Ban biên tập Chuyên trang Quản lý Môi trường, Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam trân trọng giới thiệu tới quý độc giả Công bố quốc tế lĩnh vực môi trường số 19-2024.
Về quản lý môi trường
– Tác động và kết quả của dịch vụ hóa bền vững: Đánh giá tài liệu có hệ thống.
– Khi nào và tại sao PM2.5 ở mức cao ở Seoul, Hàn Quốc: Diễn giải các quan sát mặt đất dài hạn (2015–2021) bằng cách sử dụng máy học và mô hình vận chuyển hóa chất.
– Phương pháp ra quyết định tổng hợp cho các giải pháp công nghệ carbon thấp theo ngành.
– Tiến độ nghiên cứu và triển vọng về môi trường, xã hội và quản trị: Đánh giá tài liệu có hệ thống và phân tích thư mục.
– Quan điểm của người lớn tuổi về tính bền vững của môi trường: Nghiên cứu xác nhận đa văn hóa giữa năm quốc gia.
– Khí hậu nóng lên, suy thoái môi trường và ô nhiễm là nguyên nhân gây ra tình trạng kháng kháng sinh.
– Giảm thiểu tác động môi trường của hệ thống định giá chất thải bằng cách sử dụng tối ưu hóa vòng đời đa tiêu chí.
– Các chất ô nhiễm mới nổi và tác động của chúng đối với thực vật: Những thách thức hiện tại và tương lai cũng như giải pháp của chúng Khám phá mối liên hệ giữa biến đổi khí hậu, năng lượng tái tạo, đổi mới công nghệ và thị trường chứng khoán ngân hàng G-17.
– Dấu vết các chất ô nhiễm hữu cơ trong nước hồ: Sự xuất hiện và đánh giá rủi ro môi trường ở quy mô quốc gia ở Canada.
Về môi trường đô thị
– Ảnh hưởng kích thước của hạt vi nhựa đến kháng kháng sinh và hệ vi sinh vật lõi ở sông đô thị.
– Thành phố và sức khỏe tâm thần: Vai trò của môi trường xây dựng cũng như các yếu tố môi trường và lối sống ở Barcelona.
– Đánh giá tính bền vững của xây dựng cơ sở hạ tầng đô thị quy mô lớn dựa trên bản đồ nhận thức mờ động.
– Môi trường đô thị trong thời kỳ mang thai, thời thơ ấu và cấu trúc vi mô chất trắng ở tuổi vị thành niên ở hai đoàn hệ sinh ở châu Âu.
– Đánh giá tính bền vững của nhiên liệu sinh học và sản phẩm giá trị gia tăng từ phần hữu cơ của chất thải rắn đô thị.
– Những hiểu biết mới từ nghiên cứu kéo dài 8 năm về các chất per- và polyfluoroalkyl trong hệ sinh thái đô thị trên cạn.
– Cái nhìn sâu sắc mới về việc xác định nguồn phốt pho trầm tích trong dòng sông đô thị bị ô nhiễm đa nguồn: Ảnh hưởng của sự kế thừa quần thể vi sinh vật do môi trường đến sự ổn định của kết quả theo dõi nguồn vi sinh vật.
– Mô hình phân bố tạm thời đầu tiên của các chất gây ô nhiễm không khí xung quanh (PM2.5, PM10 và O3) tại Thành phố Yangon, Myanmar trong giai đoạn 2019-2021.
Về môi trường khu công nghiệp
– Nghiên cứu thực nghiệm chắn nước mưa và làm ngập nước mưa trên năng lực mạng lưới thoát nước.
– Vai trò của trí tuệ nhân tạo trong việc giảm chi phí carbon của doanh nghiệp.
– Xử lý siêu âm hóa chất nhuộm trong nước thải: Đánh giá.
– Phục hồi tiến bộ xanh: Đánh giá hiệu quả hoạt động môi trường của doanh nghiệp sau các sáng kiến Bảo tồn chính sông Dương Tử.
– Phương pháp tiếp cận ba bước tập trung vào quá trình đông tụ để loại bỏ các chất ô nhiễm hữu cơ sản phẩm phụ từ nước thải công nghiệp tetrabromobisphenol A: Nghiên cứu thực nghiệm và lý thuyết.
– Tiết lộ dòng carbon ẩn trong các ngành công nghiệp toàn cầu—Dựa trên quan điểm cấu trúc mạng lưới liên kết.
– Tổng hợp thân thiện với môi trường của hỗn hợp đất sét-chitosan để loại bỏ hiệu quả thuốc nhuộm alizarin đỏ S khỏi nước thải: Một nghiên cứu lý thuyết và thực nghiệm toàn diện.
– Hiệu suất đông tụ tuyệt vời của sắt nhôm polysilicate để xử lý nước thải có dầu từ mỏ khí Đại Khánh: Phản ứng với đặc tính polyme và cơ chế đông tụ.
– Sự phân bố, cơ chế lắp ráp và các vật chủ liên quan của cộng đồng vi rút trong nhà máy xử lý nước thải khu công nghiệpAerogel MoS2 giàu khuyết tật với cấu trúc xốp phân cấp: Xúc tác quang hiệu quả và tái sử dụng thuận tiện để loại bỏ thuốc nhuộm hữu cơ.
Tạp chí Môi trường và Đô thị Việt Nam
Xin trân trọng giới thiệu!
1. Scenario analysis of the eco-efficiency for municipal solid waste management: A case study of 211 cities in western China
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 919, 1 April 2024, 170536
Mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions is vital for creating sustainable municipal solid waste management systems (MSWMS). In this study, we constructed an MSWMS considering recycling and carried out GHG emission accounting for MSWMS in western China from 2012 to 2021 based on the IPCC mass balance (MB) method. Then, we modeled the emission reduction potentials and economic benefits under different scenarios for 211 prefectural and county-level cities. We formed an eco-efficiency analysis framework that can be used to explore the sustainable development mode.
Results revealed that: (1) Emissions from the western region’s municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal exhibit an inverted “U” pattern, increasing at an annual rate of about 1.3 % since 2012, peaking in 2019, and then decreasing at rates of 14.4 % and 10.6 %. (2) The GHG emissions show a spatial pattern of decreasing evolution from east to west and south to north, and the provincial-municipal level shows different trends. (3) The SB3 scenario (optimization of landfill gas power generation technology) was the most ecologically efficient in 43 % of the western cities, followed by SB4 (33 %) and SA3 (24 %). (4) The development of integrated urban domestic waste management strategies by the three-level scenarios derived from this study will help local governments achieve the goal of sustainable urban development. Clarifying the differences in GHG emissions and eco-efficiency among cities will help provide policy recommendations for regions with similar characteristics to explore technically applicable, economically affordable implementation paths for city management according to local conditions.
2. The impacts and outcomes of sustainable servitisation: A systematic literature review
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 447, 1 April 2024, 141334
Sustainable servitisation for organisations, as an indispensable part of their sustainable development, has increasingly come to the attention of both academics and practitioners. Whilst the servitisation literature is diverse and growing, our understanding of what sustainable servitisation is and a holistic view of how it is developed and implemented is limited. To address these gaps, we provide a systematic literature review enabled by an active machine-learning tool using 66 journal articles on sustainable servitisation. We have redefined the term sustainable servitisation based on an in-depth literature analysis. From the purview of sustainable servitisation as a mechanism for organisational change, we also synthesised what is known about sustainable servitisation into a holistic framework. Notably, rather than focusing on how sustainable servitisation can be better designed, as most existing studies have done, we argue that a dynamic and processual view of sustainable servitisation is required to advance theoretical and practical knowledge.
3. When and why PM2.5 is high in Seoul, South Korea: Interpreting long-term (2015–2021) ground observations using machine learning and a chemical transport model
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 920, 10 April 2024, 170822
Seoul has high PM2.5 concentrations and has not attained the national annual average standard so far. To understand the reasons, we analyzed long-term (2015–2021) hourly observations of aerosols (PM2.5, NO3−, NH4+, SO42−, OC, and EC) and gases (CO, NO2, and SO2) from Seoul and Baekryeong Island, a background site in the upwind region of Seoul. We applied the weather normalization method for meteorological conditions and a 3-dimensional chemical transport model, GEOS-Chem, to identify the effect of policy implementation and aerosol formation mechanisms. The monthly mean PM2.5 ranges between about 20 μg m−3 (warm season) and about 40 μg m−3 (cold season) at both sites, but the annual decreasing rates were larger at Seoul than at Baengnyeong (−0.7 μg m−3 a−1 vs. -1.8 μg m−3 a−1) demonstrating the effectiveness of the local air quality policies including the Special Act on Air Quality in the Seoul Metropolitan Area (SAAQ-SMA) and the seasonal control measures. The weather-normalized monthly mean data shows the highest PM2.5 concentration in March and the lowest concentration in August throughout the 7 years with NO3− accounting for about 40 % of the difference between the two months at both sites.
Taking together with the GEOS-Chem model results, which reproduced the elevated NO3− in March, we concluded the elevated atmospheric oxidant level increases in HNO3 (which is not available from the observation) and the still low temperatures in March promote rapid production of NO3−. We used Ox (≡ O3 + NO2) from the observation and OH from the GEOS-Chem as a proxy for the atmospheric oxidant level which can be a source of uncertainty. Thus, direct observations of OH and HNO3 are needed to provide convincing evidence. This study shows that reducing HNO3 levels through atmospheric oxidant level control in the cold season can be effective in PM2.5 mitigation in Seoul.
4. Integrated decision-making approach for sectoral low-carbon technology solutions
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 447, 1 April 2024, 141442
The contributions of different sectors to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are at the heart of the climate debate. In the coming decades, the implementation of low-carbon technology (LCT) solutions in key industries will play a pivotal role in mitigating climate change. This study develops a graphical approach that integrates carbon emissions pinch analysis (CEPA), the best-worst method (BWM), and cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to assess LCTs in key industries. CEPA is used to identify LCTs that meet both economic and GHG reduction constraints, then the LCTs selected by CEPA are subjected to CBA, while BWM is applied to assess the weighted performance of LCTs in terms of their environmental, economic, social, and technological aspects.
A comparison of the implementation priority sequence of LCTs was made between the dual constraints of carbon and economic considerations and a multi-factor perspective (environmental impact, economic benefits, social impact, and technological aspects). Finally, by incorporating the marginal abatement cost curve (MACC), the optimal low-carbon and economically viable technological pathway can be determined. This study analyzed 85 LCTs from global industries, including the power, food, agriculture, and land use (FAL), industry, transportation, and construction industries. The results for the global scenario from 2020 to 2050 indicate that 38 LCTs have been screened by CEPA to meet the dual constraints of carbon and economic performance, resulting in a GHG emissions reduction of 328.0 Gt CO2-e. Among them, the power industry was the major contributor, with a cumulative reduction of 197.3 Gt CO2-e, followed by the construction industry (97.9 Gt CO2-e), industry (25.4 Gt CO2-e), transportation (4.9 Gt CO2-e), and FAL (2.5 Gt CO2-e); an industry scenario analysis was conducted and listed low-carbon lists in key industries that meet the dual constraints of carbon and economy. This study can contribute to the rational planning and formulation of climate actions at the technological level to effectively enable deep decarbonization.
5. Efficiency evaluation of China’s transportation system considering carbon emissions: Evidence from big data analytics methods
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 922, 20 April 2024, 171031
China’s transportation sector is a vital link between production and consumption, but it also has issues with low efficiency, high carbon emissions, and technological bottlenecks. To improve efficiency and provide actionable recommendations and strategies, this study first constructs a comprehensive evaluation index system to gauge the transportation sector’s inputs using panel data from different Chinese provinces from 2007 to 2021. Within the assessment system, the principal component analysis (PCA) method is used to reduce the dimension of the indexes, thereby yielding a set of adjusted inputs. Subsequently, the transportation system efficiency (TSE) is evaluated using the super-efficiency SBM-DEA model, which includes unexpected outputs such as carbon emissions, and three-stage DEA modifies the efficiency. Then, we calculate the Malmquist-Luenberger index (TML) and its components: technological change (TTC) and technological efficiency change (TEC). Lastly, the influential factors impacting TSE are analyzed via a truncated regression Tobit model. The following are the conclusions: (1) The transportation industry in China exhibits inefficiency, and the average TSE in Stage I and III is 0.91 and 0.93, respectively.
TSE is underestimated due to the influence of external environmental factors and inefficiencies in management in Stage I. (2) TSE in the eastern area also produces significant carbon emissions that surpass the national average. At the same time, other regions face efficiency limitations due to geographical constraints and management obstacles. (3) Insufficient technical capacity is a major cause of inefficiency in the transport sector and is prevalent in the northeast, west, and central regions. (4) Population growth and income per capita advancements foster transportation industry development, while increased GDP, fiscal revenues, and traffic accidents contribute to declining efficiency. The study above findings serve as a foundation for regional and national management initiatives and policies to enhance transportation effectiveness.
6. Research progress and prospect of environmental, social and governance: A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 447, 1 April 2024, 141489
Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) has become a rapidly evolving and important topic as the society attaches importance to ecological and environmental issues. In order to more systematically elucidate the evolutionary trend, status quo, hotspots and overall structure of research in the field of ESG, we searched based on the Web of Science core ensemble database, and comprehensively utilized bibliometrics and content analysis to analyze and mine the data of research on the theme of ESG from 1991 to 2023. The results of the study show that: (1) ESG research is gradually attracting attention from all countries, with a steady growth in results, rich and diversified research, and the main research power is concentrated in mainstream developed countries. (2) The proportion of funded research in the field of ESG is large, and countries are deepening their research on ESG one after another. There are great research prospects and opportunities in this field in the future. (3) The level of ESG research has gradually deepened from theoretical research to multidisciplinary cross-application research.
The issues of “responsible investment”, “corporate social responsibility” and “sustainable development” are the main themes of ESG research. Meanwhile, “ESG investment” and “ESG disclosure” are cutting-edge trends in ESG research. (4) Future ESG research may focus more on social latitude (S) versus governance latitude (G). This study facilitates the investigation of key contributors in the environmental, social and governance fields at micro, meso and macro levels, and provides insights into the structure and direction of knowledge in the ESG field for future research.
7. Study on the impact of reducing fossil energy use on China’s existing economic structure under carbon neutrality goals
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 449, 10 April 2024, 141819
China’s higher fossil energy use places some constraints on the low-carbon transition of its economic development model. Unlike the research on energy transition pathways under carbon reduction targets or the simulation of carbon reduction effects under “portfolio” policies, the study takes China as an example, incorporates the reduction of fossil energy use into the theoretical framework of sustainable development, and adopts computable general equilibrium (CGE) theory to construct a closed macroeconomic system to describe China’s existing economic structure. The main objective of the study is to discuss the impacts of fossil energy use reduction on China’s existing economic structure under the carbon neutrality goal, and to develop new research ideas for countries around the world to achieve carbon neutrality with high quality. We find that the reduction in fossil energy use has a large impact on the current structure of China’s economy. Both MM and related manufacturing sectors have maximum output declines of more than 11.3%. The Ser sector has the smallest impact, with a maximum output decline of 9.1%.
Because sectors such as Electricity and Hot Water Combustion mainly rely on fossil energy sources such as coal to generate electricity, their output is the most affected compared to other sectors, with a maximum output decline of 22.69%. In addition, the dynamic simulation relies on the reduction of fossil energy use to drive China’s existing economic structure to seek a new equilibrium. Specifically, the output of the Ser sector grows by about 34%, and the task of regional economic development has been gradually taken over by the tertiary sector. The output of the GDP, Emp, EV, FPM, TI, and Tra sectors do not change by more than 5%, and the output of the EP sector declines by a maximum of about 11.14%. Sectoral outputs such as electric hot water combustion fall by a maximum of about 29.04%. In addition, in 2060, the decline in output in sectors such as MM, CM, GSME, and HAM reaches its limit value, with output decreasing by −63.21%, −41.48%, −68.20%, and −39.77%, respectively.
8. Perspectives of older people on environmental sustainability: A cross-cultural validation study between five countries
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 447, 1 April 2024, 141317
The global agenda to move societies towards a more sustainable course of development also affects the lives of older people in our ageing populations. Therefore, it is important to understand the drivers, intentions and behaviours concerning sustainability among older adults. The aim of this study is to translate and cross-culturally validate an existing instrument (SustainABLE-16 Questionnaire), developed in the Netherlands, which measures how older people view the theme of environmental sustainability in their daily lives, for use in Romania, Poland, North Macedonia and Israel. The SustainABLE-16 covers three domains: 1) Pro-environmental behaviours; 2) Financial position; and 3) Beliefs.
The scale was translated in Romanian, Polish, Macedonian, Albanian and Hebrew. Its 16 items were appraised for relevance by older people and experts in the field. A total of 2299 older people, including the original Dutch respondents, were included for the assessment of the level of measurement invariance across six languages, spoken in five countries. As the initial validation of the SustainABLE-16 did not meet internationally-recognised fit requirements, the shorter SustainABLE-8 was validated instead. This instrument proved valid for use in all participating countries (configural validity). Subsequently, increasingly constrained structural equation models were applied to test their fit with the data, ensuring that the fit did not deteriorate. The test results of measurement invariance across the countries indicated that items were stable, achieving partial scalar invariance, with five items demonstrating full scalar invariance. The shorter SustainABLE-8 functions uniformly across all language groups and can, therefore, be used to evaluate sustainable practices among older people. A better understanding of the drivers and practices among older citizens across Europe could, in turn, feed into more fitting public policies on sustainability in the built environment.
9. Climate warming, environmental degradation and pollution as drivers of antibiotic resistance
Environmental Pollution, Volume 346, 1 April 2024, 123649
Antibiotic resistance is a major challenge to public health, but human-caused environmental changes have not been widely recognized as its drivers. Here, we provide a comprehensive overview of the relationships between environmental degradation and antibiotic resistance, demonstrating that the former can potentially fuel the latter with significant public health outcomes. We describe that (i) global warming favors horizontal gene transfer, bacterial infections, the spread of drug-resistant pathogens due to water scarcity, and the release of resistance genes with wastewater; (ii) pesticide and metal pollution act as co-selectors of antibiotic resistance mechanisms; (iii) microplastics create conditions promoting and spreading antibiotic resistance and resistant bacteria; (iv) changes in land use, deforestation, and environmental pollution reduce microbial diversity, a natural barrier to antibiotic resistance spread.
We argue that management of antibiotic resistance must integrate environmental goals, including mitigation of further increases in the Earth’s surface temperature, better qualitative and quantitative protection of water resources, strengthening of sewage infrastructure and improving wastewater treatment, counteracting the microbial diversity loss, reduction of pesticide and metal emissions, and plastic use, and improving waste recycling. These actions should be accompanied by restricting antibiotic use only to clinically justified situations, developing novel treatments, and promoting prophylaxis. It is pivotal for health authorities and the medical community to adopt the protection of environmental quality as a part of public health measures, also in the context of antibiotic resistance management
10. Minimizing the environmental impacts of waste valorization systems using multi-criteria life cycle optimization
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 449, 10 April 2024, 141619
Unsustainable waste management practices impose severe environmental hazards, health risks, and financial burdens. Waste valorization systems have emerged to mitigate the negative impacts of landfilling while recovering finite materials and renewable energy. This study aims to develop a life cycle assessment (LCA)-based multi-criteria framework using linear programming to optimize municipal waste allocation to multiple valorization facilities. The developed optimization model minimizes the life cycle impacts of integrated waste management on several life cycle impact categories. A multi-criteria decision-making analysis is implemented to account for the relative importance of the examined environmental categories, and a sensitivity analysis is conducted to study the effect of varying the importance weights.
The variation between different LCA methods, IMPACT, CML, and ReCiPe, is also investigated. The proposed framework is applied to Egypt based on local conditions and strategic priorities. The LCA findings reveal that processing recyclables in material recovery facilities enhances the environmental performance in all impact categories except ozone layer depletion. To achieve minimum environmental effects on the assessed impact categories, single objective models suggest the diversion of recyclables to material recovery facilities and non-recyclables to gasifiers. The Pareto front of IMPACT involves anaerobic digesters and incinerators, CML comprises composting facilities, and ReCiPe includes incinerators. Overall, this study provides a lifecycle-based decision-making guide for the planning and optimization of sustainable waste management systems, and highlights the potential variations in the outcomes of different LCA methods adopted.
11. Emerging pollutants and their effects on plants: Present and future challenges, and their solutions
Environmental Pollution, Volume 346, 1 April 2024, 123553
Emerging pollutants (EPs) are generated by fast-growing industries and human activity, and their impact on the environment remains to be explored. Rare-earth elements (REEs) and engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) are among the EPs frequently used in a wide range of high-tech industries (Kusiak et al. and Zhang et al. in this issue and Siddiqui et al., 2022 ). Therefore, there is a pressing need to investigate their behavior in the environment and their biological effects on living organisms, including plants, which are a crucial component of the agri-ecosystem and a potential risk for accumulation in the food chain.
To date, both favorable and adverse effects of REEs and ENMs on plants have been reported. The ongoing debate on EPs-plant system needs to be to be expanded to include the mechanisms of EPs action and their induced effects from molecular level to yield. Several studies have shown that ENMs and REEs, in the optimum quantity, can benefit plant growth and development under various conditions by the delivery of essential nutrients and/or activating plant defense system (Campos et al., 2023; Hu et al., 2004; Siddiqui et al., 2019). On the other hand, both ENMs and REEs induce overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS) that cause DNA damage and apoptosis-related alterations, and trigger changes at the levels of transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome (for example Khan et al. and Tanveer et al. in this issue and Zeng et al., 2006). With today’s CRISPR technology and involvement of neurotransmitters, phytohormones, signaling molecule, micro-macro nutrients, polyamines, and green nanotechnology have been found to suppress the phytotoxicity of EPs. In this present special issue, we provide an in-depth retrospective analysis of the recent advances in our understanding of the physiological and biochemical mechanisms underlying plant adaptation and resistance to emerging pollutants stress.
12. Exploring interconnectedness between climate change, renewable energy, technological innovation, and G-17 banking stock markets
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 449, 10 April 2024, 141667
This study schemes to explore novel insights from crisis risk spillovers and volatility connectedness among climate change, renewable energy, technological innovation, and G17-banking stocks. We adopt a diversified approach combining the time-varying parameter vector autoregressive (TVP-VAR) model for dynamic analysis with the Diebold-Yilmaz framework for static analysis and found that all markets have significant risk spillover and connectedness during the crisis. The ECOI index, OCEAN, and NEX are risk spillover transmitters and designed significant connectedness networks with these markets in crises. Further, France, Canada, and the US banking sectors are the main transmitters in the network during COVID-19. The US banking sector is also the primary risk transmitter during the Russia-Ukraine war. However, Japan and Korea banking stock markets consistently receive risk spillovers in the COVID-19 and Russia-Ukraine wars. This study provides significant implications for all stakeholders across the globe in these financial markets and for sustainable climate and environment.
13. Trace organic contaminants in lake waters: Occurrence and environmental risk assessment at the national scale in Canada
Environmental Pollution, Volume 347, 15 April 2024, 123764
Numerous contaminants are produced and used daily, a significant fraction ultimately finding their way into natural waters. However, data on their distribution in lakes is lacking. To address this gap, the presence of 54 trace organic contaminants (TrOCs), representative of various human activities, was investigated in the surface water of 290 lakes across Canada. These lakes ranged from remote to highly impacted by human activities. In 88% of the sampled lakes, contaminants were detected, with up to 28 detections in a single lake. The compounds most frequently encountered were atrazine, cotinine, and deethylatrazine, each of which was present in more than a third of the lakes.
The range of detected concentrations was from 0.23 ng/L to about 2200 ng/L for individual compounds, while the maximum cumulative concentration exceeded 8100 ng/L in a single lake. A risk assessment based on effect concentrations for three aquatic species (Pimephales promelas, Daphnia magna, and Tetrahymena pyriformis) was conducted, revealing that 6% of lakes exhibited a high potential risk for at least one species. In 59% of lakes, some contaminants with potential sub-lethal effects were detected, with the detection of up to 17 TrOCs with potential impacts. The results of this work provide the first reference point for monitoring the evolution of contamination in Canadian lakes by TrOCs. They demonstrate that a high proportion of the sampled lakes bear an environmentally relevant anthropogenic chemical footprint.
14. What network roles affect the decline of the embodied carbon emission reduction pressure in China’s manufacturing sector foreign trade?
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 449, 10 April 2024, 141771
China’s manufacturing sector faces pressure to reduce its carbon emissions embodied in foreign trade, yet the influence of the sector’s structural and path characteristics on reducing embodied carbon emission (ECE) remains unclear. We developed a research framework to analyze the trade-embodied carbon transfer networks of China’s 11 manufacturing industries with 48 economies from 2000 to 2019, identifying the key carbon transfer-in industries and paths. By integrating network characteristics, we assessed the ECE reduction pressure on key manufacturing industries and identified factors hindering its decline. ECE in China’s manufacturing foreign trade increased by 273.1% from 2000 to 2019, with the ECE in exports to developing countries since 2012 (255.58 Mt) surpassing exports to developed countries (228.31 Mt).
China’s medium-low and medium-high technology manufacturing are key carbon transfer-in industries, observed large decreases in the importance of the carbon transfer-in paths from Europe, the United States, Japan, and South Korea, versus notable increases from the Row Asia and Pacific region. Metal manufacturing, non-metallic mineral manufacturing, and chemical manufacturing were the top three industries facing ECE reduction pressure. The network structure indicators obstruct the ECE reduction pressure in metal manufacturing, whereas the network path indicators obstruct the pressure in the other key manufacturing industries. To alleviate the ECE reduction pressure within China’s manufacturing foreign trade, China’s manufacturing sector should enhance trade cooperation with Asia–Pacific countries. The study’s insights offer valuable references for China’s formulation of domestic manufacturing emission reduction policies and its participation in international climate negotiations.
15. Shaping public support for nudge-based decarbonization policies through policy narrative: The role of victim type, victim number and narrativity
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 449, 10 April 2024, 141797
Nudge-based decarbonization policies possess significant potential to foster low-carbon lifestyles and contribute to the mitigation of climate change. However, securing public support for such policies is a complex endeavor. The pivotal role of policy narratives in molding public perceptions and garnering support underscores the necessity for a strategic approach in the crafting and deployment of these narratives to strengthen public endorsement of nudge-based decarbonization strategies.
This study examines the influence of victim framing on the potency of policy narratives to bolster public support for nudge-based decarbonization policies. The study elucidates that narratives portraying climate change victims as humans rather than wildlife more effectively bolster support for policies. Furthermore, policy narratives featuring a lesser number of victims prove more efficacious in augmenting support for these policies. Moreover, the relationship between the number of victims and the narrative’s impact on policy support transitions from negative to positive in the context of high narrativity. These disparities in narrative effectiveness can be attributed to their varying abilities to evoke compassion. These insights offer valuable guidance for enhancing public support for nudge-based decarbonization policies, highlighting the strategic use of policy narrative as a key tool in policy promotion.
16. Can hierarchical healthcare system improve public health efficiency? Evidence from 27 eastern Chinese cities
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 447, 1 April 2024, 141369
Healthcare policies have the potential to impact the environment by improving public health efficiency. It is unknown whether the Hierarchical Healthcare System (HHS), an important healthcare policy in China, can impact the environment in the same way. This study addresses two research questions to investigate its impact on public health efficiency.
The first question explores the influence of the HHS on patient triage, and the second question examines its effect on the efficiency of medical resource utilization. Using empirical data from 27 cities in eastern China and employing a Time-varying Difference-in-Differences, this study establishes a relationship between the HHS and health efficiency. The findings reveal that the implementation of the HHS significantly reduces the number of patient visits to upper-level hospitals while leading to a substantial increase in patient visits to lower-level hospitals. Furthermore, the HHS is shown to reduce hospitalization time for patients at lower-level hospitals. Based on these comprehensive results, this study concludes that the HHS enhances public health efficiency and contributes to the reduction of environmental pollution.
1. Size effects of microplastics on antibiotic resistome and core microbiome in an urban river
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 919, 1 April 2024, 170716
Microplastics (MPs) in aquatic environments provide a new ecological niche that facilitates the attachment of antibiotic-resistance genes (ARGs) and pathogens. However, the effect of particle size on the colonization of antibiotic resistomes and pathogens remains poorly understood. To address this knowledge gap, this study explored the antibiotic resistome and core microbiome on three distinct types of MPs including polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene (PS), with varying sizes of 30, 200, and 3000 μm by metagenomic sequencing.
Our finding showed that the ARG abundances of the PS type increased by 4-folds with increasing particle size from 30 to 3000 μm, and significant differences in ARG profiles were found across the three MP types. In addition, the concentrations of ARGs and mobile genetic elements (MGEs) were markedly higher in the MPs than in the surrounding water, indicating their enrichment at these artificial interfaces. Notably, several pathogens such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, and Legionella pneumophila were enriched in MP biofilms, and the co-occurrence of ARGs and virulence factor genes (VFGs)/MGEs suggested the presence of pathogenic antibiotic-resistant microbes with potential mobility. Both redundancy analysis (RDA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) demonstrated that physicochemical properties such as zeta potential, MP size, and contact angle were the most significant contributors to the antibiotic resistome. Strikingly, no significant differences were observed in the health risk scores of the ARG profiles among different sizes and types of MPs. This study expands our knowledge on the impact of MP size on microbial risks, thus enhancing our understanding of the potential health hazards they pose.
2. Occurrence and fate of microplastics from a water source to two different drinking water treatment plants in a megacity in eastern China
Environmental Pollution, Volume 346, 1 April 2024, 123546
The widespread presence of microplastics (MPs) contamination in drinking water has raised concerns regarding water safety and public health. In this study, a micro-Raman spectrometer was used to trace the occurrence of MP transport from a water source to a drinking water treatment plant (DWTP)1 with an advanced treatment process and DWTP2 with a conventional treatment process and the contributions of different processes to the risk reduction of MPs were explored. Six types of MPs were detected: polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene, polypropylene, polystyrene, polyamide, and polyvinyl chloride. 2–5 μm (35.8–41.2%) and polyethylene terephthalate (27.1–29.9%) were the most frequently detected MP sizes and types of water source samples, respectively.
The abundance of MPs in treated water decreased by 72.7–83.0% compared to raw water. Ozonation and granular activated carbon (52.7%), and sand filtration (47.5%) were the most effective processes for removing MPs from DWTP1 and DWTP2, respectively. Both DWTPs showed significant removal effects on polyethylene terephthalate, with 80.0–88.1% removal rates. The concentrations of polystyrene increase by 30.0–53.4% after chlorination. The dominant components in the treated water of DWTP1 and DWTP2 were polypropylene (24.7%) and polyethylene 27.7%, respectively, and MPs of 2–5 μm had the highest proportion (55.3–64.3%). Pollution load index and potential ecological risk index of raw water treated by DWTPs were reduced by 48.0–58.7% and 94.5–94.7%, respectively. The estimated daily intake of MPs in treated water for infants was 45.5–75.0 items/kg/d, respectively, approximately twice that of adults. This study contributes to the knowledge gap regarding MP pollution in drinking water systems.
3. Development and application of a multi-task oriented deep learning model for quantifying drivers of air pollutant variations: A case study in Taiyuan, China
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 920, 10 April 2024, 170777
Quantitative assessment of the drivers behind the variation of six criteria pollutants, namely fine particulate matter (PM2.5), ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), particulate matter (PM10), and carbon monoxide (CO), in the warming climate will be critical for subsequent decision-making. Here, a novel hybrid model of multi-task oriented CNN-BiLSTM-Attention was proposed and performed in Taiyuan during 2015–2020 to synchronously and quickly quantify the impact of anthropogenic and meteorological factors on the six criteria pollutants variations. Empirical results revealed the residential and transportation sectors distinctly decreased SO2 by 25 % and 22 % and CO by 12 % and 10 %. Gradual downward trends for PM2.5, PM10, and NO2 were mainly ascribed to the stringent measures implemented in transportation and power sectors as part of the Blue Sky Defense War, which were further reinforced by the COVID-19 pandemic. Nevertheless, temperature-dependent adverse meteorological effects (27 %) and anthropogenic intervention (12 %) jointly increased O3 by 39 %. The O3-driven pollution events may be inevitable or even become more prominent under climate warming.
The industrial (5 %) and transportation sectors (6 %) were mainly responsible for the anthropogenic-driven increase of O3 and precursor NO2, respectively. Synergistic reduction of precursors (VOCs and NOx) from industrial and transportation sectors requires coordination with climate actions to mitigate the temperature-dependent O3-driven pollution, thereby improving regional air quality. Meanwhile, the proposed model is expected to be applied flexibly in various regions to quantify the drivers of the pollutant variations in a warming climate, with the potential to offer valuable insights for improving regional air quality in near future.
4. Cities and mental health: The role of the built environment, and environmental and lifestyle factors in Barcelona
Environmental Pollution, Volume 346, 1 April 2024, 123559
Built environment characteristics and related environmental exposures and behaviors have been, separately, implicated in the development of poor mental health. However, it is unclear how these factors act together in relation to mental health. We studied these factors simultaneously to evaluate the impact of the built environment, and the mediating role of environmental exposures and physical activity, on mental health, while also studying moderation by sex, age, and length of residence. We used a cross-sectional population-based sample of 3145 individuals aged 15–97 years from Barcelona, Spain. Time spent walking and mental health status were assessed with validated questionnaires, administered through a face-to-face interview. We characterized the built environment (e.g., building, population and intersection density and green space), road traffic noise, and ambient air pollution at the residential level using land cover maps, remote sensing, noise maps and land use regression models. Adjusted regression models accounting for spatial clustering were analyzed to study associations between built environment attributes and mental health, and mediation and moderation effects.
Density attributes were directly or indirectly, through air pollution and less consistently through walking, associated with poor mental health. Green space indicators were associated with lower prevalence of poor mental health, partly through lower air pollution exposure and more walking. In some cases, these associations differed by sex, age or length of residence. Non-linear associations of density indicators with environmental exposures, and of particulate matter with poor mental health indicated threshold effects. We conclude that living in dense areas with high air pollution concentrations was associated with poor mental health. On the other hand, green areas with lower air pollution concentrations were protective against poor mental health. Greater urban density might benefit health, but might only do so when air pollution concentrations are low.
5. Assessing the environmental impact of plastic flows in urban areas: A life cycle assessment and scenario analysis study
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 449, 10 April 2024, 141761
Urban areas have a considerable impact on the environment. Among the sectors contributing to the environmental impacts is plastic product usage, resulting in urban plastic waste accumulation. There exists a need to determine and evaluate plastic flows and their environmental impacts in urban areas. Our research comprehended the modelling of the eight most commonly used plastic polymers in a system of a European city with 10^5 inhabitants for the year 2020. A scenario analysis was conducted, considering the European Union’s policy of achieving a 65 % recycling rate by 2035. Plastic production contributes to most environmental impacts during the life cycle, where polyurethane, polystyrene and other plastic types are at the forefront. The results per waste management options revealed that recycling is still preferable for plastic waste, followed by incineration and landfill. Recycling potential was further noted during the scenario analysis, where an increased recycling fraction following the EU’s policy could decrease the environmental impacts of global warming by a margin of 20 %–45 % and fossil resource scarcity by a margin of 20 %–52 % per individual plastic polymer. While the established model indicates potential benefits, improved data collecting, and further research are needed to improve the model and establish a plastic nexus within urban areas.
6. The joint effects of mixture exposure to multiple meteorological factors on step count: A panel study in China
Environmental Pollution, Volume 346, 1 April 2024, 123469
The public health burden of increasing extreme weather events has been well documented. However, the influence of meteorological factors on physical activity remains limited. Existing mixture effect methods cannot handle cumulative lag effects. Therefore, we developed quantile g-computation Distributed lag non-linear model (QG-DLNM) by embedding a DLNM into quantile g-computation to allow for the concurrent consideration of both cumulated lag effects and mixture effects. We gathered repeated measurement data from Henan Province in China to investigate both the individual impact of meteorological factor on step counts using a DLNM, and the joint effect using the QG-DLNM. We projected future step counts linked to changes in temperature and relative humidity driven by climate change under three scenarios from the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project.
Our findings indicate there are inversed U-shaped associations for temperature, wind speed, and mixture exposure with step counts, peaking at 11.6 °C in temperature, 2.7 m/s in wind speed, and 30th percentile in mixture exposure. However, there are negative associations between relative humidity and rainfall with step counts. Additionally, relative humidity possesses the highest weights in the joint effect (49% contribution). Compared to 2022s, future step counts are projected to decrease due to temperature changes, while increase due to relative humidity changes. However, when considering both future temperature and humidity changes driven by climate change, the projections indicate a decrease in step counts. Our findings may suggest Chinese physical activity will be negatively influenced by global warming.
7. Sustainability evaluation of urban large-scale infrastructure construction based on dynamic fuzzy cognitive map
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 449, 10 April 2024, 141774
Enhancing the sustainability of large-scale infrastructure construction is the foundation and trend of urban sustainable development and environmental protection. This paper proposes a perception and evaluation method based on Dynamic Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping (D-FCM) to address the dynamics, uncertainties, and implementation difficulties of sustainability evaluation in large-scale infrastructure construction. Using Hebbian rules to learn the experience and knowledge of experts, a dynamic evolution correlation matrix about evaluation indicators is obtained, and a D-FCM dynamic system model is established to obtain the sustainability evaluation results of large-scale infrastructure construction.
The comprehensive sustainable evaluation value (K) of the selected subway project case is 0.934, which belongs to the V level in the sustainable level classification standard and has a good trend in sustainable development. Social public participation (S1), light pollution prevention (H1), wastewater discharge compliance rate (H2), soil pollution prevention (H3), and soil and water conservation and utilization (Z2) are the most significant and sensitive indicators for the sustainable development of large-scale infrastructure construction. Based on the interaction of influencing factors in the D-FCM model, an economically efficient control measures and decision-making plan can be proposed to improve the sustainability of large-scale infrastructure construction projects
8. Urban environment during pregnancy and childhood and white matter microstructure in preadolescence in two European birth cohorts
Environmental Pollution, Volume 346, 1 April 2024, 123612
Growing evidence suggests that urban environment may influence cognition and behavior in children, but the underlying pollutant and neurobiological mechanisms are unclear. We evaluated the association of built environment and urban natural space indicators during pregnancy and childhood with brain white matter microstructure in preadolescents, and examined the potential mediating role of air pollution and road-traffic noise. We used data of the Generation R Study, a population-based birth cohort in Rotterdam, the Netherlands (n = 2725; 2002–2006) for the primary analyses. Replication of the main findings was attempted on an independent neuroimaging dataset from the PELAGIE birth cohort, France (n = 95; 2002–2006). We assessed exposures to 12 built environment and 4 urban natural spaces indicators from conception up to 9 years of age. We computed 2 white matter microstructure outcomes (i.e., average of fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) from 12 white matte tracts) from diffusion tensor imaging data. Greater distance to the nearest major green space during pregnancy was associated with higher whole-brain FA (0.001 (95%CI 0.000; 0.002) per 7 m increase), and higher land use diversity during childhood was associated with lower whole-brain MD (−0.001 (95%CI -0.002; −0.000) per 0.12-point increase), with no evidence of mediation by air pollution nor road-traffic noise.
Higher percentage of transport and lower surrounding greenness during pregnancy were associated with lower whole-brain FA, and road-traffic noise mediated 19% and 52% of these associations, respectively. We found estimates in the same direction in the PELAGIE cohort, although confidence intervals were larger and included the null. This study suggests an association between urban environment and white matter microstructure, mainly through road-traffic noise, indicating that greater access to green space nearby might promote white matter development.
9. Sustainability assessment of biofuel and value-added product from organic fraction of municipal solid waste
Environmental Research, Volume 246, 1 April 2024, 118121
The current study aims to examine the techno-economic and environmental assessment of biorefinery development within a circular bioeconomy context by using an organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) by extraction of lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins with 98, 51 and 62 % by mass of conversion efficiency and yield recovery, and value-added fractions production as well. Fatty acid methyl ester (biodiesel) and glycerol (biofuel) were produced by applying transesterification process, and the remaining biomass was converted into biocrude oil by thermal liquefication. The biorefinery using 613 kg of OFMSW produced biodiesel, glycerol, and bioethanol with 126 litter, 14.3 kg, and 172 litter respectively, as well as value-added fractions, such as biocrude oil with 78 kg. The environmental impact was assessed using the life cycle assessment (LCA) framework, ReCiPe2016 Mid-point (H) approach, through 18 different environmental categories.
The key findings elucidate that Terrestrial ecotoxicity, Climate change, Fossil depletion and Human toxicity were the main impact categories which are potentially contributed 9.81E+02 kg 1,4-DB eq., 1.43E+03 kg CO2 eq., 2.04E+02 kg oil eq., and 8.08E+01 kg 1,4-DB eq. The normalization (person per equivalent) analysis revealed that only categories of resource reduction (fossil and metal depletion) are the key contributors to environmental degradation. The biorefinery system’s total revenue was estimated at USD 6.817,509 million annually. The calculated revenue was USD 0.026 million daily in a shift of 8 h. The Net present worth (NPW) was calculated at USD 499.97 million by assuming a discount factor of 10 % and inflation rate of 5 % for 15 years. The project is considered feasible by demonstrating 7.15 payback year. This research showcased the efficient portrayal of the biorefinery system and succinctly conveyed the significant circular bioeconomy for a greener future. Thus, it could be helpful to the stakeholder’s context towards techno-economic and environmental evaluation.
10. New insights from an eight-year study on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in an urban terrestrial ecosystem
Environmental Pollution, Volume 347, 15 April 2024, 123735
Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) were analysed in a high number of terrestrial samples of soil, earthworm, bird eggs and liver from red fox and brown rat in an urban area in Norway from 2013 to 2020. PFOS and the long chain PFCAs were the most dominating compounds in all samples, proving their ubiquitous distribution. Other less studied compounds such as 6:2 FTS were first and foremost detected in earthworm. 8:2 FTS was found in many samples of fieldfare egg, sparrowhawk egg and earthworm, where the eggs had highest concentrations. Highest concentrations for both 6:2 FTS and 8:2 FTS were detected at present and former industry areas. FOSA was detected in many samples of the species with highest concentrations in red fox liver and brown rat liver of 3.3 and 5.5 ng/g ww.
PFAS concentrations from the urban area were significantly higher than from background areas indicating that some of the species can be suitable as markers for PFAS emissions in an urban environment. Fieldfare eggs had surprisingly high concentrations of PFOS and PFCA concentrations from areas known to be or have been influenced by industry. Biota-soil-accumulation factor and magnification calculations indicate accumulation and magnification potential for several PFAS.
Earthworm and fieldfare egg had average concentrations above the Canadian and European thresholds in diet for avian wildlife and predators. For earthworms, 18 % of the samples exceeded the European threshold (33 ng/g ww) of PFOS in prey for predators, and for fieldfare eggs, 35 % of the samples were above the same threshold. None of the soil samples exceeded a proposed PNEC of PFOS for soil living organisms of 373 ng/g dw.
11. New insight into identifying sediment phosphorus sources in multi-source polluted urban river: Effect of environmental-induced microbial community succession on stability of microbial source tracking results
Environmental Research, Volume 247, 15 April 2024, 118215
Identifying sediment phosphorus sources, the key to control eutrophication, is hindered in multi-source polluted urban rivers by the lack of appropriate methods and data resolution. Community-based microbial source tracking (MST) offers new insight, but the bacterial communities could be affected by environmental fluctuations during the migration with sediments, which might induce instability of MST results. Therefore, the effects of environmental-induced community succession on the stability of MST were compared in this study. Liangxi River, a highly eutrophic urban river, was selected as the study area where sediment phosphorus sources are difficult to track because of multi-source pollution and complicated hydrodynamic conditions. Spearman correlation analysis (P < 0.05) was conducted to recognize a close relationship between sediment, bacterial communities and phosphorus, verifying the feasibility of MST for identify sediment phosphorus sources.
Two distinct microbial community fingerprints were constructed based on whether excluded 113 vulnerable species, which were identified by analyzing the differences of microorganisms across a concentration gradient of exogenous phosphorus input in microbial environmental response experiment. Because of the lower unknown proportion and relative standard deviations, MST results were more stable and reliable when based on the fingerprints excluding species vulnerable to phosphorus. This study presents a novel insight on how to identify sediment phosphorus sources in multi-source polluted urban river, and would help to develop preferential control strategies for eutrophication management.
12. First temporal distribution model of ambient air pollutants (PM2.5, PM10, and O3) in Yangon City, Myanmar during 2019–2021
Environmental Pollution, Volume 347, 15 April 2024, 123718
Air pollution has emerged as a significant global concern, particularly in urban centers. This study aims to investigate the temporal distribution of air pollutants, including PM2.5, PM10, and O3, utilizing multiple linear regression modeling. Additionally, the research incorporates the calculation of the Air Quality Index (AQI) and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) time series modeling to predict the AQI for PM2.5 and PM10. The concentrations and AQI values for PM2.5 ranged from 0 to 93.6 μg/m3 and 0 to 171, respectively, surpassing the Word Health Organization’s (WHO) acceptable threshold levels. Similarly, concentrations and AQI values for PM10 ranged from 0.1 to 149.27 μg/m3 and 2–98 μg/m3, respectively, also exceeding WHO standards. Particulate matter pollution exhibited notable peaks during summer and winter.
Key meteorological factors, including dew point temperature, relative humidity, and rainfall, showed a significant negative association with all pollutants, while ambient temperature exhibited a significant positive correlation with particulate matter. Multiple linear regression models of particulate matter for winter season demonstrated the highest model performance, explaining most of the variation in particulate matter concentrations. The annual multiple linear regression model for PM2.5 exhibited the most robust performance, explaining 60% of the variation, while the models for PM10 and O3 explained 45% of the variation in their concentrations. Time series modeling projected an increasing trend in the AQI for particulate matter in 2022. The precise and accurate results of this study serve as a valuable reference for developing effective air pollution control strategies and raising awareness of AQI in Myanmar.
13. Trend-attribute forecasting of hourly PM2.5 trends in fifteen cities of Central England applying optimized machine learning feature selection
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 356, April 2024, 120561
Recorded particulate matter (PM2.5) hourly trends are compared for fifteen urban recording sites distributed across central England for the period 2018 to 2022. They include 10 urban-background and five urban-traffic (roadside) sites with some located within the same urban area. The sites all show consistent background and peak distributions with mean annual values and standard deviations higher for 2018 and 2019 than for 2020 to 2022. The objective of this study is to demonstrate that trend attributes extracted from hourly recorded univariate PM2.5 trends at these sites can be used to provide reliable short-term hourly predictions and provide valuable insight into the regional variations in the recorded trends. Fifteen trend attributes extracted from the prior 12 h (t-1 to t-12) of recorded PM2.5 data were compiled and used as input to four supervised machine learning models (SML) to forecast PM2.5 concentrations up to 13 h ahead (t0 to t+12).
All recording sites delivered forecasts with similar ranges of error levels for specific hours ahead which are consistent with their PM2.5 recorded ranges. Forecasting results for four representative sites are presented in detail using models trained and cross-validated with 2020 and 2021 hourly data to forecast 2021 and 2022 hourly data, respectively. A novel optimized feature selection procedure using a suite of five optimizers is used to improve the efficiency of the forecasting models. The LASSO and support vector regression models generate the best and most generalizable hourly PM2.5 forecasts from trained and validated SML models with mean average error (MAE) of between ∼1 and ∼3 μg/m3 for t0 to t+3 h ahead. A novel overfitting indicator, exploiting the cross-validation mean values, demonstrates that these two models are not affected by overfitting. Forecasts for t+6 to t+12 h forward generate higher MAE values between ∼3 and ∼4 μg/m3 due to their tendency to underestimate some of the extreme PM2.5 peaks. These findings indicate that further model refinements are required to generate more reliable short-term predictions for the t+6 to t+24 h ahead.
14. The recovery potential and utilization pathway of chemical energy from wastewater pollutants during wastewater treatment in China
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 356, April 2024, 120591
Research on the potential for chemical energy recovery and the optimization of recovery pathways in different regions of China is still lacking. This study aimed to address this gap by evaluating the potential and optimize the utilization pathways for chemical energy recovery in various regions of China for achieving sustainable wastewater treatment. The results showed that the eastern and northeastern regions of China exhibited higher chemical energy levels under the existing operating conditions. Key factors affecting chemical energy recovery included chemical oxygen demand removal (ΔCOD), treatment scale, and specific energy consumption (μ) of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Furthermore, the average improvement in the chemical energy recovery rate with an optimized utilization pathway was approximately 40% in the WWTPs. The use of the net-zero energy consumption (NZE) model proved effective in improving the chemical energy recovery potential, with an average reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reaching next to 95% in the investigated WWTPs.
15. Ozone and its precursors at an urban site in the Yangtze River Delta since clean air action plan phase II in China
Environmental Pollution, Volume 347, 15 April 2024, 123769
In response to regional ozone (O3) pollution, Chinese government has implemented air pollution control measures in recent years. Here, a case study was performed at an O3-polluted city, Wuhu, in Yangtze River Delta region of China to investigate O3 variation trend and the relationship to its precursors after implementation of Clean Air Action Plan Phase II, which aims to reduce O3 pollution. The results showed that peak O3 concentration was effectively reduced since Clean Air Action Plan Phase II. Due to significant NOx reduction, O3 formation tended to shift from volatile organic compound (VOC)-limited regimes to NOx-limited regimes during 2018–2022. VOC/NOx ratios measured in 2022 revealed that peak O3 concentration tended to respond positively to NOx. Apart from high-O3 period, Wuhu was still in a VOC-limited regime. The relationship of maximum daily 8-h ozone average and NO2 followed a lognormal distribution with an inflection point at 20 μg m−3 of NO2, suggesting that Wuhu should conduct joint control of VOC and NOx with a focus on VOC reduction before the inflection point.
Alkenes and aromatics were suggested to be preferentially controlled due to their higher ozone formation potentials. Using random forest meteorological normalization method, meteorology had a positive effect on O3 concentration in 2018, 2019 and 2022, but a negative effect in 2020 and 2021. The meteorology could explain 44.0 ± 19.1% of the O3 variation during 2018–2022. High temperature favors O3 production and O3 pollution occurred more easily when temperature was over 25 °C, while high relative humidity inhibits O3 generation and no O3 pollution was found at relative humidity above 70%. This study unveils some new insights into the trend of urban O3 pollution in Yangtze River Delta region since Clean Air Action Plan Phase II and the findings provide important references for formulating control strategies against O3 pollution.
16. Efficiency evaluation of low impact development practices on urban flood risk
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 356, April 2024, 120467
Urban flood risk assessment delivers invaluable information regarding flood management as well as preventing the associated risks in urban areas. The present study prepares a flood risk map and evaluate the practices of low-impact development (LID) intended to decrease the flood risk in Shiraz Municipal District 4, Fars province, Iran. So, this study investigate flood vulnerability using MCDM models and some indices, including population density, building age, socio-economic conditions, floor area ratio, literacy, the elderly population, and the number of building floors to. Then, the map of thematic layers affecting the urban flood hazard, including annual mean rainfall, land use, elevation, slope percentage, curve number, distance from channel, depth of groundwater, and channel density, was prepared in GIS. After conducting a multicollinearity test, data mining models were used to create the urban flood hazard map, and the urban flood risk map was produced using ArcGIS 10.8.
The evaluation of vulnerability models was shown through the use of Boolean logic that TOPSIS and VIKOR models were effective in identifying urban flooding vulnerable areas. Data mining models were also evaluated using ROC and precision-recall curves, indicating the accuracy of the RF model. The importance of input variables was measured using Shapley value, which showed that curve number, land use, and elevation were more important in flood hazard modeling. According to the results, 37.8 percent of the area falls into high and very high categories in terms of flooding risk.
The study used a stormwater management model (SWMM) to simulate node flooding and provide management scenarios for rainfall events with a return period ranging from 2 to 50 years and five rainstorm events. The use of LID practices in flood management was found to be effective for rainfall events with a return period of less than 10 years, particularly for two-year events. However, the effectiveness of LID practices decreases with an increase in the return period. By applying a combined approach to a region covering approximately 10 percent of the total area of Shiraz Municipal District 4, a reduction of 2–22.8 percent in node flooding was achieved. The analysis of data mining and MCDM models with a physical model revealed that more than 60% of flooded nodes were classified as “high” and “very high” risk categories in the RF-VIKOR and RF-TOPSIS risk models.
1. Experimental study of rainwater grate blocking and submergence of outfall on drainage network capacity
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 356, April 2024, 120624
Accurately evaluating the performance of urban underground drainage network and its influencing factors is a challenging problem, as this process is affected by many complex factors. In this study, based on an overland flow experiment considering drainage process of pipe network, a series of physical model experiments were conducted to investigate the influences of different surface slopes, rainwater grate blockage and the submergence of outfall on the performance of the drainage pipe network system. The hydrographs of surface runoff and pipe network flow were recorded in collection tanks by precise digital pressure sensors to provide comprehensive information about the characteristics of drainage performance in the pipe network.
Through a series of experimental data collection and analysis, the following conclusions are drawn from this study: (1) The longitudinal slope of the road decreases the pipe drainage capacity by 1.68%–8.94%, and this reduction effect is more significant with the increase of slope. (2) The blockage of rainwater grate at different locations has different impacts on the road drainage system, the downstream rainwater grate blockage has the most obvious impact on the performance of the drainage system, which reduces the drainage capacity by 22.59%–25.38%. (3) Different submergence degrees of rainwater outlet have different impacts on the drainage system. Under different slopes, the drainage capacity of the pipe network decreases by 1.88%–23.46% with the increase of the submergence degree of the outfall. These experimental results are helpful in understanding the working conditions of urban road drainage system and the influencing factors of the system’s drainage capacity, and also provide measured data for verification of relevant numerical models and coefficient calibration.
2. Role of artificial intelligence in carbon cost reduction of firms
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 447, 1 April 2024, 141413
The primary investor for global warming and climate change is carbon dioxide (CO2), which accounts for the largest portion of greenhouse gases in and around firms. Artificial intelligence (AI) can have a big impact on reducing the carbon costs of firms. With AI, companies can monitor energy usage across different processes, identify inefficiencies and suggest ways to reduce them. This helps companies improve resource efficiency and costs while minimizing carbon emissions. The study aims to explore the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the carbon cost reduction of firms. This study investigates how businesses can leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the reduction of carbon costs. Specifically, the research explores the impact of AI-based predictions, decision-making, recommendations, and renewable energy optimization on firms’ carbon cost reduction. This research employs a quantitative research design and demonstrates that AI use in decision-making and optimizing renewable energy is highly correlated with carbon cost reduction. The outcomes of the research have significant practical implications for policymakers, and industry professionals in their development of sustainable business practices.
Additionally, the research contributes to the literature surrounding AI and sustainability by offering an empirical perspective on how AI can be used to support environmental sustainability efforts, enhance corporate social responsibility, and promote long-term economic gains for firms. The statistical analysis shows that there is a significant impact of AI-based predictions on the reduction of carbon costs in firms. Furthermore, it demonstrates that AI-based decision-making impacts reducing carbon costs for firms. These results highlight the importance of incorporating AI technology into business practices to effectively address sustainability concerns and reduce carbon costs, ultimately promoting long-term economic sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
3. Ultrasonic treatment of dye chemicals in wastewater: A review
Chemosphere, Volume 354, April 2024, 141676
The existence of pollutants, such as toxic organic dye chemicals, in water and wastewater raises concerns as they are inadequately eliminated through conventional water and wastewater treatment methods, including physicochemical and biological processes. Ultrasonic treatment has emerged as an advanced treatment process that has been widely applied to the decomposition of recalcitrant organic contaminants. Ultrasonic treatment has several advantages, including easy operation, sustainability, non-secondary pollutant production, and saving energy. This review examines the elimination of dye chemicals and categorizes them into cationic and anionic dyes based on the existing literature. The objectives include (i) analyzing the primary factors (water quality and ultrasonic conditions) that influence the sonodegradation of dye chemicals and their byproducts during ultrasonication, (ii) assessing the impact of the different sonocatalysts and combined systems (with ozone and ultraviolet) on sonodegradation, and (iii) exploring the characteristics-based removal mechanisms of dyes. In addition, this review proposes areas for future research on ultrasonic treatment of dye chemicals in water and wastewater.
4. Revitalizing green progress: Assessing corporate environmental performance in the wake of Yangtze River Major Conservation initiatives
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 449, 10 April 2024, 141766
The Yangtze River Major Conservation (YRMC) Action has been strategically crafted to catalyze industrial evolution within the Yangtze River basin, aligning with China’s goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2060, particularly from the corporate perspective. Despite its significance, the potential impact of this initiative on corporate environmental performance (CEP) remains understudied. To address this gap, we utilize panel data from Chinese firms listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen A-shares (2012–2020) and employ the difference-in-differences (DID) method to investigate the causal relationship between the YRMC Action and the CEP. The main findings are threefold: (i) Firms located within a 100 km radius of the Yangtze River’s main stream have exhibited an average increase of 0.1497 units in CEP due to the implementation of the YRMC Action, which are consistently validated across robustness tests; (ii) Mechanisms driving this enhancement include incentivizing firms to undertake green technological R&D programs, securing governmental green R&D subsidies, and credit incentives; and (iii) Heterogeneity analyses show that firms closer to the main stream of the Yangtze River, particularly those upstream and led by senior executives with awareness of green initiatives, have contributed to more pronounced improvements in CEP. This paper highlights policy implications for optimizing the incentive effects of the YRMC Action and strengthening the environmental regulatory governance to ensure enduring enhancements in CEP.
5. Coagulation-centered three-step approach for removing by-product organic pollutants from tetrabromobisphenol A industrial wastewater: Experimental and theoretic investigations
Environmental Research, Volume 247, 15 April 2024, 118113
The challenge of meeting discharge standards for tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) production wastewater, characterized by high concentrations of organic by-products, necessitates effective treatment methods. This study identifies 2,4-dibromophenol, 2,6-dibromophenol, 2,4,6-tribromophenol, chlorobenzene, and toluene as the primary organic by-product pollutants. A coagulation-centered three-step approach was established for TBBPA industrial wastewater treatment. The initial step involves acidification treatment to exploit the reduced solubility of 2,4-dibromophenol, 2,6-dibromophenol, and 2,4,6-tribromophenol under acidic conditions, with the optimal pH determined as 2.7–3.1. An acid-activated montmorillonite coagulant (AMC), prepared through roasting and high-pressure acid leaching, exhibits a distinctive “Core-shell” structure, contributing significantly to the combined coagulation and adsorption mechanism.
The acid-soluble aluminum salts in AMC form positively charged flocs, electrostatically attracting negatively charged organic compounds in the wastewater. Simultaneously, the porous insoluble silicon framework displays strong adsorption capacity for pollutants. The removal efficiencies for toluene, chlorobenzene, 2,4-dibromophenol, 2,6-dibromophenol, and 2,4,6-tribromophenol reached 88.2%, 89.1%, 88.8%, 87.1%, and 89.4%, respectively. Elemental analysis reveals that the coloration of the wastewater stems from complexation reactions between phenolic compounds and Fe3+, originating from the corrosion of iron or steel reaction vessel. Post-treatment with cation exchange resin resulted in removal efficiencies of 5.2%, 59.1%, 80.2%, 77.9%, and 88.3% for the five substances, respectively. This study outlines a crucial pathway for the effective purification of TBBPA wastewater.
6. Revealing the hidden carbon flows in global industrial Sectors—Based on the perspective of linkage network structure
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 356, April 2024, 120531
This paper interprets the implicit carbon flows in global industrial sectors from a network perspective. Using the SNA-IO integrated model, along with cross-border input-output data from Eora26 (2000–2020) and global energy balance data, the implicit carbon emissions of global industrial sectors and their evolution are analyzed. A carbon emission network structure from an industrial chain perspective is proposed. The results indicate that the carbon emissions responsibility of an industry is not only associated with its own energy consumption. It also involves the carbon emissions transfer resulting from the exchange of products and services between upstream and downstream industries. Block model analysis reveals the carbon emission transfer relationships and their interconnections among global industrial sectors, tending towards an industry clustering pattern where “production side” converges with “demand side” coexisting in supply and demand. There are noticeable inequalities in wealth gains and environmental burdens between these blocks. This paper can provide targeted carbon reduction policy recommendations for various industrial sectors to participate in global responsibility allocation and promote the formation of a low-carbon global industrial sector network.
7. Eco-friendly synthesis of clay-chitosan composite for efficient removal of alizarin red S dye from wastewater: A comprehensive experimental and theoretical investigation
Environmental Research, Volume 247, 15 April 2024, 118352
Alizarin Red S (ARS) is commonly utilized for dyeing in textile industry. The dye represents a refractory pollutant in the aquatic environment unless properly treated. To tackle this pollutant, the applicability of chitosan-clay composite (3C) for the ARS removal from textile wastewater was studied. Characterization studies were conducted on the synthesized adsorbent using Fourier transformation infrared (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) techniques. Optimized parameters such as adsorbent’s dosage, pH, reaction time, and initial concentrations were tested in a batch system. Additionally, density functional theory (DFT) was calculated to understand the adsorption mechanism and the role of benzene rings and oxygen atoms in the ARS as electron donors.
At the same initial concentration of 30 mg/L and optimized conditions of 50 mg of dose, pH 2, and 10 min of reaction time, about 86% of ARS removal was achieved using the composite. The pseudo-second-order kinetic was applicable to model a reasonable fitness of the adsorption reaction, while the Temkin model was representative to simulate the reaction with a maximum adsorption capacity of 44.39 mg/g. This result was higher than magnetic chitosan (40.12 mg/g), or pure chitosan (42.48 mg/g). With ΔH = 27.22 kJ/mol and ΔG<0, the data implied the endothermic and spontaneous nature of the adsorption process. Overall, this implies that the clay-chitosan composite is promising to remove target dye from contaminated wastewater.
8. Excellent coagulation performance of polysilicate aluminum ferric for treating oily wastewater from Daqing gasfield: Responses to polymer properties and coagulation mechanism
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 356, April 2024, 120642
The polysilicate aluminum ferric (PSAF) was synthesized via copolymerization of polysilicic acid (PSi), AlCl3 and FeCl3 for treating oily wastewater from Daqing gas field. This study investigated the effects of key preparation factors such as the degree of PSi’s preactivation and the ratio of (Fe + Al)/Si and Al/Fe on both polymerization and coagulation performance exhibited by PSAF. To determine the optimal timing for introducing Al3+ and Fe3+, zeta potential, viscosity and particle size were investigated. Additionally, infrared spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, polarizing microscopy and scanning electron microscope analysis were employed to investigate the structure and morphology of PSAF. The results indicate that under conditions characterized by a SiO2 mass fraction of 2.5% and pH = 4.5, an optimal timing for introducing Al3+ and Fe3+ is at 100 min when PSi exhibits moderate polymerization along with sufficient stability.
When considering molar ratios such as (Al + Fe)/Si being 6:4 and Al/Fe being 5:5, respectively, PSAF falls within a “stable zone” enabling storage period up to 32 days. Moreover, Jar test results demonstrate that at a dosage of 200 mg/L PSAF for oily wastewater treatment in gas fields could reach the maximum turbidity removal efficiency up to 99.5% while oil removal efficiency reach 88.6% without pH adjustment. The copolymerization facilitates the formation of larger PSAF aggregates with positive potential, thereby augmenting the coagulants’ adsorption bridging and charge neutralization capabilities. As a result, PSAF has great potential as a practical coagulant for treating oil-containing wastewater in industrial settings.
9. Viral community distribution, assembly mechanism, and associated hosts in an industrial park wastewater treatment plant
Environmental Research, Volume 247, 15 April 2024, 118156
Viruses manipulate bacterial community composition and impact wastewater treatment efficiency. Some viruses pose threats to the environment and human populations through infection. Improving the efficiency of wastewater treatment and ensuring the health of the effluent and receptor pools requires an understanding of how viral communities assemble and interact with hosts in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). We used metagenomic analysis to study the distribution, assembly mechanism, and sensitive hosts for the viral communities in raw water, anaerobic tanks, and returned activated sludge units of a large-scale industrial park WWTP. Uroviricota (53.42% ± 0.14%) and Nucleocytoviricota (26.1% ± 0.19%) were dominant in all units. Viral community composition significantly differed between units, as measured by β diversity (P = 0.005).
Compared to raw water, the relative viral abundance decreased by 29.8% in the anaerobic tank but increased by 9.9% in the activated sludge. Viral community assembly in raw water and anaerobic tanks was predominantly driven by deterministic processes (MST <0.5) versus stochastic processes (MST >0.5) in the activated sludge, indicating that differences in diffusion limits may fundamentally alter the assembly mechanisms of viral communities between the solid and liquid-phase environments. Acidobacteria was identified as the sensitive host contributing to viral abundance, exhibiting strong interactions and a mutual dependence (degree = 59). These results demonstrate the occurrence and prevalence of viruses in WWTPs, their different assembly mechanism, and sensitive hosts. These observations require further study of the mechanisms of viral community succession, ecological function, and roles in the successive wastewater treatment units.
10. S defect-rich MoS2 aerogel with hierarchical porous structure: Efficient photocatalysis and convenient reuse for removal of organic dyes
Chemosphere, Volume 354, April 2024, 141649
To avoid the difficulty of separating solids from liquids when reusing powder photocatalysts, 3D stereoscopic photocatalysts were constructed. In this study, three-dimensional S defect-rich MoS2 hierarchical aerogel was prepared by chemical cross-linking of functional ultrathin 2D MoS2. Its phase, micro-morphology and structure were characterized, and it was used in the study of photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants.
Of the samples tested, MS@CA-3 (i.e., defect-rich 3D MoS2 aerogel with a loading of 30 mg of defect-rich MoS2) exhibited the best photocatalytic activity due to its suitable load, good light transmission, and a degradation rate of up to 91.0% after 3 h. In addition, MS@CA-3 aerogel offers high recyclability and structural stability, and the degradation rate of the organic pollutant methylene blue decreases only 9.8% after more than ten cycles of photocatalytic degradation. It combines the high catalytic performance of S defect-rich 2D MoS2 and the convenient reusability of hierarchical porous aerogel. This study provides valuable data and a reference for the practical promotion and application of photocatalytic technology in the field of environmental remediation.
11. Efficient bioremediation of indigo-dye contaminated textile wastewater using native microorganisms and combined bioaugmentation-biostimulation techniques
Chemosphere, Volume 353, April 2024, 141538
In this work, the bioremediation of wastewater from the textile industry with indigo dye content was carried out using combined bioaugmentation, bioventilation, and biostimulation techniques. Initially, the inoculum was prepared by isolating the microorganisms from the textile wastewater in a 2 L bioreactor. Then, the respirometry technique was implemented to determine the affinity of the microorganisms and the substrate by measuring CO2 and allowed the formulation of an empirical mathematical model for the growth kinetics of the microorganism.
Finally, the bioremediation was carried out in a 3 L bioreactor obtaining an indigo dye removal efficiency of 20.7 ± 1.2%, 24.0 ± 1.5%, and 29.7 ± 1.1% for equivalent wavelengths of 436 nm, 525 nm, and 620 nm. The chemical oxygen demand showed an average reduction of 88.9 ± 2.5%, going from 470.7 ± 15.6 to 52.3 ± 10.7 ppm after 30 days under constant agitation and aeration. A negative generalized exponential model was fitted to assess the affinity of the microorganism with the wastewater as a substrate by evaluating the production of CO2 during the bioremediation. Bioremediation techniques improve water discharge parameters compared to chemical treatments implemented in the industry, reducing the use of substances that can generate secondary pollution. Bioaugmentation, biostimulation, and bioventing of the textile wastewater in this study demonstrate the potential of these combined techniques to serve as an efficient alternative for indigo-contaminated wastewater in the textile industry.
12. Carbon emission and maintenance cost of commercial buildings: Quantification, analysis and benchmarking
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 447, 1 April 2024, 141459
Minimizing the carbon emissions of buildings entails effective resources deployment to maintain the buildings and their facilities. Through an environmental-economics lens, a mixed methods research was conducted on 27 commercial buildings, from which reliable and longitudinal data were collected. Considering the different mixes of premises (office, retail and car park) in the buildings and their variability in carbon emission intensity and maintenance cost intensity, a normalization method was developed based on appropriate scaling factors of the premises.
Correlation analyses revealed significant correlations between building age and builder’s work maintenance cost, as well as between building area and carbon emissions. The finding that the carbon emission intensities of the buildings decreased with capital project costs implies that capital projects, especially energy retrofits, can significantly reduce carbon emissions. Using the benchmarking charts constructed, the buildings – with or without capital projects implemented – were compared in terms of carbon emissions and maintenance costs. Besides contributing insights into future research, the study results hold significance for stakeholders, including policy makers, building owners and facilities managers, in optimizing maintenance resources to attain a cleaner built environment.
13. Sustainable utilisation of calcium-rich industrial wastes in soil stabilisation: Potential use of calcium carbide residue
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 357, April 2024, 120800
Calcium carbide residue (CCR), a by-product of the acetylene industry, is generated at a rate of 136 million tonnes per year, posing significant environmental risks. This review examines the potential utilisation of CCR in soil stabilisation, focusing on its stabilisation mechanism, performance in improving mechanical properties, environmental safety, and sustainability. The aim is to identify future research directions for CCR-based stabilisation to promote its broader application, and to provide references for managing similar Ca-rich wastes.
CCR-based materials demonstrate promising benefits in enhancing various soil properties, such as uniaxial strength, swelling properties, triaxial shear behaviour, compressibility, and dynamic responses, while also reducing the mobility of contaminants. Compared to conventional stabilisers, CCR-based materials exhibit comparable performance in soil improvement, environmental impact and safety, and economic feasibility. However, further research is required to delve deeper into stabilisation mechanisms, mechanical properties, and stability of contaminants for the soil treated with CCR-based materials under diverse conditions.
14. A prediction index of the volatile organic compounds pollution conditions in a chemical industrial park based on atmospheric stability
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 919, 1 April 2024, 170862
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), as common precursors of ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5), are a focus of air pollution prevention and control. Furthermore, with the rapid development of industry, industrial sources have become the largest source of anthropogenic VOCs emissions, leading to economic development while causing great harm to the environment. It is becoming meaningful to efficiently predict the future total volatile organic compounds (TVOC) pollution conditions in chemical industrial parks (CIPs), which can assist managers in carrying out corporate emission management in advance.
In this study, TVOC monitoring data and meteorological data from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022, were used to innovatively construct the TVOC pollution index. This index comprehensively considers the atmospheric stability and localized horizontal diffusion conditions and can quickly and accurately predict the variations in the TVOC in a CIP in the next 7 days. In addition, we used synoptic weather patterns and backward trajectory analysis to explore the mechanism of VOCs pollution formation in a CIP. The results show that the combined influences of a westerly wind pattern, temperatures above 30 °C, a subtropical high pressure system, more upwind pollutants, and the horizontal and vertical diffusion conditions in the CIP were unfavorable, leading to VOCs pollution.
15. Impacts of mining on vegetation phenology and sensitivity assessment of spectral vegetation indices to mining activities in arid/semi-arid areas
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 356, April 2024, 120678
Measuring the impact of mining activities on vegetation phenology and assessing the sensitivity of vegetation indices (VIs) to it are crucial for understanding land degradation in mining areas and enhancing the carbon sink capacity following the ecological restoration of mines. To this end, we have developed a novel technical framework to quantify the impact of mining activities on vegetation, and applied it to the Bainaimiao copper mining area in Inner Mongolia.
Phenological indices are extracted based on the VI time series data of Sentinel-2, and changes in phenological differences in various directions are used to quantify the impact of mining activities on vegetation. Finally, indicators such as mean difference, standard deviation, index value distribution interval, and concentration of index value distribution were selected to assess the sensitivity of the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI), Green Chlorophyll Index (GCI), Global Environmental Monitoring Index (GEMI), Green Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (GNDVI), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Renormalized Difference Vegetation Index (RDVI), Red-Edge Chlorophyll Index (RECI), and Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI) to mining activities.
The results of the study show that the impact of mining activities on surrounding vegetation extends to an area three times larger than the actual mining activity area. When compared with the reference and unaffected areas, the affected area experienced a delay of approximately 10 days in seasonal vegetation development. Environmental pollution caused by the tailings pond was identified as the primary factor influencing this delay. Significant variations in the sensitivity of each VI to assess mining activities in arid/semi-arid areas were observed. Notably, GCI, GNDVI and RDVI displayed relatively high sensitivity to discrepancies in the spectral attributes of vegetation within the affected area, while SAVI reflected the overall spectral stability of the vegetation in the affected area. The research findings have the potential to provide valuable technical guidance for holistic environmental management in mining areas and hold great significance in preventing further land degradation and supporting ecological restoration in mining areas.
16. Comparative study of synthesis methods and pH-dependent adsorption of methylene blue dye on UiO-66 and NH2-UiO-66
Chemosphere, Volume 353, April 2024, 141543
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are highly promising adsorbents with notable properties such as elevated adsorption capacities and versatile surface design capabilities. This study introduces two distinct synthesis methods, one lasting 1 h and the other 24 h, for UiO-66 and NH2-UiO-66. While both methods yield structures with comparable crystallinity and morphology, the adsorption performance of the cationic methylene blue dye varies at different pH levels. Despite the 24 h synthesis time being optimal for maximum adsorption in both MOFs, the relative difference in NH2-UiO-66 adsorption percentage at different times suggests reduced dependency on synthesis time for this property. Notably, NH2-UiO-66 exhibits consistent and effective performance across three pH levels, warranting further investigation into its adsorption kinetics and isotherm. The achievement of high adsorption efficiency coupled with a significantly reduced synthesis time underscores the importance of developing simplified synthetic methods, essential for enhancing the practical applicability of MOFs in diverse applications.
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