Áp lực lớn từ suy thoái môi trường tác động tới đời sống, kinh tế – xã hội đòi hỏi các chính phủ phải có tầm nhìn mới và quyết tâm triển khai các giải pháp toàn diện cho chiến lược bảo vệ môi trường.
Bằng chất xám của mình, các nhà khoa học chính là những chiến sỹ tuyến đầu trên mặt trận bảo vệ Hành tinh xanh với việc công bố hàng chục triệu bài báo liên quan đến môi trường trên các tạp chí khoa học thế giới. Trong những vấn đề liên quan tới môi trường, quản lý môi trường là lĩnh vực rộng, bao quát khắp các hoạt động kinh tế – xã hội, từ sản xuất kinh doanh cho đến sinh hoạt, các khu công nghiệp, làng nghề cho đến sản xuất nông nghiệp, từ thành thị đến nông thôn,… mỗi nơi đều có nhiều vấn đề đa dạng khác nhau.
Trong số này, Chuyên trang Quản lý môi trường giới thiệu tới quý độc giả những nội dung chính như sau:
Về quản lý môi trường
– Hiệu quả năng lượng một nguồn năng lượng các-bon thấp? Bằng chứng từ 16 nền kinh tế OECD có thu nhập cao.
– Các chất gây ô nhiễm không khí dạng khí và nhập viện vì rối loạn tâm thần ở 17 thành phố của Trung Quốc: Hiệp hội, gánh nặng bệnh tật và chi phí kinh tế.
– Tiếp xúc lâu dài với ô nhiễm không khí dạng hạt mịn: Một nghiên cứu sinh thái học về ảnh hưởng của nó đối với các trường hợp COVID-19 và tử vong ở Đức.
– Tác động chưa được đánh giá cao của COVID-19 đối với việc giảm phát thải carbon ở các nước đang phát triển – Một đánh giá mới dựa trên phân tích kịch bản.
– Gánh nặng toàn cầu về ung thư phổi do ô nhiễm vật chất hạt mịn xung quanh ở 204 quốc gia và vùng lãnh thổ, 1990–2019.
– Ô nhiễm không khí xung quanh và nguy cơ COVID-19: Bằng chứng từ 35 nghiên cứu quan sát.
– Sử dụng mạng Bayes để đánh giá rủi ro sức khỏe môi trường.
– Các chỉ số nhiệt độ, độ ẩm và chất lượng không khí ngoài trời ảnh hưởng đến tỷ lệ lây lan và tử vong của COVID-19 ở các thành phố lớn của Ả Rập Xê Út.
– Hiệu quả của việc sửa đổi và thực thi luật bảo vệ môi trường đối với chất lượng không khí xung quanh ở Trung Quốc.
Về môi trường đô thị
– Sử dụng tro bay đốt chất thải rắn đô thị với xỉ cacbua bùn đỏ để chế tạo geopolymer thân thiện với môi trường.
– Đánh giá rủi ro và động lực của tai nạn môi trường đô thị.
– Các giải pháp dựa trên thiên nhiên kết hợp với công nghệ tiên tiến: Cơ hội tái sử dụng nước phi tập trung ở các thành phố.
– Khám phá tiện nghi nhiệt của các tòa nhà đô thị dựa trên vùng khí hậu địa phương.
– Hệ thống nhiệt quang điện tích hợp trên vỉa hè (PIPVT): Phân tích không gian và thời gian về năng lượng và hiệu suất dị ứng.
– Hiệu quả kinh tế và môi trường của việc sử dụng tro bay đốt chất thải rắn đô thị ở nhiệt độ thấp: Đánh giá vòng đời hỗn hợp tổng hợp.
– Việc thành lập các khu công nghiệp sinh thái có thể thúc đẩy sự đổi mới xanh của đô thị không? Bằng chứng từ Trung Quốc.
– Tác động của chính sách môi trường thí điểm đối với đổi mới sinh thái đô thị.
Về môi trường khu công nghiệp
– Khu vực quốc doanh của Trung Quốc có dẫn đầu chuyển đổi và nâng cấp công nghiệp không?
– Sự khác biệt về các yếu tố thúc đẩy chi phí phát thải carbon công nghiệp quyết định các chính sách đa dạng ở các khu vực thu nhập trung bình: Một trường hợp ở Tây Bắc Trung Quốc.
– Đánh giá mô hình chất lượng không khí quang hóa bằng CMAQ trong khu công nghiệp Quintero-Puchuncavi-Concon, Chile.
– Chi phí giảm biên của phát thải CO2 công nghiệp và các yếu tố ảnh hưởng của chúng ở Trung Quốc.
– Sự tích tụ công nghiệp được đo bằng khoảng cách của các nhà máy và lượng khí thải CO2: Bằng chứng từ 268 thành phố cấp tỉnh của Trung Quốc.
– Tác động năng động của quy định môi trường đối với hành vi tiêu thụ năng lượng của các doanh nghiệp-Bằng chứng từ các doanh nghiệp công nghiệp của Trung Quốc.
– Thu hồi kim loại dựa trên hệ thống điện hóa sinh học: Tài nguyên, bảo tồn và tái chế nước thải công nghiệp kim loại.
– Mô hình rủi ro của một khu vực công nghiệp với kho lưu trữ chung của một số tòa nhà bằng cách sử dụng phương pháp hạn chế rủi ro giảm có xem xét giao dịch ngang hàng.
Sau đây là tên và phần tóm tắt các bài nghiên cứu bằng tiếng Anh:
1. Energy efficiency a source of low carbon energy sources? Evidence from 16 high-income OECD economies
Energy, Volume 243, 15 March 2022, 123063
In the wake of global climate change and environmental degradation, an urgent action on a global scale is required to decarbonize the energy sector. From fossil fuel to renewables, energy efficiency and technological advancement are the most important factors responsible for an effective energy transformation. The present study investigates the magnitude of mitigating role of energy efficiency (EE), renewable energy (REC), technological advancement (ENVTECH) on Ecological footprint (ECFP) for the sixteen high-income economies of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) over the period of 1990–2020 by employing various econometric estimations such as panel co-integration, Augmented Mean Group, Common Correlated Mean Group, Random effect, Fixed effect and Mean Group estimation techniques. Moreover, the role of gross domestic product (GDPP) is also observed as a proxy for economic growth. The empirical findings reveal that EE, REC, and ENVTECH improve environmental quality, whereas GDPP is a carrier of environmental degradation in the selected economies. Interestingly, energy efficiency holds the leading position among all observed factors to decarbonize and effectually transform the energy sector to greener production and consumption in the presence of environmentally friendly advancements in technology. The robustness tests results also support the findings of our basic empirical output. Furthermore, a unidirectional causality running from REC, GDPP, and ENVTECH to ECFP, whereas, a bi-directional causality between EE and ECFP is also validated. Any change in these factors will granger cause ECFP. The findings are of significant consequences as the selected OECD economies are expected to gain from energy transition to renewables enabled by energy efficiency and enhancement of environment-friendly technology in the near future.
2. Gaseous air pollutants and hospitalizations for mental disorders in 17 Chinese cities: Association, morbidity burden and economic costs
Environmental Research, Volume 204, Part A, March 2022, 111928
The short-term morbidity effects of gaseous air pollutants on mental disorders (MDs), and the corresponding morbidity and economic burdens have not been well studied. We aimed to explore the associations of ambient sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3) and carbon monoxide (CO) with MDs hospitalizations in 17 Chinese cities during 2015–2018, and estimate the attributable risk and economic costs of MDs hospitalizations associated with gaseous pollutants. City-specific relationships between gaseous pollutants and MDs hospitalizations were evaluated using over-dispersed generalized additive models, then combined to obtain the pooled effect. Concentration-response (C-R) curves of gaseous pollutants with MDs from each city were pooled to allow regional estimates to be derived. The morbidity and economic burdens of MDs hospitalizations attributable to gaseous pollutants were further assessed. A total of 171,939 MDs hospitalizations were included. We observed insignificant association of O3 with MDs. An interquartile range increase in SO2 at lag0 (9.1 μg/m³), NO2 at lag0 (16.7 μg/m³) and CO at lag2 (0.4 mg/m³) corresponded to a 3.02% (95%CI: 0.72%, 5.38%), 5.03% (95%CI: 1.84%, 8.32%) and 2.18% (95%CI: 0.40%, 4.00%) increase in daily MDs hospitalizations, respectively. These effects were modified by sex, season and cause-specific MDs. The C-R curves of SO2 and NO2 with MDs indicated nonlinearity and the slops were steeper at lower concentrations. Overall, using current standards as reference concentrations, 0.27% (95%CI: 0.07%, 0.48%) and 0.06% (95%CI: 0.02%, 0.10%) of MDs hospitalizations could be attributable to extra SO2 and NO2 exposures, and the corresponding economic costs accounted for 0.34% (95%CI: 0.08%, 0.60%) and 0.07% (95%CI: 0.03%, 0.11%) of hospitalization expenses, respectively. Moreover, using threshold values detected from C-R curves as reference concentrations, the above mentioned morbidity and economic burdens increased a lot. These findings suggest more strict emission control regulations are needed to protect mental health from gaseous pollutants.
3. Long-term exposure to fine particulate matter air pollution: An ecological study of its effect on COVID-19 cases and fatality in Germany
Environmental Research, Volume 204, Part A, March 2022, 111948
COVID-19 is a lung disease, and there is medical evidence that air pollution is one of the external causes of lung diseases. Fine particulate matter is one of the air pollutants that damages pulmonary tissue. The combination of the coronavirus and fine particulate matter air pollution may exacerbate the coronavirus’ effect on human health.
Research question
This paper considers whether the long-term concentration of fine particulate matter of different sizes changes the number of detected coronavirus infections and the number of COVID-19 fatalities in Germany.
Study design
Data from 400 German counties for fine particulate air pollution from 2002 to 2020 are used to measure the long-term impact of air pollution. Kriging interpolation is applied to complement data gaps. With an ecological study, the correlation between average particulate matter air pollution and COVID-19 cases, as well as fatalities, are estimated with OLS regressions. Thereby, socioeconomic and demographic covariates are included.
Main findings
An increase in the average long-term air pollution of 1 μg/m3 particulate matter PM2.5 is correlated with 199.46 (SD = 29.66) more COVID-19 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in Germany. For PM10 the respective increase is 52.38 (SD = 12.99) more cases per 100,000 inhabitants. The number of COVID-19 deaths were also positively correlated with PM2.5 and PM10 (6.18, SD = 1.44, respectively 2.11, SD = 0.71, additional COVID-19 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants).
Long-term fine particulate air pollution is suspected as causing higher numbers of COVID-19 cases. Higher long-term air pollution may even increase COVID-19 death rates. We find that the results of the correlation analysis without controls are retained in a regression analysis with controls for relevant confounding factors. Nevertheless, additional epidemiological investigations are required to test the causality of particulate matter air pollution for COVID-19 cases and the severity.
4. Underestimated impact of the COVID-19 on carbon emission reduction in developing countries – A novel assessment based on scenario analysis
Environmental Research, Volume 204, Part A, March 2022, 111990
Existing studies on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on carbon emissions are mainly based on inter-annual change rate of carbon emissions. This study provided a new way to investigate the impact of the pandemic on carbon emissions by calculating the difference between the pandemic-free carbon emissions and the actual carbon emissions in 2020 based on scenario analysis. In this work, derived from Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) method and Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) method, two combined ARIMA-BPNN and BPNN-ARIMA simulation approaches were developed to simulate the carbon emissions of China, India, U.S. and EU under the pandemic-free scenario. The average relative error of the simulation was about 1%, which could provide reliable simulation results. The scenario simulation of carbon emission reduction in the US and EU were almost the same as the inter-annual change rate of carbon emissions reported by the existing statistics. However, the scenario simulation of carbon emission reduction in China and India is 5% larger than the inter-annual change rate of carbon emissions reported by the existing statistics. In some sense, the impact of the pandemic on carbon emission reduction in developing countries might be underestimated. This work would provide new sight to more comprehensive understanding of the impact of the pandemic on carbon emissions.
5. Global burden of lung cancer attributable to ambient fine particulate matter pollution in 204 countries and territories, 1990–2019
Environmental Research, Volume 204, Part A, March 2022, 112023
Understanding the latest global spatio-temporal pattern of lung cancer burden attributable to ambient fine particulate matter pollution (PM2.5) is crucial to prioritize global lung cancer prevention, as well as environment improvement.
Data on lung cancer attributable to ambient PM2.5 were downloaded from the Global Burden of Disease Study (GBD) 2019. The numbers and age-standardized rates on lung cancer mortality (ASMR) and disability-adjusted life years (ASDR) were estimated by age, sex, region, and country. We used estimated annual percentage change (EAPC) to quantify the temporal trends of ASMR and ASDR from 1990 to 2019.
In 2019, the number of global lung cancer deaths and DALYs attributable to ambient PM2.5 was approximately 0.31 million and 7.02 million respectively, among which more deaths and DALYs occurred in males. At GBD region level, the heaviest burden occurred in East Asia, accounting for over 50% worldwide, with China ranked first worldwide. The number of ambient PM2.5 attributable lung cancer deaths and DALYs has over doubled from 1990 to 2019, but high sociodemographic index (SDI) region had a rapid decrease, with EAPC -2.21 in ASMR (95% CI: −2.32, −2.09). The age-specific mortality rate or DALY rate has increased in all age groups in low to middle SDI regions from 1990 to 2019. The ASMR or ASDR showed an inverted V-shaped association with SDI. The EAPC in ASMR or ASDR was highly negatively correlated with ASMR or ASDR in 1990 and SDI in 2019, with coefficients around 0.70.
The number of ambient PM2.5-related lung cancer deaths and DALYs has largely increased because of the increase of exposure to PM2.5, population growth, and aging. Local governments should do economic activities under the consideration of public health, especially in high-burden areas.
6. Ambient air pollution and COVID-19 risk: Evidence from 35 observational studies
Environmental Research, Volume 204, Part B, March 2022, 112065
Background and aims
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is severely threatening and challenging public health worldwide. Epidemiological studies focused on the influence of outdoor air pollution (AP) on COVID-19 risk have produced inconsistent conclusions. We aimed to quantitatively explore this association using a meta-analysis.
We searched for studies related to outdoor AP and COVID-19 risk in the Embase, PubMed, and Web of Science databases. No language restriction was utilized. The search date entries were up to August 13, 2021. Pooled estimates and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were obtained with random-/fixed-effects models. PROSPERO registration number: CRD42021244656.
A total of 35 articles were eligible for the meta-analysis. For long-term exposure to AP, COVID-19 incidence was positively associated with 1 μg/m3 increase in nitrogen dioxide (NO2; effect size = 1.042, 95% CI 1.017–1.068), particulate matter with diameter <2.5 μm (PM2.5; effect size = 1.056, 95% CI 1.039–1.072), and sulfur dioxide (SO2; effect size = 1.071, 95% CI 1.002–1.145). The COVID-19 mortality was positively associated with 1 μg/m3 increase in nitrogen dioxide (NO2; effect size = 1.034, 95% CI 1.006–1.063), PM2.5 (effect size = 1.047, 95% CI 1.025–1.1071). For short-term exposure to air pollutants, COVID-19 incidence was positively associated with 1 unit increase in air quality index (effect size = 1.001, 95% CI 1.001–1.002), 1 μg/m3 increase NO2 (effect size = 1.014, 95% CI 1.011–1.016), particulate matter with diameter <10 μm (PM10; effect size = 1.005, 95% CI 1.003–1.008), PM2.5 (effect size = 1.003, 95% CI 1.002–1.004), and SO2 (effect size = 1.015, 95% CI 1.007–1.023).
Outdoor air pollutants are detrimental factors to COVID-19 outcomes. Measurements beneficial to reducing pollutant levels might also reduce the burden of the pandemic.
7. Using Bayesian networks for environmental health risk assessment
Environmental Research, Volume 204, Part B, March 2022, 112059
The study investigated the potential relationships between air pollution, socio-economy, and proven pathologies (e.g., respiratory, cardiovascular) within an industrial area in Southern France (Etang de Berre), gathering steel industries, oil refineries, shipping, road traffic and experiencing a Mediterranean climate. A total of 178 variables were simultaneously integrated within a Bayesian model at intra-urban scale. Various unsupervised and supervised algorithms (maximum spanning tree, tree-augmented naive classifier) as well as sensitivity analyses were used to better understand the links between all variables, and highlighted correlations between population exposure to air pollutants and some pathologies. Adverse health effects (bronchus and lung cancers for 15–65 years old people) were observed for hydrofluoric acid at low background concentration (<0.003 μg m−3) while exposure to particulate cadmium (0.210–0.250 μg m−3) disrupts insulin metabolism for people over 65 years-old leading to diabetes. Bronchus and lung cancers for people over 65 years-old occurred at low background SO2 concentration (6 μg m−3) below European limit values. When benzo[k]fluoranthene exceeded 0.672 μg m−3, we observed a high number of hospital admissions for respiratory diseases for 15-65 years-old people. The study also revealed the important influence of socio-economy (e.g., single-parent family, people with no qualification at 15 years-old) on pathologies (e.g., cardiovascular diseases). Finally, a diffuse polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) pollution was observed in the study area and can potentially cause lung cancers.
8. A global assessment of COVID-19 diffusion based on a single indicator: Some considerations about air pollution and COVID-19 spread
Environmental Research, Volume 204, Part B, March 2022, 112098
The extraordinariness of COVID-19 occurred in a world that was completely unprepared to face it. To justify this, sometimes literature proposes positive associations between concentrations of some air pollutants and SARS-CoV-2 mortality and infectivity. However, several of these studies are affected by incomplete data analysis and/or incorrect accounts of spread dynamics that can be attributed to respiratory viruses.
Based on separate analyses involving all the USA states and globally all the world countries suffering from the pandemic, this communication shows that commercial trade seems to be a good indicator of virus spread, being proposed as a surrogate of human-to-human interactions.
The results of this study strongly support the conclusion that this new indicator could result fundamental to model (and avoid) possible future pandemics, strongly suggesting dedicated studies devoted to better investigate its significance.
9. Temperature, humidity and outdoor air quality indicators influence COVID-19 spread rate and mortality in major cities of Saudi Arabia
Environmental Research, Volume 204, Part B, March 2022, 112071
There is an increasing evidence that meteorological (temperature, relative humidity, dew) and air quality indicators (PM2.5, PM10, NO2, SO2, CO) are affecting the COVID-19 transmission rate and the number of deaths in many countries around the globe. However, there are contradictory results due to limited observations of these parameters and absence of conclusive evidence on such relationships in cold or hot arid tropical and subtropical desert climate of Gulf region. This is the first study exploring the relationships of the meteorological (temperature, relative humidity, and dew) and air quality indicators (PM10,CO, and SO2) with daily COVID-19 infections and death cases for a period of six months (1st March to August 31, 2020) in six selected cities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by using generalized additive model. The Akaike information criterion (AIC) was used to assess factors affecting the infections rate and deaths through the selection of best model whereas overfitting of multivariate model was avoided by using cross-validation. Spearman correlation indicated that exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) temperature and relative humidity (R > 0.5, P < 0.0001) are the main variables affecting the daily COVID-19 infections and deaths. EWMA temperature and relative humidity showed non linear relationships with the number of COVID-19 infections and deaths (DF > 1, P < 0.0001). Daily COVID-19 infections showed a positive relationship at temperature between 23 and 34.5 °C and relative humidity ranging from 30 to 60%; a negative relationship was found below and/or above these ranges. Similarly, the number of deaths had a positive relationship at temperature ˃28.7 °C and with relative humidity ˂40%, showing higher number of deaths above this temperature and below this relative humidity rate. All air quality indicators had linear relationships with the number of COVID-19 infections and deaths (P < 0.0001). Hence, variation in temperature, relative humidity and air pollution indicators could be important factors influencing the COVID-19 spread and mortality. Under the current scenario with rising temperature and relative humidity, the number of cases is increasing, hence it justifies an active government policy to lessen COVID-19 infection rate.
10. The effect of the revision and implementation for environmental protection law on ambient air quality in China
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 306, 15 March 2022, 114437
An unescapable fact is that air pollution has been a problem affecting residents’ health and daily life. The Chinese government has been adopting measures to improve air quality for decades. The revise of Environmental Protection Law (the New Law hereafter) enforced in 2015 is one of them. The New Law encourages participations of multiple actors in environmental protection and aggressive punishments violations, playing the central role in the Chinese environmental law system. In order to understand its impacts, we employ the panel data analysis controlling city and month fixed terms to evaluate the effects of the New Law on air quality in 70 cities in China. Furthermore, we combine difference-in-differences (DID) to investigate the time variance of the effect. We find that the implementation of the New Law correlates with reduction of PM2.5, SO2 concentrations and Air Quality Comprehensive Index (AQCI). The effect is non-linear, reducing over time, especially on NO2 concentration and AQCI. In our model, one document reduces NO2 concentration and AQCI by 1.99 μg/m3 and 0.26 points, and the effects decay by 0.93 μg/m3 and 0.16 every year separately. The results indicate the effectiveness of the New Law, while at the same time, China experiences symbolic implementations from local authorizations resulted from environmental decentralization, ambiguous policy statements and interest conflicts.
11. Environmental friendly approach for selective extraction and recovery of molybdenum (Mo) from a sulphate mediated spent Ni–Mo/Al2O3 catalyst baked leach liquor
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 306, 15 March 2022, 114474
Solvent extraction separation of molybdenum (Mo) from the sulphate mediated leach solution bearing Aluminium (Al) and Nickel (Ni) was carried out using N-Methyl-N, N, N-tri-octyl-ammonium chloride. Extensive investigation for extraction study molybdenum in the function of time, Eq.pH, extractant concentration, diluents, temperature, strip solution concentration and phase ratio(A:O) for both extraction and stripping was examined to attain a suitable condition on its selective and enriched extraction. As per the equilibrium study and increasing trend of Eq. pH (pHe) at the correspondence initial pH, it was apparent about association of 1 mol of H+ ion during extraction which with was further supported on extraction of Mo as HMO4- at the pHe of 3.48. The association of 1 mol of exrractant during the extraction of Mo was also well evident from the slope analysis study. This indicates about anion exchange phenomenon due to Cl− ion of the N-Methyl-N, N, N-tri-octyl-ammonium chloride (extractant) with HMo4− from aqueous phase during complex formation reaction. The FTIR of the organic sample before and after extraction further confirms in support of the complex formation of the molybdenum with the extractant during extraction. The extraction isotherm was constructed at optmum extraction condition: pHe of 3.48 with 0.08M N-Methyl-N, N, N-tri-octyl-ammonium chloride predicts on need of 2-counter current stages for quantitative extraction of Mo at A:O = 3:1. To investigate the regeneration behaviour of adopted extractant along with enriched stripping of molybdenum, ammoniacal reagents were used in stripping study. The stripping of Mo showed promising and efficient using the mixture of the ammoniacal reagents (NH4OH + NH4Cl) over the either of the solo reagents. The stripping Mc-Cabe Thiele diagram was plotted using 2M NH4OH + NH4Cl ensures on quantitative stripping of Mo at SO: SS = 2:1 at 2 no. of stages. Both extraction and stripping isotherm results are validated at predicted isotherm conditions by 6-cycles counter current simulation (CCS) study leading to obtain 6-fold enrichment of Mo in stripped solution phase. The subsequent enriched content of Mo (∼60 g/L) in stripped solution phase was precipitated out followed by calcinations 400 °C to obtain a high pure MoO3. The recovered calcined product as MoO3 resulted through the proposed processing approach was as ascertained from XRD analysis.
12. Determinants of environmental degradation: Evidenced-based insights from ASEAN economies
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 306, 15 March 2022, 114506
This paper examines the effect of per capita income, trade openness, energy consumption, and financial development on the ASEAN region’s environmental degradation. We obtained data from the World Development Indicators (WDI) during the years 2001–2020 to test our research model. For analysis, we applied panel data techniques such as pooled least squares, fixed effects, generalized least squares (GLS), and two stages least squares (2SLS). We also conducted the causality analysis to determine the direction of the relationship among the models’ variables. Our models’ results show the validity of the environmental Kuznets curve (EKC) hypothesis in the ASEAN region as per capita income and its square term possess positive and negative coefficients. The results also show the presence of an N-shaped EKC in ASEAN region a deviation from the conventional literature. Moreover, the results illustrate that increasing energy consumption, trade openness, and financial development positively contribute to environmental degradation in ASEAN economies. The causality analysis shows a two-way causality between trade openness and financial development, and environmental degradation and trade openness. We observed oneway causality, running a) from energy consumption and per capita income towards financial development, b) from per capita income towards trade openness, and c) from financial development towards environmental degradation. The study’s results contribute to the environmental degradation literature and provide a better understanding of environmental degradation for policymakers in ASEAN economies.
13. Improving litterfall production prediction in China under variable environmental conditions using machine learning algorithms
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 306, 15 March 2022, 114515
Litterfall production is a major process within forest ecosystems that plays a crucial role in the global carbon cycle. Accordingly, studies have explored the abiotic and biotic features that influence litterfall production. In addition to traditional statistical models, the rapid development of nonparametric and nonlinear machine learning models, such as random forest (RF), light gradient boosting machine (LightGBM), and categorical boosting (CatBoost), have provided new methods of predicting the production of forest litterfall. Here, we evaluated the ability of the abovementioned models and mixed effect random forest (MERF) models to predict total annual litterfall production—based on several abiotic and biotic features—using 968 records from 314 forest sites covering the full geographical range of Chinese forests. In general, machine learning models were found to outperform linear mixed models. In particular, the MERF models ranked the highest in terms of performance (R2 = 0.7), which may be attributed to their ability to characterize nonlinear relationships between features and litterfall production. The key drivers were climate-related features and forest age, with the mean annual temperature and age positively correlated with litterfall production. Furthermore, the correlation between forest type and litterfall production was more significant for needleleaf forests than for other forest types. For needleleaf and broadleaf forests in several regions in China, the future litterfall production was predicted to be the highest under IPCC representative concentration pathway (RCP) 8.5, followed by RCP 4.5, RCP 2.6, and the original scenarios (sample data). Improved models to better understand and estimate litterfall production in forests at present and in the future are required for forest management planning to minimize the negative impacts of climate change on forest ecosystems.
14. The contamination of microplastics in China’s aquatic environment: Occurrence, detection and implications for ecological risk
Environmental Pollution, Volume 296, 1 March 2022, 118737
The widespread occurrence of microplastics in aquatic ecosystems that resulted in environmental contamination has attracted worldwide attention. Microplastics pose a potential threat to the growth and health of aquatic organisms, thereby affecting the function of the ecosystems. As one of the top ten countries producing and consuming plastic products globally, China’s aquatic ecosystems have been profoundly affected by microplastics. In this review, we have summarized the microplastics contamination in three typical water environments (marine environment, freshwater environment, and wastewater treatment plants) in China, elaborated on the adverse impacts of microplastics on the ecological environment, and evaluated the potential ecological risks exposed to the ecosystem. In addition, the progress of microplastics extraction methods, as the important basis of microplastics related research, in aquatic ecosystems was introduced, especially the difference between the extraction of microplastics from wastewater and sludge samples. At present, most of the research on microplastics focuses on “one point”, such as a certain river or wastewater treatment plant. Research on the mitigation and transfer of microplastics among different connected water environments is still lacking. Also, the microscale ecotoxicity caused by microplastics is poorly understood. In the end, we proposed suggestions and perspectives for future research regarding microplastics in the aquatic ecosystems in China.
15. Interaction between agricultural production, female employment, renewable energy, and environmental quality: Policy directions in context of developing economies
Renewable Energy, Volume 186, March 2022, Pages 288-298
The current study empirically explores the interaction between agricultural production, female employment, consumption of renewable energy, and carbon dioxide emissions in Pakistan. We have used annual data from 1991 to 2015, extracted from the World Bank database. The findings of this study establish an inverse and significant connection between agricultural production, female employment, consumption of renewable energy, and CO2 emissions during empirical estimations through the ARDL model and robust analysis. This negative connection indicates that adding value in agricultural production, increasing level of female employment and increasing share of renewable energy consumption help reduce CO2 emissions in Pakistan. Additionally, the residual outcomes confirm no serial correlation, no heteroskedasticity, and no stability problem. Furthermore, this study proposes important policy recommendations to mitigate environmental CO2 emissions. For instance, the government should encourage and incentivize farmers to use advanced types of machinery during the agriculture production process. The wage difference between men and women should be minimized, and employment protection policies for women should be introduced by the government to provide a sense of work security to women. The government should provide a special reward system for those farmers who use renewable energy sources instead of using conventional energy sources.
1. The co-addition of biochar and manganese ore promotes nitrous oxide reduction but favors methane emission in sewage sludge composting
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 339, 10 March 2022, 130759
In the present study, the effects of biochar and manganese ore (MO) on N2O and CH4 emissions during sewage sludge composting were investigated. The results demonstrated that the additive additions could effectively reduce total nitrogen loss and improve the agronomic value of compost. Furthermore, all the additive treatments could mitigate N2O (6.60–45.9%) and CH4 (33.6–71.3%) emissions. Compared to the single corn straw biochar (CSB) or MO addition, the co-addition of CSB and MO can further promote N2O reduction by 14.6–22.4% but increase CH4 emission by 22.9–33.7%. Overall, the co-addition of CSB and MO showed the lowest global warming potential, which was 42.1% lower than the control, among all the additive treatments. Integrating the analyzed results of Spearman rank correlation coefficients and functional genes, the inhibition of N2O generation during nitrification and denitrification processes was identified as the main mechanism for the reduced N2O emissions. For CH4, the reduced CH4 emissions were contributed by simultaneously inhibiting CH4 generation and promoting CH4 consumption, especially for the single CSB or MO treatments. Additionally, based on the analyzed results of the structural equation model, amoA and nirS were found to be the key functional genes affecting N2O emissions directly, and temperature and pH were identified as the root factors affecting N2O emissions through varied biological or chemical pathways. These findings could provide a new alternative to produce high-quality sewage sludge compost with lower environmental impact in an economical way.
2. Utilization of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash with red mud-carbide slag for eco-friendly geopolymer preparation
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 340, 15 March 2022, 130820
Municipal solid waste incineration fly ash (MSWIFA), as a hazardous solid waste, contains such toxic substances as heavy metals and dioxin, making its disposal a global public health concern. This study aims to comprehensively combine solid waste red mud (RM), carbide slag (CS), and MSWIFA into eco-friendly geopolymer. This experiment used CS slurry and RM slurry without drying and grinding, effectively reducing energy consumption and cost. The mechanical and environmental properties of geopolymer were characterized by strength, chloride ion curing rate, and leaching concentration of heavy metals. The microscopic hydration mechanism of the binder was investigated using XRD, FTIR, TG-DTG, SEM + EDS, and MIP tests. The results show that when RM: CS: MSWIFA = 5: 2: 3, the 28 d compressive strength can reach 11.7 MPa, the chloride ion curing rate is 80.41%, and leaching levels of toxic substances are lower than the limits for landfill disposal regulated by the China standard (GB16889-2008). The Al–O and Si–O chemical bonds in RM were broken in the alkaline environment provided by CS and MSWIFA, and formed hydrate calcium chloroaluminate (HCC) and C–S–H gel with calcium ions and chloride ions. These hydration products can fill pores and reduce porosity, making the pores in the structure mainly gel micropores and mesopores with volume fractions of 10.3 and 68.1% respectively. This study expands the application of a new waste alkaline activator in alkaline activation and provides methods for MSWIFA solidification.
3. Risks assessment and driving forces of urban environmental accident
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 340, 15 March 2022, 130710
Regional environmental accident risk is regarded as the focus and the most difficult challenge of environmental management, posing a serious threat to people’s lives and property. Much of the current literature relies on calculating and assessing the risks of environmental accidents. Little is known regarding about the driving forces of environmental accident risks, and how they affect the level and distribution characteristics of risks, especially the inherent linkages between regions and enterprise (individuals). The aim of this research is to innovate and develop the method for assessing the risk of the environmental accidents at multiple scales in order to accurately investigate the distribution characteristics and driving factors of environmental accident risks. In this study, the Multiscale Environmental Accident Risks Assessment model (MEARA) was proposed to comprehensively evaluate the characteristics and impacts of environmental risk at different scales. And we adopted GeoDetector model (GED) to explore the dominant driving factors and their interaction among multiple scales. The city of Dongguan, China, was chosen as the research area. We discovered that: 1) there were significant differences in risk levels across industries, with the environmental accident risk of enterprises in Dongguan being generally low, while some industries, such as the petrochemical, telecommunication, and equipment manufacturing industries, had higher risks. 2) Risks of environmental accidents exhibited significant agglomeration. Rivers and lakes, coastal areas, and transportation hubs were all hotspots for high-risk enterprises and regions. 3) The interaction between social and economic factors was the most significant in terms of spatial heterogeneity among influencing factors. By analyzing the results of the GeoDetector, we realized that the economy and population were the dominant factors influencing the environmental accident risk level. The interaction results show that the interaction between the factors is significantly improved. The interaction of population, and GDP, ecological sensitivity, the importance of ecological function, and the intensity of hospital radiation has increased the explanatory power of the environmental accident risk level. We discuss the need of emergency management for environmental accident risks. We provide an innovative “point-area” multi-scale environmental accident risk assessment method, as well as strategies for environmental accident risk management of enterprises and regions at various risk levels. It is beneficial for effective emergency management to protect residents’ living environments.
4. Nature-based solutions coupled with advanced technologies: An opportunity for decentralized water reuse in cities
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 340, 15 March 2022, 130660
Decentralized water reuse in cities is a prominent alternative to mainstream top-down models for urban water treatment, which are based on centralized, linear dynamics of resource management. In this sense, Nature-based Solutions (“green” technologies) coupled with advanced technologies (“grey” technologies) constitute a promising approach for fomenting onsite water treatment and reuse in cities, while also providing multiple co-benefits. This article puts forward a conceptual advancement by providing a better understanding of coupled “green-grey”/”grey-green” technologies (CGGT). To do this, we critically discuss the main reasons for pairing these technologies instead of using them separately, as well as their treatment performance and constraints regarding data reporting issues. Moreover, the article discloses the most common treatment configurations, water quality parameters being evaluated, potential reuse schemes, costs, and energy requirements. A systematic selection and analysis of scientific articles was carried out to this end. Of 395 pre-selected articles, only 17 addressed coupled (green-grey/grey-green) technologies in the treatment of urban wastewaters for further reuse or safe discharge onsite. Despite the relatively low number of articles, 80% were published in the past five years, showing the increased interest in this novel topic. The selected articles were analysed and here we present the resulting comprehensive Excel database (343 datasets) containing detailed information about the design, operation, and performance of such systems. Green-grey technologies were found to be predominant, the configuration constructed wetlands followed by advanced oxidation process and electrochemical process being the most studied. Grey technologies are normally applied at a second stage to remove pathogens in compliance with reuse standards (normally when green technologies alone cannot deliver the standards). Meanwhile, green technologies are commonly used at a second stage to break down slowly biodegradable substances that have not been completely removed by grey technologies (normally as a polishing step following grey technology). The design parameters for combining these technologies have not yet been fully optimized, since they were mainly designed as sole technologies and forcibly put together as a coupled treatment. Hence, further studies should focus on variables and parameters influencing the functioning of coupled technologies as a whole. Finally, due to the novelty and relevance of the topic, transparency and consistency in data reporting is essential to support the optimization and competitiveness of coupled green-grey/grey-green technologies against existing decentralized/centralized approaches.
5. Exploring thermal comfort of urban buildings based on local climate zonesAbstract
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 340, 15 March 2022, 130744
Despite increasing attention to rising land surface temperatures (LSTs) and other climate changes caused by urbanization, few studies have considered the characteristics of LST or thermal comfort of human settlements from a regional perspective. Therefore, to explore the regional characteristics of LST and thermal comfort in Zhengzhou, China, we calculated the predicted mean vote (PMV) based on local climate zones (LCZs) using ENVI-met and studied correlations between LSTs and vegetation-type LCZs. The total land area under human settlements in Zhengzhou is 316.26 km2, 52.72% of which is accounted by LCZs of buildings. The LSTs of built-up areas in this region were significantly higher than those of natural surfaces, with the highest and lowest LSTs of 37.98 °C (in LCZ3; compact low-rise buildings) and 32.46 °C (in LCZG; water areas), respectively. Under the same conditions, the PMV value was considered near “moderate” in areas with sparsely distributed buildings. LCZ7 (sparse high-rise buildings) always exhibited the lowest PMV, with an average value of −0.16 at 18:00 h. In addition, the correlations between LST and normalized difference vegetation index varied for LCZs with different types of vegetation, with the highest correlation coefficient (−0.80) observed in LCZA and the lowest correlation coefficient (−0.62) observed in LCZB. These results provide a reference for designing an optimal layout of urban facilities to regulate the thermal environment of human settlements and promoting urban sustainable development.
6. Pavement integrated photovoltaic thermal (PIPVT) system: A temporal and spatial analysis of energy and exergy performance
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 340, 15 March 2022, 130782
Pavement integrated photovoltaic thermal (PIPVT) technology can utilize vast roads and pavements for electrical and thermal energy generation simultaneously. In this paper, a two-dimensional transient numerical model is developed for demonstrating the performance of a PIPVT system with two PIPVT modules and a 50 L water tank. With the mathematical model, the system performance is examined using simulations under three typical weather conditions, namely sunny, semi-cloudy, and cloudy. Besides, a long-term simulation is conducted in five climatic regions represented by five cities in China, including Lhasa, Harbin, Haikou, Shanghai, and Yinchuan, to study the seasonal and annual performance of PIPVT systems in different areas. From the viewpoint of both the first and second laws of thermodynamics, both energy and exergy analyses are performed for all the cases in different weathers and climatic regions. The overall energy efficiencies of sunny, semi-cloudy, and cloudy days are 33.10%, 34.74%, and 18.60%, respectively, revealing that the PIPVT system performs well on sunny days and semi-cloudy days, while the overall performance is unsatisfactory on cloudy days with extremely low solar radiation that rarely appears. Particularly, among the five climatic regions, the highland climatic region is ideal for PIPVT application with both the highest annual overall energy and exergy efficiencies of 37.89% and 14.17%, respectively. The icing phenomenon of the water in tubes arises in winter and late autumn in both the temperate monsoon climatic region and the temperate continental climatic region. The overall performance of PIPVT systems is best in western and southern China.
7. Environmental and economic performances of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash low-temperature utilization: An integrated hybrid life cycle assessment
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 340, 15 March 2022, 130680
Detoxification and utilization of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash (MSWIFA) with low temperature pretreatment, low environmental burden and low cost have become more and more popular topics in the world. Based on integrated hybrid life cycle assessment, this study compares the environmental and economic performance of MSWIFA low-temperature utilization with the cement kiln co-processing technique when the scenarios with or without salt recovery were considered. The result shows that the hybrid integrated life cycle assessment captures larger environmental and economic benefits of MSWIFA utilization than traditional method due to extending the system boundary to the entire economy. Especially, the avoiding in global warming, primary energy demand and human toxicity from the economic input-output system account for 15%–53%, 26%–65%, and 93%–96% of total impacts, respectively. Additionally, the hybrid model captures a considerable avoidance of cost for MSWIFA treatment. When adopting salt recovery, except for human toxicity, the environmental credit of low-temperature utilization is 3.19–12.64 times higher than that of cement kiln co-processing. Moreover, because of the saving of chemicals and energy, the environmental and economic credit of scenarios without salt recovery is significantly higher than that of scenarios with salt recovery. Findings of this study provide scientific foundations to promote the low-temperature utilization of MSWIFA, as well as multiple solutions on ash-washing wastewater treatment.
8. Can the establishment of eco-industrial parks promote urban green innovation? Evidence from China
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 341, 20 March 2022, 130855
Eco-industrial parks (EIPs) are important for promoting urban green innovation (GI) and achieving green and sustainable development. However, there is a lack of research on the impact of pilot national EIP policies on regional GI in China. Based on Porter’s hypothesis and agglomeration economy as the theoretical basis, this study uses a time-varying difference-in-difference (DID) model and panel data of 264 prefecture-level cities in China from 2003 to 2018 to investigate the impact of the establishment of national EIPs on the GI of the cities where they are located. The results indicated that the establishment of national EIPs had a significant positive impact on the GI of local cities, which was mainly realized through the mechanisms of technological innovation, industrial structure upgrading, and human capital agglomeration. In addition, the results of heterogeneity tests demonstrated that the eastern region and cities with high administrative levels gained the greatest policy benefits from the pilot establishment of EIPs. These findings provide a foundation for further optimizing and promoting the construction of EIPs.
9. Impact of pilot environmental policy on urban eco-innovation
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 341, 20 March 2022, 130858
Eco-innovation is an important driving force of high-quality economic development, which can promote economic growth while also ensuring ecological benefits. However, the characteristics of public goods, as well as the dual positive externalities of eco-innovation, lead to its internal reliance on government. Using China’s low-carbon city pilot policy as an example, this paper empirically examines the impact of the pilot environmental policy on urban eco-innovation. The results demonstrate that the pilot policies promote urban eco-innovation and a progressive pilot policy promotion model presents an ‘experience accumulation effect’ in which the effect of the second batch of pilot policies is significantly better than that of the first batch. Dynamic analysis indicates that the eco-innovation effect of the first batch of pilot policies exerts a policy lag. Specifically, the impact of pilot policies on the number of urban green invention patent application lags by approximately 2 years, whereas the impact on the number of patent applications regarding green utility models exhibit a longer lag time. Mediating mechanism analysis reveals that the pilot policy can promote eco-innovation by promoting the agglomeration of innovation factors, including investment and human capital. This paper confirms the eco-innovation effects of a pilot environmental policy model with Chinese characteristics, with significant theoretical implications. The conclusion also offers practical advice to other countries on how to implement progressive environmental governance reforms.
10. Waste bins location problem: A review of recent advances in the storage stage of the Municipal Solid Waste reverse logistic chain
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 342, 15 March 2022, 130793
Municipal Solid Waste systems have important economic, social, and environmental impacts for society. Within the diverse stages of the Municipal Solid Waste reverse logistic chain, the waste bin location problem consists in properly locating bins in the corresponding urban area to store waste produced by the citizens. This stage has a large impact in the overall efficiency of the whole system. Thus, several researchers have addressed the location problem considering different optimization criteria and approaches. This article presents a comprehensive review of recent advances on the Waste Bins Location Problem, with the main goal of serving as a reference point for decision-makers in this area. The main findings indicate that several optimization criteria and resolution approaches have been applied, but few proposals have simultaneously optimized bins location and waste collection, or considered uncertainty of the model parameters and integrated approaches.
11. A new and improved aquaponics system model for food production patterns for urban architecture
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 342, 15 March 2022, 130867
Productive cities are one of the most important ways to achieve urban sustainable development. In the comprehensive production function, food production is the most basic function and should be defined as a priority. Considering the characteristics of buildings and the limitations of the urban environment, aquaponics is a safe and healthy green technology that protects the ecological environment and that has high potential to combine urban buildings and plant cultivation technology. Research on aquaponic systems has become increasingly mature, but some new problems that cannot be ignored, such as low nitrogen utilization efficiency, high aeration cost and noise problems, and unreliable water quality. In this study, a new aquaponics system model (photosynthesis reoxygenation aquaponics, PRO-AP) was proposed, and it was expected that the structure of the system can be adjusted by adding macroalgae to improve the existing problems in aquaponics. An experiment was conducted to preliminarily explore the feasibility of the proposed mode of operation. Spirogyra was added to the aquaponics system, and the DO, pH, TDS, EC, ammonia nitrogen and removal of the key nutrients from the systems were monitored during the operation. The results showed that the dissolved oxygen content in the system increased markedly and that the pH drop caused by nitrifying bacteria could be balanced when Spirogyra was irradiated with effective light. In addition, Spirogyra played a certain role in biofiltration in the aquaponic system, which reduced the values of TDS and EC, the contents of NH4+, NO3− and PO43− also decreased, and the nitrite content first increased and then decreased after a period of time. Finally, under the ratio of fish and vegetables in this experiment, the existence of Spirogyra did not create a negative image of the yield and root system of vegetables in aquaponics systems. The results showed that the aquaponic system with macroalgae has a stronger self-regulation ability. PRO-AP is an effective method in urban food production and is a very promising mode of production in the sustainable development of productive cities.
12. A holistic design approach for 5th generation smart local energy systems: Project GreenSCIES
Energy, Volume 242, 1 March 2022, 122885
This paper introduces a project called GreenSCIES; an InnovateUK funded detailed design project to develop a Smart Local Energy System (SLES) delivering a significant carbon saving for local residents, schools and businesses. The SLES is centred around a 5th Generation District Heating and Cooling (5DHC) network in the London Borough of Islington. The local energy system will deliver low carbon heating, cooling, power and e-mobility charging powered by renewable energy and waste heat, sourced from the local area. The proposed SLES will manage and balance the supply, storage (both thermal and electrical) and use of local energy across mobility, power and heat vectors. It will do so using smart control technologies, bringing significant energy efficiency and security as well as social, environmental and economic benefits to Islington.
The paper introduces the holistic SLES design approach developed by the GreenSCIES consortium, building upon an initial feasibility study previously published by the authors. The design methodology described takes technical and commercial aspects of a SLES design into account, whilst also explaining the importance of effective stakeholder engagement and co-design with local communities. The paper also provides a technical overview around the intended operation of ambient loop and heat pumps alongside long and short term thermal energy storage. A technical approach selected for integrating electric vehicles (EVs) and solar photovoltaic (PV) is also discussed in detail, alongside the control system architecture developed for the integrated SLES. The paper subsequently moves into demonstrating the benefits of the integrated SLES through a focused scheme design called New River, demonstrating integrated SLES performance compared to conventional systems in a real setting, through a comprehensive energy model. The results presented from a techno-economic analysis demonstrate that significant carbon savings and an attractive internal rate of return of (10%) can be achieved. The results presented show that even the smaller constructible “New River” scheme will save more 5000 tons of CO2e annually. This is a reduction in carbon emissions by 80% over conventional systems and, therefore a major decarbonisation solution in large cities across the world. The GreenSCIES approach presented in this paper is replicable worldwide and could become a central part of delivering nations’ net zero carbon strategy.
13. Efficiency improvement and technology choice for energy and emission reductions of the residential sector
Energy, Volume 243, 15 March 2022, 122994
The residential sector currently accounts for one fifth of global energy use and corresponding greenhouse gas emissions, largely driven by increasing demand for space heating and cooling. Climate change mitigation action requires these to reduce, but the exact decarbonization strategies, the contribution of demand and supply side measures, and their heterogeneity is unclear. Using a regional energy system model with an explicit representation of residential energy use and building stocks, the contribution of this sector in long-term decarbonization pathways is explored. The projections show that in a 2°C scenario, global heating demand is expected to decrease from current levels by 27% and 66% by 2050 and 2100, respectively. However, due to increasing affluence in warmer regions, cooling demand is expected to increase by 176% and 286% respectively. Yet, direct residential emissions are almost eliminated by 2100 by combining increased envelope efficiency and advanced heating technologies in a synergistic manner, where the adoption of high efficiency heating and cooling reduces the need for increased insulation, and vice versa. By combining these measures with rooftop PV, the net energy demand of many household types approaches zero. The exact residential sector strategies vary across local climate, socio-economic, and building stock characteristics.
14. Combustion performance of fine screenings from municipal solid waste: Thermo-kinetic investigation and deep learning modeling via TG-FTIR
Energy, Volume 243, 15 March 2022, 122783
The combustion behavior, kinetics, thermodynamics and gas products of fine screenings (FS) classified from municipal solid waste (MSW) in an air atmosphere were explored by TG-FTIR. A deep learning model was established using 1D–CNN–LSTM algorithm to predict thermogravimetric data of FS combustion, with visualization technology (TensorBoard) applied to display the weights and biases in various cells. The thermogravimetric analysis (TG) and differential thermal gravity (DTG) curves indicated that the FS combustion process can be divided into four stages. The average activation energy (Ea) of FS combusted at different stages, exhibited different change tendencies with increasing levels of conversion (α). The highest enthalpy (ΔH) of 206.40 kJ/mol and free Gibbs energy (ΔG) of 55.03 kJ/mol emerged in stage Ⅳ, while the highest changes of entropy (ΔS) of 169.11 J/(mol·K) occurred in stage Ⅱ. The main gas products (CO2, H2O and CO) and functional groups (Cdouble bondO and phenols) were all detected. For the 1D–CNN–LSTM model, the optimal settings for the prediction of thermogravimetric data were a neuron number of 150, dropout of 0.003, epoch number of 200, and batch size of 25. The highest correlation coefficient (R2) of 94.41% was obtained using the optimum model parameters, achieving an excellent prediction performance.
15. Evolution of aerosol chemistry in Beijing under strong influence of anthropogenic pollutants: Composition, sources, and secondary formation of fine particulate nitrated aromatic compounds
Environmental Research, Volume 204, Part A, March 2022, 111982
Nitrated aromatic compounds (NACs) constitute a key segment of brown carbon (BrC), thereby contributing to the light-absorbing characteristics of aerosols in the atmosphere. However, until recently, there is a scarcity of research on their generation in the urban environment. The current study is based upon an extensive field study of NACs from fine particle samples obtained at an urban location in Beijing in the spring and summer of 2017, which was characterized by both high anthropogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and high-NOx dominated conditions. The mean total concentration of the nine NACs was 8.58 ng m−3 in spring and 8.54 ng m−3 in summer. In the spring, the most abundant NACs were 4-nitrophenol (33.7%) and 4-nitrocatechol (19.3%), while in the summer, the most abundant NACs were 4-nitroguaiacol (34.9%) and 2, 4-dinitrophenol (23%). Atmospheric NACs were primarily produced from coal combustion (52%) and biomass burning (32%) in spring, and originated from the secondary formation (37%) and traffic (35%) in summer. NO2 could promote the formation of NACs with a significant effect on their compositions, especially for nitrophenols and nitrocatechols. It can also affect the formation of nitrated aerosols and their existing form. Inorganic nitrates were increased to conversion in the daytime when NO2 concentrations were higher than 30 ppb, but the corresponding oxidation products shifted to primarily organic ones at night. The transition was VOC-sensitive regimes for NAC formation, and nitration of toluene was a more important pathway during the campaign in Beijing.
16. Sustainable design of pavement systems in highly urbanized context: A lifecycle assessment
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 305, 1 March 2022, 114410
Substantial amount of resources is consumed by pavement systems, which have resulted considerable environmental impacts. Understanding the environmental impacts would provide opportunity for reducing resource consumption and informing decision-makers in the process of designing sustainable pavement. There is a lacking of comprehensive and comparative sustainability assessment of pavement systems in highly urbanized context currently. Therefore, this study aims to design and comprehensively evaluate the environmental performance of the commonly adopted pavement systems in highly urbanized context using lifecycle assessment (LCA) technique through a case in Hong Kong. According to the codes and practices of Hong Kong, two pavement systems including flexible and rigid pavements were designed based on the same road section. After that interviews with structured questionnaire were conducted to collect relevant practical information of pavement construction and maintenance from the relevant professional bodies and experts for the subsequent LCA of such designs. The LCA results reveal that the two mid-point impacts of global warming potential and mineral extraction are 21% and 54% higher for rigid pavement than for flexible pavement. Yet, the end-point results indicate that flexible pavement is associated with 64%, 65%, and 69% higher human health impact, ecosystem quality damage, and resource damage, respectively. Material production and transportation contribute significantly to the total impact in the two pavement systems. For instance, it is about 57% and 97% of the total global warming potential for flexible and rigid pavements, respectively. The overall results demonstrated that 49% higher total impact was found for flexible pavement than rigid pavement. Therefore, the use of more recycled and environmentally friendly materials can potentially enhance the environmental sustainability of both pavement systems. The findings should provide useful information to the design and selection of sustainable pavement structures in resource-scarce highly-urbanized cities.
17. Phytoextraction of heavy metals after application of bottom ash and municipal sewage sludge considering the risk of environmental pollution
Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 306, 15 March 2022, 114517
Waste management to reduce the loss of natural resources has become a basis of sustainable development and a circular economy. When using waste, the heavy metal (HM) concentration must be taken into account since HMs can be potentially released to the environment, posing a toxicity threat. The aim of the study was thus to estimate the availability for plants of Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb introduced into the soil with waste. We hypothesized that the prepared waste mixtures containing coal or biomass ash and municipal sewage sludge would reduce the environmental risk compared to the studied waste used separately. The research was conducted during a 6-year field experiment with grasses and legumes. HM concentration in soil, waste, and plant biomass; tolerance index; and uptake of HMs by plants were measured. The ash–sludge mixtures had a more favourable effect on the soil in terms of pHKCl, TOC, total nitrogen, and total exchangeable bases than the waste used separately. This provided beneficial conditions for plant growth and development. Consequently, the ash–sludge mixtures increased the plant yield as compared to ash alone, while the mixture containing the biomass ash also enhanced the yield in relation to the sewage sludge. The study showed that the mixtures allowed for a reduction of environmental risk arising from the HM input with waste to the soil. It was proven that HM availability for plants could be beneficially modified by mixing waste. Combining the coal ash with the sewage sludge is particularly recommended, owing to the unfavourable properties of coal ash for plants. The application of the higher dose of the coal ash–sludge mixture showed a better effect than the lower dose, while the influence of both doses of the biomass ash–sludge mixture was similar. Under the ash–sludge treatment, plants took up more HM than under the ash used separately, and the HM concentration in the obtained biomass did not generally exceed that observed under single wastes. This should reduce the accumulation of HMs in the soil during a long-term use of the waste and facilitates the utilisation of the produced biomass.
1. The two-stage factors driving changes in China’s industrial SO2 emission intensity: A production-theoretical decomposition analysis
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 814, 25 March 2022, 152426
Exploring the efficiency and technology related driving factors of China’s industrial sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission intensity change from a staged perspective is significant for reducing emissions in an efficient way. This study shows how efficiency and technology related factors at two stages, cleaner production and end-of-pipe treatment, influence changes in China’s industrial SO2 emission intensity, by implementing a two-stage production-theoretical decomposition analysis (PDA) approach. The empirical research was conducted by decomposing changes in China’s industrial SO2 emission intensity during 2011–2015. The results show that potential pollution intensity and treatment technological change substantially benefited the industrial SO2 emission intensity reduction, while changes in the treatment technical efficiency largely inhibited decreases in the industrial SO2 emission intensity. At the regional level, the decrease in industrial SO2 emission intensity created by production technological change occurred in the eastern and north-eastern regions, while this factor increased industrial SO2 emission intensity in the western and central regions. This study also found that changes in treatment technological change reduced industrial SO2 emission intensity in all four regions. Based on the decomposition results, this paper makes targeted policy recommendations for different levels of governments.
2. A review on utilization of industrial by-products in the production of controlled low strength materials and factors influencing the properties
Construction and Building Materials, Volume 325, 28 March 2022, 126704
Disposal of industrial by-products and waste materials in the landfills is posing environmental pollution apart from incurring huge economical cost. Some of these materials could be effectively used in developing structural and non-structural cementitious materials. There are several non-structural applications of concrete, such as filling construction cavities and blinding concrete under the structural members, which requires low to very low strength concrete known as controlled low strength material (CLSM). In a move towards reducing greenhouse gasses generated by the production of cement and effectively using industrial by-products, several natural and waste materials are being utilized in the production of CLSM as a partial replacement of cement and aggregate. These include fly ash, natural pozzolan, silica fume, ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) and a host of other industrial wastes. In the recent past, the use of CLSM as a cost effective, as well as labor and timesaving alternative for compacted earth backfill has grown substantially. This article presents a review on the utilization of various industrial by-products for the development of CLSM and their influence on the fresh and hardened properties. Although several industrial by products have been used in the production of CLSM, fly ash has been extensively utilized for this purpose with great success due to its favorable morphology that is beneficial in obtaining feasible fresh and hardened properties. The results of various studies demonstrate that the type of industrial waste in the development of CLSM as both partial replacement of cement or aggregate and mix proportion greatly influences the fresh and hardened characteristics of CLSM. A suitable mix proportion for a particular industrial waste is possible to produce sustainable CLSM with desired properties. The review also identifies several other industrial waste materials that can incorporated for developing sustainable CLSM such as construction and demolition waste. Further, a comprehensive analysis of influence of various parameters on the properties of CLSM in this review possibly will form a basis for future research in this area for sustainable development in the prevailing environmental crises.
3. Does China’s state-owned sector lead industrial transformation and upgrading?
Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 338, 1 March 2022, 130412
This study investigates the impact of the state-owned sector on industrial transformation and upgrading as well as its mechanisms. Using provincial panel data for China from 2001 to 2019, we found that SOEs have a positive influence on value-enhancing upgrading, while the effects on resource-saving and environment-friendly upgrading are inverted U-shaped. These results indicate that innovation partially mediates the relationship between SOEs and the three types of industrial upgrading. Employing Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), we also measured the Malmquist index of SOEs and non-SOEs in China and empirically tested the spillover effects of SOEs. The empirical results reveal a significant innovation spillover effect of SOEs. SOEs are able to promote industrial transformation and upgrading with strong and far-reaching spillovers.
4. Asymmetric impact of renewable and non-renewable energy on the industrial sector in Pakistan: Fresh evidence from Bayesian and non-linear ARDL
Renewable Energy, Volume 187, March 2022, Pages 944-957
For the last two decades, Pakistan has faced various economic obstacles, the most significant of which is the sluggish pace of industrial expansion caused by the energy crisis. To close this gap, Pakistan’s government has made several efforts to save energy and lower the country’s power shortage in recent years. To bridge this gap, we concentrate on a few key drivers to demonstrate vibrant recommendations and evidence to policymakers. In this context, the study investigates the asymmetric relationship between renewable energy consumption (REC), non-renewable energy (NRE), terrorism, inflation, and international trade in the industrial sector from 1970 to 2018 in Pakistan. We employed a novel co-integration approach known as a Nonlinear Autoregressive Distributed Lag (NARDL) model with the Bayesian approach. The results show that the industrial sector is increasing due to positive shocks in REC, whereas negative shock in REC decreases significantly at a 5% level. Additionally, NRE, terrorism, and inflation are positive and have a long-term substantial effect on the industrial sector. The results suggest that the most effective strategy for Pakistan is to combat terrorism and vigorously promote renewable energy, highlighting its advantages to the environment and industrial development while avoiding non-renewable resources.
5. Spatial-temporal patterns and evolution characteristics of the coordinated development of industrial economy, natural resources and environment in China
Resources Policy, Volume 75, March 2022, 102463
Development of the industrial economy inevitably causes consumption of natural resources and destruction of the ecological environment. How to coordinate these three subsystems is an important issue for the sustainable economic growth of all countries. Against this background, this paper discusses the spatial-temporal patterns and evolutionary characteristics of the coordinated development of China’s industrial economy, resources and environment. Based on Chinese provincial panel data from 2004 to 2017, an indicator system is constructed, and the degree of coordinated development of the industrial economy, resources and the environment is analyzed by the entropy method, coupling coordination degree model and spatial autocorrelation method. The findings show that in China and its three main regions, the overall trends of the industrial economy, natural resources and environmental quality subsystems are increasing year by year, with linear, segmented, and fluctuating growth types respectively. The degree of coupling coordination among the three systems is generally on the rise but still at a low level; its spatial pattern shows a decreasing trend from the eastern region to the central and western region, a high trend in the south region and a low trend in the north region. And the coupling coordination displays positive spatial autocorrelation, the high-high agglomeration is mainly distributed in the eastern coastal areas, and the low-low agglomeration is mainly distributed in the western regions. Finally, based on the research findings, this paper proposes relevant policy recommendations to promote the sustainable development of China’s industrial economy, resources and environment.
6. Difference in the drivers of industrial carbon emission costs determines the diverse policies in middle-income regions: A case of northwestern China
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 155, March 2022, 111942
Carbon reduction actions may cause regions that recently entered the middle-income threshold to fall into “ecological poverty”. Identifying the factors driving industrial carbon emission costs (ICECs) growth is difficult and important for achieving “peak carbon dioxide emissions” and “carbon neutrality” goals. This study considers the northwestern provinces (NWPs) of China as a case, innovatively adopts the ecological service value (ESV) to convert the physical cost of industrial carbon emissions (PCICE) to the cost value of industrial carbon emissions (CVICE). The logarithmic mean Divisia index decomposition method is employed to analyze the impacts of the carbon emission coefficient, energy intensity, industrial structure, population size and economic factors on ICECs. Consequently, PCICE and CVICE in NWPs are increased, and CVICE is faster. The energy intensity and population size factors inhibit the increase in CVICE, and the energy intensity factor effect is stronger, the average contribution rate is in [-14.63%, −111.91%]. The carbon emission coefficient factor has a significant positive effect on CVICE, the average contribution rate is in [75.91%, 409.72%]. The economic and industrial structure factors have different effects on the direction and average contribution rate of CVICE in different provinces, the economic factor effect is obvious. The results show that the factors driving ICECs changes in middle-income regions are different. This study provides a novel theoretical framework and ideas for formulating diversified carbon emission reduction policies. It has important practical significance for different middle-income regions worldwide to formulate carbon emission reduction policies based on actual industrial economic development.
7. An evaluation of the photochemical air quality modeling using CMAQ in the industrial area of Quintero-Puchuncavi-Concon, Chile
Atmospheric Pollution Research, Volume 13, Issue 3, March 2022, 101336
The air pollution has impacted for years the population and the ecosystem in the industrial area located in Quintero, Puchuncavi, and Concon counties, the coastal area of Central Chile. In this study, we used the WRF-SMOKE-CMAQ model system to evaluate the photochemical modeling of PM10, PM2.5, and O3. The industrial and the residential wood combustion sources were the main contributors of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and volatile organic compounds. The small diurnal temperature cycle, the high relative humidity and the low wind speed profiles exposed the meteorological condition of the coastal lows during the period of analysis. The daily average concentrations for PM10 and PM2.5 ranged from 24.03 to 50.10 μg/m3 and 15.60–21.95 μg/m3 for observed registries; meanwhile, the simulated results were in the range of 22.71–40.62 μg/m3 and 5.49–17.29 μg/m3, respectively. The omission of missing sources in the emission inventory and the default values in the boundary condition could be one of the reasons on the underprediction obtained. The best performance for O3 occurred in the Quintero and Sur stations, located near industrial sources with high NOx and VOC emissions. In the industrial complex, PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations were 10–30 μg/m3 lower when the industrial emissions were shut down and a negligible difference was observed when the residential wood combustion emissions were not considered. Future air quality modeling must be performed in the same region for other periods like the Summer season. Also, the emission inventory from all sources needs to be accurate with more accurate temporal profiles.
8. Proposal of an assessment tool to diagnose industrial symbiosis readiness
Sustainable Production and Consumption, Volume 30, March 2022, Pages 916-929
This paper aims to present an original assessment tool developed to diagnose industrial symbiosis (IS) readiness. It is expected that industries with greater symbiotic readiness are more likely to have success in implementing a circular business model. A bibliographic analysis was conducted in order to identify the IS variables and dimensions, mentioned in the literature, as necessary for implementation of a circular business model. Two dimensions were defined in this study: (i) exchange resources and (ii) exchange capacity. The exchange resources dimension diagnoses the company’s ability to have the necessary exchange resources to IS implementation (water, energy, by-products, and waste). The exchange capacity dimension diagnoses the company’s enabler factors to IS implementation (trust, information, access conditions, and infrastructure). After the definition of dimensions and their respective variables, an assessment tool to diagnose industrial symbiosis readiness was developed. The assessment tool is presented as a checklist format – Symbiotic Readiness Checklist (SRC). This was applied to six co-located industries in the State of São Paulo (Brazil). The proposed SRC could be used to: (a) diagnose the readiness of companies or organizations to implement industrial symbiosis; (b) be a tool in enterprise or organizational strategic planning; (c) assist the development of mechanisms to measure the number of resources consumed and waste produced in the supply chain; (d) assess the circularity of resources.
9. Industrial robots and air environment: A moderated mediation model of population density and energy consumption
Sustainable Production and Consumption, Volume 30, March 2022, Pages 870-888
The relationship between new digital manufacturing technologies (also known as Industry 4.0) and environmental performance has become a subject of interest for both academia and policymakers. An analysis of the impact of robot usage on air environment mediated by energy consumption and moderated by population density is developed and tested using a longitudinal dataset from 74 countries and regions worldwide during 1993–2019. We find the use of robots exacerbates air pollution and climate warming because enhanced productivity and energy efficiency in light of robot usage offer an incentive to expand production and consumption, and thus increase total energy consumption that finally leads to air deterioration. By decomposing the total effect into the direct and the indirect effect, we find that, though industrial robots weakly contribute to reduction in greenhouse gas emission, the indirect adverse impact dominates the direct benefit. In addition, the nexus between robot usage and air environment is conditional on population density which, at large, mitigates the direct effect while amplifies the indirect effect of the adoption of robots on air environment. This study emphasizes the importance of energy consumption and population density in understanding the mechanisms underlying the relationship between robot usage and air environment, which provides both theoretical and practical implications for the balance of industrial intelligentization and ecological environment.
10. Effects of living in industrial and vehicular traffic areas and increasing of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic diseases in children
Urban Climate, Volume 42, March 2022, 101095
We investigated the 123 male children from Ahvaz, average age 7.56, and its relation with metalloids’ levels in children’s blood. In this study, seven metalloids (As, Cd, Cr, Co, Hg, Ni and Pb) in children blood were measured and calculated non-cancer and cancer risks due to metalloids exposure atmosphere regions including industrial (Padad), vehicle traffic (Golestan) and reference (Kianpars). The higher concentrations of metals in the Padad ambient air As, Cd, Co, Cr, Hg and Ni coincided with the higher concentrations of the same metals in exposed children (P < 0.05) versus the reference. Children in Golestan had the highest blood lead concentrations (P < 0.05). Non-cancer risk (HIinhal) of atmospheric metalloids in the Padad were 1.78 times (P < 0.001) and cancer risk (ILCRinhal) assigned to As, Co, Cd and Ni were 112.1, 1.66, 1.81 and 1.55 times, respectively higher than those of Kianpars. The spatial distribution of children’s blood metalloids concentrations showed an abnormal increase of 12–35 ng/mL, 5–10 ng/mL, 15–35 ng/mL, 5–10.5 μg L−1, 1–3.5 μg L−1 and 12–40 ng/mL for BAs, BCd, BCo, BCr, BHg and BNi respectively in the industrial area which children in the industrial area are prone to chronic diseases.
11. Marginal abatement costs of industrial CO2 emissions and their influence factors in China
Sustainable Production and Consumption, Volume 30, March 2022, Pages 930-945
Accurately estimating the marginal abatement costs (MAC) is the premise for promoting carbon reduction. We applied the quadratic directional distance function to calculate the MAC of CO2 emissions of 37 industries in China covering 2005-2016. Based on the estimation, we investigated the influencing factors of the MAC and assessed how policy implications suggested in this paper reflect the environmental performance. The results indicated: (1) The average MAC of reducing CO2 emission in China increased from 9.26 thousand yuan/tonCO2 (1.45 thousand USD/tonCO2) in 2005 to 54.04 thousand yuan/tonCO2 in 2016, with an average value of 16.73 thousand yuan/tonCO2. (2) Theindustries with higher MAC are distributed in light industries and technology-intensive industries. (3) There is a robust U-shaped relationship between carbon intensity and the MAC. In addition, capital stock, energy efficiency, energy infrastructure, and environmental policy positively influence MAC, while industrial output, energy consumption structure and openness are negatively correlated with MAC. (4) Increasing energy efficiency and openness degree can improve environmental performance, while industrial output, energy consumption structure, and energy infrastructure have a negative influence on environmental performance.
12. Industrial agglomeration measured by plants’ distance and CO2 emissions: Evidence from 268 Chinese prefecture-level cities
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 176, March 2022, 121469
Industrial agglomeration has a significant effect on carbon emissions. However, studies based on economic indicators seldom adequately addressed the underlying mechanisms (e.g., infrastructure and technology sharing, joint administration), which are often determined by the physical distance between plants. By calculating the distances between plants, the factory scatter index (FSI) was developed to reflect industrial agglomeration. Using a spatial econometric model, we investigated the relationship between the FSI and CO2 emissions in 268 Chinese cities during 1998–2013. The results demonstrate that increasing the FSI leads to an increase in total CO2 emissions and CO2 emission intensity. Differences between this result and those obtained with conventional indicators (e.g., factory density) suggest that the FSI may be more appropriate as a method of formulating spatial optimization guidelines for carbon reduction. Further spatial coupling analyses divided this spatial relationship into four types and explained their changes over time. The results may provide local governments with another possible option to reduce carbon emissions by shortening inter-factory distance, and could additionally help them to understand the implications of the spatial pattern of factories on current carbon emissions and the sensitivity of future carbon emission reduction to the likely pattern of future industrialization.
13. The dynamic effect of environmental regulation on firms’ energy consumption behavior-Evidence from China’s industrial firms
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 156, March 2022, 111966
To mitigate the climate change and reduce energy consumption, the Chinese government has applied a variety of polices during the last two decades. Based on data from Industrial enterprises emission and pollution database (IEPED) and Annual Survey of Industrial Firms (ASIF), this study takes Energy Saving and Emission Reduction Plan (ESER) since 2006 as a policy shock to explore the impact of the ESER on industrial firms’ energy consumption behavior. The result shows: Firstly, ESER encourages industrial firms to consume less coal, petroleum and natural gas on average. Secondly, by dividing the firms into several groups by the ownership structure, the firm size and the firm age, this paper finds different firms have different strategies in terms of changing their energy consumption to respond ESER. For example, public firms work harder on reducing coal and petroleum consumption per production while private firms prefer to use more natural gas per production. Thirdly, the dynamic effect analysis portrays that traditional fossil fuel intensity declines immediately after energy conversation policy, while the negative effect on industrial firms’ natural gas intensity could occur with some delay. Lastly, in terms of total energy consumption, average coal and petroleum consumption of polluted industries and that of non-polluted industries have no difference after the policy. In addition, ESER only has a short-term effect on energy consumption. These results are helpful in understanding how to design an efficient environmental regulation system and protect the environment simultaneously.
14. Bioelectrochemical systems-based metal recovery: Resource, conservation and recycling of metallic industrial effluents
Environmental Research, Volume 204, Part D, March 2022, 112346
Metals represent a large proportion of industrial effluents, which due to their high hazardous nature and toxicity are responsible to create environmental pollution that can pose significant threat to the global flora and fauna. Strict ecological rules compromise sustainable recovery of metals from industrial effluents by replacing unsustainable and energy-consuming physical and chemical techniques. Innovative technologies based on the bioelectrochemical systems (BES) are a rapidly developing research field with proven encouraging outcomes for many industrial commodities, considering the worthy options for recovering metals from industrial effluents. BES technology platform has redox capabilities with small energy-intensive processes. The positive stigma of BES in metals recovery is addressed in this review by demonstrating the significance of BES over the current physical and chemical techniques. The mechanisms of action of BES towards metal recovery have been postulated with the schematic representation. Operational limitations in BES-based metal recovery such as biocathode and metal toxicity are deeply discussed based on the available literature results. Eventually, a progressive inspection towards a BES-based metal recovery platform with possibilities of integration with other modern technologies is foreseen to meet the real-time challenges of viable industrial commercialization.
15. Risk modeling of an industrial area with shared storage of several buildings using downside risk constraint method considering peer-to-peer trading
Journal of Energy Storage, Volume 47, March 2022, 103540
The Peer-to-peer (P2P) trading strategy is one of the valuable methods that could be used in various local electricity markets with different aims, such as peak shaving and energy cost reduction. In this paper, due to the enforcement of financial risks, a risk evaluation procedure called the downside risk constraint (DRC) method is applied to analyze the effects of the P2P method and shared storage trading in an industrial area in both risk-neutral risk-averse models. The industrial zone includes various buildings that are connected to each other and include different DERs. The investigation is performed in three separate cases: base case, P2P case, and P2P+shared storage case. According to the obtained results, for a high-level risk, we need to spend more currency to keep the system’s security at a high level. For example, the amount of achieved cost in the risk-averse model is 816,000$ in the third case. Besides, the potential savings are attained in electricity costs; for instance, in the risk-neutral model, 14.8% of electricity cost is reduced in the second and 21.5% in the third cases. The reduction of electricity price is because the amount of purchasing power from the grid is declined with the help of DERs.
16. Game analysis on the choice of emission trading among industrial enterprises driven by data
Energy, Volume 239, Part E, 15 January 2022, 122447
The construction and promotion of emission trading information platform makes it possible for enterprises to collect and use emission rights and other data. How to conduct game analysis for industrial enterprises’ emission trading under data driven has become an effective basis and inevitable trend to assist enterprises to achieve emission reduction and optimal decision-making. However, existing game methods are not used for comprehensive optimal decision for enterprises based on these data. Therefore, this paper integrates dynamic game and data to effectively solve optimal choice in the process of emission trading among industrial enterprises. The bargaining dynamic game model and forward reasoning method are proposed to realize the game analysis of emission trading among enterprises in the secondary market based on the data mining or evaluation of pollutant emissions, market price and marginal revenue of emission rights and initial emission rights by Support Vector Regression (SVR), Linear Regression (LR) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Taking six industrial enterprises in Tianjin as an example, this paper analyzes the optimal trading price, trading volume and object of emission trading among different enterprises under different loss factors.
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