential in heavy metals and dyes removal
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 421, 1 October 2023, 138555
Dyes and heavy metals pose significant threats to both human health and the environment as key pollutants. While various methods exist for treating contaminated water, these approaches are often costly, energy-intensive, and produce hazardous waste that requires careful disposal. Consequently, there is a pressing need for cost-effective, highly efficient, and environmentally friendly processes for wastewater treatment. The adsorption method, specifically utilizing non-toxic and biodegradable materials such as cellulose-based substances, has gained attention as a clean, sustainable, and effective approach for water purification. Cellulose possesses hydroxyl groups that facilitate the binding of chemical species, thereby enhancing contaminant adsorption. This review explores the application of cellulose and modified cellulosic materials in water purification, highlighting their exceptional capacity for adsorbing heavy metals and dyes. Cellulose and its derivatives show great promise as materials for water purification, and this review elucidates their reusability, challenges, and future prospects.
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